ipad or kindle .... what should I do?: Hi Everybody I... - NRAS


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ipad or kindle .... what should I do?

abednegomonkey profile image
24 Replies

Hi Everybody

I am an avid book reader and am now finding reading books in bed, very heavy!! I do love my little apple mac... but it's a little large for sitting around in waiting rooms!

I wonder how others are finding technology. I do enjoy reading everyones posts on here - it is so encouraging when you find others working through similar problems and I have had so much support from everyone. I know the internet often gets bad press, but I think for all of us on here, it is worth it's weight in gold.

I am now successfully on Humira... so far so good (3 months in). Just waiting for a knee to be sorted out!

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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abednegomonkey profile image
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24 Replies

Hi Anne

Well it's funny you should ask. My other half asked me if I wanted one for my birthday, so I have tried my fiends kindle and I think it's fine,but even then after a while holding it makes my hands ache, but not as bad as some books! I would love one. But not having tried an ipad I'm not sure how they compare? You get Internet on ipad's I am a big ignorant of these. Trouble is I don't think we can afford either at the moment! It will be interesting to see what other think. Good question.

Glad to see the Humira is work and you are enjoying the site, like what I do!:-) it's been a huge support and so helpful and informative.

You take care too and have a nice one :-)

Julie xx

yes julie too afford one would be nice !will stick to a magazine or paper back.

. but if I could afford one the pharmact reg body is making their learning material kindle based. apple system not compatible with i pad.. think sony make their own one too X

Think tescos has one off these reading book variant devices for about £120.. remember monkey.. be a wise monkey chose carefully and spend money well look for internet reviews and /or get demo before buying.. they are crafty all the systems are stand alone bit like old vhs versus betamax.. what sells best will eventually corner market aka dvd versus blueray etc x

We have both in the wider family - the kids have iPads and we got my Mum a Kindle for Xmas. The Kindle is lighter, much cheaper (£111 on Amazon and at John Lewis) and if you've already got a laptop then you won't need another computer (iPads start at £399].

My Mum is 80 and has very arthritic hands but finds it fine and it fits in her handbag for train journeys. She, like I, uses a bookrest when reading in bed as that saves holding anything - mine is part of a bed tray thingy and my Mum uses her cookbook stand!

Hope this helps:-)

Cece x

ps I've put a Kindle on my birthday list for later in the summer.

in reply to

This sounds great Cece. I think I will try and persuade RH Leader it's a goer for my birthday! They do seem expensive, how much do the books cost on average, or is that like asking how long is a piece of string?

Bookrest and bed traything also on list! :-)

thanks Julie xx

Sharon56 profile image
Sharon56 in reply to

Brilliant u will love it and so pleased to hear your Mum loves hers.

Gina_K profile image

Not Ipad quite heavy at moment new slimmer version coming, my advice would be to wait. Also you can't read on either of them in sunlight , and I think they are working on that - I'm waiting to see what they come up with & for them to get cheaper like plasma tvs are now. The majority of book sales on amazon are now ibooks, so looks like its the way forward! I love a new book tho! Reading a fab book called Freedom by Jonaton Franzen at moment took me a while but a great read.

in reply to Gina_K

I read a lot too, when I can stay awake. Just trawling through 7 days in December by Sebastian Faulkes. Good. I like to use my local book shop though, because I am avid fan ot local shops and nice little towns, but I do use Amazon when I am hard up!

Julie xx

Hi there, my son as the new ipad 2 the slimmer version as Gina said, he thinks its fab. It would depend on what you use it for most, if you read and go on the internet a lot then the ipad 2 would be the one, book downloads are same as kindle. But, if you only want it for reading the it would be cost effective just to get the Kindle as they are much cheaper.

Good luck in your choice.


cathie profile image

I've got both, I'm ashamed to admit!

If I had to choose, its the ipad I use the most as you can read kindle books on it plus its got internet, email, games, photos, also a thing called brushes you can use to paint. Its true, what Gina says, that the first model was rather heavy, but I think the new version is lighter. And its great for going in for treatment as you can use it with one hand. Huge books of course weigh as much as little ones electronically, so you can read War and Peace in bed!

in reply to cathie

Ah right Cathie. Now I am undecided again.... useful info tho. thanks.

Julie xx

cathie profile image

You also get lots of out of copyright books on either, I think. Trollope, Zola, and Winnie the Pooh!

I havent investigated it yet, but they also do audio books which is good. The ipad's sound is quite good, it includes an ipod so you can play music while reading your book. I'm a bit of a geek I have to admit.

The latest Kindles can be read easily in bright sunlight - as the others say it depends what you want it for. I'm already oversupplied in the laptop and main computer stakes and buy audio books on my ipod for in the car, but am finding books give me wrist and thumb pain and as I'm an avid reader it's becoming more of a problem. The books are a similar price to paperbacks for the latest books and there is a back catalogue.

