I've just had my latest bloods done and they have come back with some abnormal results. I'm sure the Dr will ring and make me an appointment but looking at them it's serum creatinine and it's been increasing over the time I've been on mtx. I believe this is kidney issues. Anyone else had this? I have been doing so well on mtx so I really hope they don't want me to come off it 😔
Kidney problems: I've just had my latest bloods done... - NRAS
Kidney problems

I’m not medically qualified but do not panic, I do have CKD through an injury and has your potassium increased too? Our kidney function does decrease as we age like our teeth, bones and heart does. Creatine also jumps about a bit as well it’s natural. Mine is off the chart recently through hyper kalemia caused by Trimethoprim and so I had the 4th blood test in 3 weeks today. It is recovering so it’s not too worrying but I’m putting of dyalasis as long as possible. A lot of medications are excreted through kidneys but the most common cause of kidney problems is dehydration so make sure your drinking enough and it might just be watching brief. If you go to Kidney Care UK you’ll find a lot of information but they’ll be looking for a trend and the NHS is brilliant at Nephrology. It’s easier for me to see my Nephrologist at the Renal Hospital and quicker than the GP. It truly is a disease no one wants but you might well be looking at nothing to worry about. So once again try not to worry and creatine is just one measurement so far from a diagnosis.