Hi I had my blood test done on monday, then today the hospital rang to say my CRP is 95 !! I have to go tommorow, my body does'nt hurt any more than usual, so she said it could be my heart, now I am worried, Help please, Julie
CRP 95: Hi I had my blood test done on monday, then... - NRAS
CRP 95

Don't panic! 95 isn't totally off the scale. Yes, it's high but not sky high. They're loads of reasons for it to suddenly flip upwards, some simple like an infection somewhere others a bit more complicated. It's good that the hospital have called you back in, and they'll be able to work out what might be causing it and 99.99% of things are easily reversible. As I said recently my Sdaughter was over 200 with an infection recently, and 2 days later was completely fine.
Hi Julie, I don't think your consultant would be very happy with a nurse saying it could be your heart.
CRP levels can go up for numerous reasons which she should be well aware of, the heart is just one of them. It could just as easy be inflammation, infection or a lab error, even the contraceptive pill can cause an increase.
It's normal procedure to retest when there's a sudden increase/reduction in any of the values, try not to worry until you have the results of the second test.
Beth xx
Hi Julie
Try not to panic, although i know its hard. Beth is right, i don't think your consultant would be very happy if he knew she said that to you! My consulant always trys to remind me that any blood test is just a snapshot of how you are right at the minute that your bloods are taken. My CRP has ranged from 400 (yes 400) to the very good for me 22 that it is currently. As far as i know my heart has never been involved. My joints have been very bad over the years and this is why it is soooooo important that if the result is right that they give you something to bring it down eg a pulse etc...
Try to get some good sleep (if poss) as your body heals itself best when you are asleep. Are they re-checking it tomorrow? Quite frequantly i have high results on various blood tests and a few days later they have returned to near normal
Good luck
Ella xx
My recent blood tests were crp 122 & ccp 138. I don't feel bad right now so I don't know for sure what is going on. I have another appointme in June & we will retest & discuss options again. Hope things get better for u soon
Thank you everyone, I felt so much better after reading your replies, doc said he thinks I have a chest infection, so hopefully will start to feel better once the antibiotics kick in,
thanks you
Julie xx
Hi Julie, our levels will always shoot up if we have any infection at all. My ESR has jumped from 18 to 45 due to the inflammation in my shoulder. The other results look pretty normal though. Once the anti biotics get to work, it should begin to come down and when you have your next one, it should be back to normal. LavendarLady x

Hi Julie
Just to add to what others have said here, it's also often about what's high or low for YOU, so it has to be put in context. Some people seem to have a higher 'normal' than others.
Kind regards