Oooer Misses...: Hi Peeps I thought I had had the sack... - NRAS


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Oooer Misses...

11 Replies

Hi Peeps

I thought I had had the sack! When the site came back on Sunday I couldn't sign in. Still couldn't this morning, but now unfortunately for you, I am back!

Now I have never considered myself to be vain as I often go passed mirrors without looking in them, honestly. But a few days ago I was looking at some old photos, one of me last year at work around April time, and then one on my phone which was taken a few weeks ago. My goodness I looked as if I had aged about 10 years! Droopy eyelids, saggy jowls, and I said to Mr Shepherd (who will now be Mr InBetweenJobs because he has finished lambing) "Look at me, I have got old!" He said, producing a picture of my father, "You're not old, you just look like your Dad". It was taken when Dad was about 75. So thanks a lunch bunch matey. It is now official, I look old! My daughter has spent a fortune on creams for me every Birthday, Christmas, and Mothers Day, I have day cream, night cream, eye cream, serum, scrubs, toner, the lot. Now I have lines where Olay swore I wouldn't get them...

Do you think it's the painkillers and the drugs, or just the sheer stress and strain? Or is it just that I am getting old. But I shouldn't look like I am 75 when I am only 55 next birthday!

I have also noticed that the skin on the back of my hands and up my arms is all wrinkly and dry looking, even though I put lashing of creams on every day?

I don't know, if it's not one thing, it's another.

So despite my newfound steadfastness, and improvement in my mood, I have found something else to be miserable about. It could just be me, couldn't it?

Or am I getting vain... arghhhh spending too much time on my own methinks.

Anyways, I am off to finish picking up the eggies and talk to my girlies, in this beautiful, but sunny afternoon, and I might walk across the field and have a little chat with the new lambs and see how they are getting on. Try not to think about old I look, and how old I feel with my bones aching and craking, and be thankful for who and what I am.

Take care everyone

Julie x

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11 Replies

i panicked couldnt sign on thoght i had been barred!!, it was a technical problem.. i had withdrwawl shakes lol x

in reply to

Oh gosh me toooo! hope you are feeling a bit better Alison x

neck xray this week and hydro

Hi Julie,

I've found that pain is ageing and the drugs can dry your skin out horribly especially steroids. I take a combination of cod liver oil and evening primrose oil (Efamol Marine or Boots own) which works for eczema and works for me, i also drink 2 litres of water a day. Young looking skin is plump and well hydrated so it's worth countering the side effects from the inside out:-) A good concealer works wonders too and always use a high spf sunscreen as a lot of the medication causes photo sensitivity.

Hope you enjoyed the time in the sun with the chickies:-)

Cece x

Hi Julie

I feel really fat at the moment well actually what am I saying I am really FAT!! PUt on a stone with steroids.Weighing 13 stone plus Skin looks like I have terminal cancer ( I dont mean to offend) but honestly its so dry and thin and wrinkly. No elasticicity at all. Worst of all is my hair. I have been dreaming about this one. No kidding- in my dreams Ive been fitted with various wigs that have turned out later in the day to look absolutely horrendous ( all my hair has been hanging out from under them etc) I used to have until about 4 years ago the most amazing thick gorgeous locks. I mean I was noted for having " good hair" ( tongue in cheek)

But now its so thin with awful receding hairline. Could it be the metho? Have just stopped but I really really miss my hair more than my skin if you know what I mean. Do u think it will ever go back? My consultant says its prob to do with my RA rather than meds?????

ps my skin itches all the time too BLAH


in reply to

Hmmm I was hoping it wasn't just me.... and my hair feels a lot thinner, it was always fine. So I use pro age hair thickner shampoo and conditioner and it does help. But it's a b****r it really is ('scuse the language)

I reckon its the meds, I remember a friend of ours years ago had RA and she refused all drugs, but she had absolutely beautiful lovely thick hair and did so right to the end.

Never mind shall have to make the best of what I have!

Hi Fiona

My mum has been on steroids for 18 months she lost her hair and the doc said the steroids caused the hair loss he was the dose age was lowered her hair grew back.....but her lifelong thin fragile wispy hair is now thick and curly!!!

My nurse told me the MTX was the cause of my aged wrinky skin!


I thought so. This is no good, got to cheer up be more positive and make the most of what I have,which is a lot. What a bit of hair and wrinkly skin????

It's a beautifully sunn day today, so I'm off to cream up and get going... (fingers crossed ha) :-)

Hi Julie, whats a few grey hairs and wrinkles when you have RA to deal with? Nothing in reality is it but we don't want to look older than we already feel do we, life's just not fair is it?

Like everyone else as said the drugs are the real problem, all those toxins not nice are they.

Take care chick!

mand xx

metho causes hair loss it is well documented.. sorry.. but if the benefits out way.... i have always have had v thick hair.. so it was less noticable// no longer on methotrexate.. on gold this can cause hair de igmnetation greys.. one box dark blond.. nore like brown!! hair dye later.. steroids keep me plump.. plump equals less wrinkles. steroids wrech.. nails and bones with long term use and high dose.. calcium supplementation advisable,,vitamin e good for skin x

I am only 33 and Ive aged 10 years in the past 2!

Ive put on loads of weight with the steriods

Lost lots of hair with the mthx I did have really thick hair now really limp!

Had to have hair cut off because I can no longer manage my lovely long hair!

On bad days my friends and family says the pain shows in my face and when Ive over done it too!

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