Cece x

I too was looking to buy a kindle however my mobile phone broke so I bought a new phone first. I picked a htc wildfire mainly due to the touch screen and me not being able to use keys anymore :'(

I am so glad I did along with all the other amazing free apps you can download kindle for android and other book reader apps. I now use kobo and find it fab with thousands of free to read books. So at moments like this when I can't sleep (back pain) it has come in so handy and the best thing was the phone was only £110 the kindle was more expensive loving my new phone in fact this is how I am responding now on my phone.:) good luck in finding what's right for you x x Julie x x

sylvi profile image

I too have trouble reading, but my problem is now concentration. I like doing puzzle books as well, but can't hold a pen for long. All these new gadgets that are about confuse me. I would like one that does it all. Thats being greedy isn't it. I'm on benefits so can't afford all these fancy things. I'd like a laptop, but where does one start, All these young people are so savvy they don't want to waste time having to go through it with people like who have to be shown more than once. I get from my kids that you press this button then that one and they expect you to know it. Sorry but i don't get it at once or even the third time. My computer is old, but it does the job, but i would like a laptop thats easy to use and have an idiots guide as well. I have enough trouble with ra without having to have a degree in how to use all these different gadgets. Well folks thats my rant over. If anyone has any ideas please post them. Sylvi.xx

mrsb profile image

I have to admit that I also have both, I love my iPad but the kindle is much lighter and it's other advantage is the screen which is much easier to see when reading outside especially when the sun is shining.

abednegomonkey profile image

Thanks for all your helpful comments. I'm thinking for me a kindle is probably the way to go for me, as I really just want it for reading books. I already have laptop for games etc (good time waster.... but I call it relaxing!!). It's my birthday soon... so they'll know what I'd like!!

Silvi, I have to say I have a few friends who have also struggled to learn laptops and new technology however being a trainer at work and having a few years back the job of training everyone in our workplace a computer system because the whole place was being computerised, I had to train people from 16 to 65 some people thinking a mouse was something you fed cheese.

So as everyone has different learning cababilitys I found that the "for dummies" range off books really helped those would would rather learn by having something written down with pictures to help them understand.

Ive even used them myself to help me get through more complecated computer work and really find them amazing however they do usually cost around £16 from wh smiths, however if you have a libary near by you can always lend one.

helixhelix profile image

Hi all,

I'm also just making first steps into e-book world as also find heavy books difficult at times, but with a borrowed kindle for the moment. I've found quite a few places that give you free ones so I'm not planning to buy any books yet & just hope friend won't want Kindle back too soon. What's also made me make the effort is the difference it makes to my 93 yr old mother to have leant how to use the new stuff. She can manage to do her banking & shopping on the internet, and can send emails etc. If it wasn't for that she would have had to go into sheltered housing as she lives by herself in a small village, and she doesn't want to leave her friends and neighbours. So what I learnt from her is that it's worth feeling a bit stupid until you learn new tricks if they're going to improve your life in long run. Polly

Sharon56 profile image

I love my Kindle for reading and my daughter says the I pad is heavier but still great.

dtech profile image

I have a iPad which travels with me as I use it as a laptop and I can swap my books from my kindle to it so use it for both. And has a camera, video and FaceTime Skype facility which I use.But for reading and basic internet use I would go with the kindle fire as it is light etc. my wife has both and she takes the kindle fire with her when we travel. And as above, it's cheaper than the iPad.

dbestdeb profile image

I have both, but always opt for the kindle to read. It is lighter and easier on the eyes for long reading sessions. I love my iPad too, but not for reading.

My choice is and iPad mini. Smaller than the normal iPad, and as well as books to read I have card games I can play e.g. patience, Spider, also dominoes and draughts. I play against the iPad and almost always lose!!

lab-lover profile image

Kindle fire..wonderful, what is a book???????? Seriously, you can read it in the sun, it is lit for night reading, not as heavy as a book, only one hand needed so you can keep the other hand covered up in bed, and, best of all, I must have read hundreds of books...every single on of them FREE.... great choice on Amazon, loads free, loads under a pound, I would not want to be without my wonderful Kindle :) (I haven't read a 'real' book for years)


I've got both too, my kindle HD7 gets used the most tho.

It has internet WiFi and Bluetooth, it links straight to Amazon, so if you have ebooks on your pc through Amazon it will transfer to your kindle, the kindle has apps games Tec and you can transfer music to it, if you have the Amazon cloud player that automatic ally transfers the music in that to the kindle too. Both are great but for reading, weight etc I would go for the kindle HD7

Hope this helps.

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