How Concerned should I be, about being around people ... - NRAS


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How Concerned should I be, about being around people who seem to be getting sick, like colds etc....I know that that the MXT suppresses..

LuckysJoy profile image
24 Replies

your immune system, and I find even though I have been on it a week, and my 2nd dose is this Wednesday, I am becoming a bit neurotic about Germs, I have already had issues with door handles and surfaces in public, but it just seem more so now, Any suggestions.....

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LuckysJoy profile image
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24 Replies

I know exactly how you feel. I am sure MTX made me neurotic to begin with!

But don't despair. You will get used to it. The MTX not the neurosis!

We have regular blood tests to check our white blood cells, etc. And if we get an infection, we just stop the MTX for a little while, then start again.

There are thousands of people on MTX. It is safe if it is used properly and the tests are done. Get regular flu jabs every autumn.

So touch a few door handles and see what happens. Probably nothing at all!

Good luck and hope the benefits soon show how useful it is for RA.

LuckysJoy profile image

Thanks for your answer and Suggestions I suppose in being new to this particular med, I was a bit worried, as I already take 5 tablets in am 6 on Folic acid days and in Evening I take 8 pills 9 on MTX nights, I feel Like a Pez Dispenser LOL

This has been on my mind too since starting mtx on Friday. The first chance I had I bought a bottle of hand sanitizer for in the car and tissues. I'm washing my hands lots and avoiding touching my face where possible. Now my 20 yr old son has walked in with a raging cold and sore throat!!! Short of dipping him in Detol and banishing him to his room I've decided to try to relax a bit and take sensibe precautions. I worry because I'm asthmatic but I think it's going to take a little while to get used to things.

Paula x

Gina_K profile image
Gina_K in reply to


You won't catch stuff like that, other than what u would normally,the thingis if you do get something like a chest infectin, r suspect chest infection, you have to temporarily for a week r two stop mtx and take anti biot. Probably be more vigilant with regard to colds, to date this is not the type of thing I have got. Would be more a paper cut would take longer to heal, nothing mega!


in reply to Gina_K

Thanks Gina, I've always been a worrier and am trying to learn to chill a little. As for paper cuts..ouch!

LuckysJoy profile image

Hi I did the same things I had to use a strangers phone the other day and I wiped it all down with a antibacterial cloth before I used it, I have always kind of been a germ a phob but this is a little scary


Please both relax - I've been on it for six months and my OH keeps commenting on how ridiculously healthy I always am. He's had a fluy cold (despite having the flu jab for work) and several normal colds and my boys have too and all i've suffered to date is one very nasty head cold in New Year and a tummy bug, probably the Noro virus a few months ago but it only lasted one night. I travelled down south recently spending 6 hours in a car each way with two women incubating heavy colds and didn't get so much as a sneeze or a tricky swallow on my return. I asked my GP if this was because my immune system was too efficient still but he didn't really seem to know? But I'm back down to 6 tablets a week only because of my liver. TTx

I'd been wondering about the over efficient immune system too Tilda. I never seemed to pick up colds or bugs and hardly ever needed anti biotics. Perhaps if I'd had them a bit more often my immune system wouldn't be so good at attacking me now? It's probably totally wrong but makes you think. Hope your tricky liver just needs a little rest and starts behaving. My rheumy said he hoped 6 tablets would be my regular dose but we'll see. Lisa, I'm hopeful we'll both become less paranoid when we've had a little time to get used to being on mtx. For now I'll keep using the hand wash lol. x

Gina_K profile image

I have never bothered taking anything other than the usual precautions,you can't live like that you would become a recluse and never use public transport ATM machines etc, if you are goingto catch something you will!

Be hygienic, but common sense has to revail . I recently had to visit 3 separate large hospitals in a week, what can you do. No, I certainly will take my chances...

The only thing I am a bit ikky about and this is weird, you knw when you press the pedestrian button at traffic lights/ crossing, that must be full f germs!!!

If you are goingto go your time is up, on that happy note I'll bd adieu. Stress will probably in my opinion be the most dangerous thing we can encounter with RA!,,,

lve ya lots (damn iPad keeps skipping sry)


Gina_K profile image

That is common sense 'has to prevail' lol

Gina_K profile image

Ps. I hate to tempt fate, I am on mtx 4 years now,and have never been so healthy , other than the elephant in the room.

I get ccasional quicks on finger nails that are slower to heal, and some mouth ulcers, other than that tikkety boo. Fingers crossed, touch wood etc.


