since taking methatrexate for the last 5 motns I have gained 25 lbs. Has anyone else experienced weight gain?
mtx and weight gain: since taking methatrexate for the... - NRAS
mtx and weight gain

I don't know about mtx,but if your on steroids they will put the weight on darling.xxxx
You are not alone! I've 'ballooned' in 6 months and have had to resort to mail order for cheap winter clothes 2 sizes larger than my very ample normal proportions! I'm hoping to drop at least 28lbs when I come off the 5mg daily Prednisolone: ever the optimist! 🙏
I think it's the pred though, right? I heard prednisone is a weight-gainer. My bro-in-law was super puffy when he was on it after cancer treatment & bone marrow transplant...
I gained 2 Stone after being on steroids for over 1 year and have been on mtx for almost 1 year I also stopped smoking 1 year ago so everything against me i have been trying to loose some weight before I got away on holiday in December as my clothes do not fit me but thank goodness started to loose weight and can get into some of my summer clothes I think you just have to cut down on what you eat but it is very hard as I love my food x
I have gained a bit of weight but I think it's more likely because I can no longer be as active. I used to walk everywhere, having given up driving due to dreadful eyesight but now my feet won't let me go far I also noticed a distinctive 'bulky' feeling when I was on steroids before the mtx started working. With Christmas looming on the horizon it's horrible having to weight watch too isn't it? I still try to go for a little walk as often as I can as it definitely helps.
I did the same thing, but I am one of those people that ALWAYS gains weight - no matter how many people lose weight on something - ha ha..

You are not alone!!!
I asked this same question because I gained about 20lbs. But it doesn't seem like there are any definitive answers. I'm now on Arava which has a POSSIBLE side effect of losing weight and I'm hoping that's the side effect I get! haha. Good luck!
Hi, I put on 2 stone in 2 months when I started on Pred. (30mg). My satiety button switched off and I was hungry all the time! Then I put on another half a stone when I was put on MTX. The Rheumatologist told me that he had not heard of weight gain when it came to MTX but I researched it and it is a lesser known side effect. I showed him the info so next time someone has the same issue with MTX he does not give them the same answer he gave me!
Now on 5mg of Pred and weight is coming off nice a steadily now.
Weight gain doesn't seem to be a listed side effect of mtx but to my bewilderment found out that one of the most common side effects ( FDA reported) of mtx is RA! Mtx is also taken to treat a number of other diseases than RA but it does seem strange that RA is treated with a med that also causes RA!??😳
I have put on weight about 2 stones and it's really hard to shift it I am exercising the most I can do with the deliberating pain of sciatica
Yepper - Me too - Although I saw a website by accident one day that sells MTX by mail as a weight loss drug - Sheesh..