Just wondered does anyone get upper arm pain near shoulder ! I get it some days and not others ! Results in difficulty lifting my arm and very painful !
could be from my shoulder but not sure !!
Just wondered does anyone get upper arm pain near shoulder ! I get it some days and not others ! Results in difficulty lifting my arm and very painful !
could be from my shoulder but not sure !!
Yes when RA is not controlled or I have over done it tendinitis and rotator cuff issues diagnosed. It has now subsided as touch wood RA under control.
Thank you - I have just been put on hydroxychloroquine as well as the methotrexate that I have been on for a year ! I forgot to mention this arm pain when I saw the nurse as she was more concerned about my hands and feet !
I will monitor it and get back to them if this continues !
I take both maybe the hydroxy needs to kick in. Yes they don't seem interested in shoulders I did see a physio
Yes only been on it a week ! Having a flare this evening , hands swollen and sore plus the arm but had mega busy day at work although often have busy day and not been like this !
It will be ok in the morning I expect - evenings always worse !
Yes take it easy I couldn't drive or put coat on when it was at its worse. I had bouts of it until meds kicked in mine was worse at night too.
It sounds like a frozen shoulder. Many women experience this as they go through menopause and it can often cause problems post menopause. It could also be tendinitis or pain radiating from the neck downwards x
Went through the menopause at 48 , then had breast cancer - came off cancer meds a year ago and then RA started but they think I have probably had it for a lot longer ! Certainly some of the pain I am experiencing I have had for a while but put up with it !
I’d like to add that it’s not exclusive to women. It was one of my significant symptoms which prompted me to seek help. When it spread to both shoulders, (actually upper arm joint). After 10 years it has returned, albeit on a lesser scale and like you am questioning whether to go the RA route or see a physio.
Yes, at present it’s continuous as my meds are not controlling the RA as well as expected, it is deferred pain from shoulder, best of luck.
Yes, I had it when my RA problems first started. Very painful, getting dressed or washing hair etc was extremely difficult. No one has ever been able to explain what it was!
Yes it is very strange , tends to be ok ish during the day but worse in the evening and night !!
Shoulders can be such a nuisance and also very painful. My right shoulder is stiff but not painful, but the ruptured tendon in the left one is something else. I saw a “shoulder man” some years ago who shook his head, pursed his lips and said it couldn’t be repaired and he wouldn’t consider a replacement.
Well, I’ve had Rheumatoid disease since 1967 (diagnosed then, but first symptoms in 1960) and it doesn’t look as though much will change in my treatment. My feeling is that operations are avoided if possible - especially with the advance in medication. Ops on rheumatoid joints are often disappointing, apparently. After all, the disease is still intact.
But you should be able to have good pain killers at least.
Yes! Mine resulted in shoulder replacement! Since then NO PAIN AT ALLwoohoo!!👍🥰
Rheumatoid arthritis can affect any of our joints. I'm on biologic and methotrexate so they can't give me anything else. The meds work but I still get a lot of joint pain and my shoulders are probably the most problematic. At times I can't move my arms. If I try to its like someone is twisting a knife in my shoulders.
Yes when I'm in a flare my upper arms shoulders are painful and weak. Once my RA is back under control it goes away and my strength comes back.
I get upper arm and shoulder pain most days. I was diagnosed with septic RA in my left knee last January after kneeling down for a few seconds and feeling a twinge in my knee. I was told at hospital the pain was caused by the auto immune system attacking all my body. At one point I had to cut off my T shirt with scissors as I could not lift my arms. I've been on Hydroxy for 6 months but it doesn't seem to help. Steroids were the only complete relief from pain apart from the morphine when I first went to hospital. I hope you can sort out the pain soon. Sorry for the long reply.
That sounds horrible for you ! I think I might speak to my rheumy nurse again and see what she says - it is so random - I can go several days wheee things are fine and can do a full days work without it hurting and then it will flare up in the evening and be very painful !
I have woken this morning and it feels like it’s on fire but I am sure once I get going it will settle down !
I too have upper arm and shoulder pain and was told by the physiotherapist that they couldn’t be sure whether it was the RA, Osteoarthritis or Fibromyalgia 🤦🏻♀️ Hope yours settles soon 🙏🏻
Yes although since I've been doing daily Thai Chi (just over two years now) in the mornings it rarely happens now.
RA does affect the neck , shoulders and elbows as well as the hands and feet. I have had the same symptoms over the years. However RA is bilateral affecting both sides of the body. If it is not bilateral, I would see your GP for an urgent scan. I do not want to frighten you, but breast cancer can come back and give rise to secondaries in the bone , frequently arm and shoulder. If I were you I would ask for an urgent scan , hopefully to rule it out. I trust your GP will give you every support. Wishing you all the best. Take care.
to be honest I think its the Ra as had all scans etc recently for the other !