I live in a relatively small town. I saw an orthopedic surgeon that recommends full ankle replacement related to arthritis and full cartilage disintegration. This doctor has only done 12 of this type of operation. I understand Podiatrist also do this type of surgery. It is very hard to know how each doctors expertise is for this complex surgery. I am willing to travel to Los Angeles, and wondering if anybody knows of a great surgeon I can feel confident with.
how to choose a surgeon for ankle replacement - NRAS
how to choose a surgeon for ankle replacement

I’m in the U.K. so not much good to you with regards to recommending a surgeon sorry. I wanted to say good luck in your search. I hope someone comes along who has some experience of a good surgeon or otherwise ..
I was wondering if there is a search you could do online to get the low down on who is good , etc…maybe not.
All good wishes to you !
This is a UK site so the vast majority of members are from the UK so I’m not sure you’ll get many replies. There are a few international members, so fingers crossed there may be one or two from Los Angeles which can help or someone from the USA who can point you in the direction of a similar USA forum.
In the UK we have Podiatric Surgeons as well as Orthopaedic surgeons. I’ve had complex surgery on both my feet (not ankle replacement though) and had this done by a Podiatric surgeon. They are the real feet experts. They first qualify as podiatrists and then do years and years of extra study to become surgeons.
Suggest you look for centres of Orthopaedic Surgery or Foot Surgery in your region and then investigate details of their surgeons.
I had my ankle replacement done in 2014 at Southmead Hospital Bristol