CaroleHe profile image

I agree with Gina. I have enough to think about already without worrying too much about germs. I haven' t changed my life at all. I am frequently in children's day nurseries for my work and still interact with the children just like I always have. I don't seem to have become any more susceptible to infections since I started on the DMARDS.

Carole x

LuckysJoy profile image

Thanks for all the comments and stories, all good to hear, And Thanks because a few made me smile, I will give it some time and see what happens, But i will still be as I always have been even before this, Things like opening the bathroom door with toilet paper in public toilets after washing my hands, That i think all just came from studying Microbiology, eeewwww x

helixhelix profile image

I've been on several immunosuppressants for several years and I'm still going strong so don't panic. The only thing I've noticed is that you need to keep cuts clean - but then I do a lot of gardening so always have scrapes even tho' I do try to wear gloves. And I do get told off a bit for that if I see doc & I'm covered in plasters.

Get a pneumococcal jab and an annual flu vaccine, and then just carry on as normal (whatever your normal bugbear is shaking hands both cos it hurts and cos I think people don't wash their hands enough) The only thing to avoid is people with chicken pox! Px

We need all some germs to keep our resistance up so better to just carry on as normal. But I agree with Polly about shaking hands - I wear splints now if I think there is a chance of this but that's because it hurts as well as the germ thingy! TTx

cathie profile image

I apologise for lack of delicacy, but wash hands before picking nose and touching food and mouth. Just being a bit realistic!

walshie profile image

No need to worry if I get a cold or any infection my GP gives some Antibiotics and I stop taking MTX not a problem. I am in the UK and a good relationship with your GP makes all of this worry free. As previously said have flu jabs etc. Infections are so rare in my case that I do not worry any more as I have set up a system with my DR.

LuckysJoy profile image

I too live n the UK and I have been really Blessed with , a wonderful gp, and also Rheumy doc, and even my Chemist, she is lovely they put together the dds packs for me each week, I can not imagine trying to remember all these pills, I do notice as was mentioned, shaking hands, some people just squeeze to hard, and some days I dont even want to be touched it hurts so bad, I think maybe I should kind of avoid this situation. x

Shelley1701 profile image

Hi. I take MTX and I work as a cleaner so you can probably imagine how many germs I come into contact with on a daily basis. I make sure I wash my hands after and carry a small bottle of anti bacterial gel in my handbag. So far I've only had a cold, caught I believe from a girl I was on a course with at Remploy and that winter vomiting bug which I most likely got from visiting my mother who was in hospital with it. So don't worry too much.Yes our immune systems are compromised but normal day to day hygiene should be enough.

LuckysJoy profile image

Thanks so Much for Your reply, all The support helps to ease my mind

best of Luck


dapper profile image

i seem to have had less colds than anyone else around me since ive been on it ,and when i do get one its gone really quickly ,

Tissee profile image

Gina_K - don't touch the wood!!

I work in a school so also come into contact with loads of germs. I'm notorious for grumbling at people who come to work coughing and sneezing everywhere plus I spray Dettol on keyboards, photocopiers etc every other day. Strangely, I'm the least 'sick' person in my office, haha!

Having said that, I've spent long journeys on planes and happily gone to other parts of the world without thinking to check up on my innoculations. Oops!

Anyway, common sense generally is your best weapon.

Ladybird47 profile image

I have to agree with you peeps who say you have no problem as far as catching colds infections etc since taking immune suppressant drugs. I have looked after my 3 grandchildren in turn over the last few weeks they have had viruses and i have had no problems.

My only problem since starting S/zalazine 10 yrs ago and now MTX for the last 2 yrs is i have been attacked by Warts on my hands and Verrucas on feet, i have tried everything to no avail to get rid of them. The Dermatologist i have seen tells me its because my immune system is compromised by the MTX so it's not fighting the HPV virus off. I am waiting for an appointment from Hope Hospital in Manchester from a Dermo who specialises in this virus, i am hoping she will have some suggestions as MTX limits what can be done. The warts really get me down, here's hoping anyway.;) Take care all (((())) Ladybird

LuckysJoy profile image

Hello Ladybird47 (sorry, dont know ur name) I just wanted to say, I read your posting, and I feel really bad for you, How awful to have to deal with that, and as You said not to mention, the limitations of treatment on the HPV, i hope they find something they can do, As if, You need something else to deal with right? I empathize with your situation, That, I find seems to be the prob with MTX, it limits so many treatments for other things. Good luck when you see the specialist, Let me know how that goes, Hope well.

Lisa ((hugs))

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