All I seem to do is ask questions and I’m sorry 😔
I started on 17 October on 15mg methotrexate injections and seem to tolerate, increased to 20mg a month later and as of Thursday on 25mg. I had told consultant 2 weeks ago that I didn’t feel any different, in fact since taking the drug felt more discomfort with joints ( although it can last seconds) . No swelling and bloods all ok, so she suggested increase to 25 as disease still active.
I’ve always drank at least 1.5 lts of water a day and had noticed that taking methotrexate that urine darker but after a day it was back to straw colour. However since Thursday when I upped 25mg it has taken a good 2/3 days to get it to be a good colour , and to make matters I feel yuk. Not bed ridden just low and “yuk”. I take 5mg folic acid every day apart from mtx day.
Has anyone else had this?
I’ve had to succumb to two biscuits to console myself 🤪
thanks for bearing with me and this long post