I am finally going to Ireland ( family roots) for a holiday with a fun loving group of retired teachers I would like to stop my MTX FOR 2 weeks to enjoy all the fun and spirits that Ireland has to offer . Not going to over do it but would like to up my 10 units a week for that period of time.. I know my Rheumy would not condone it but he is a non drinker. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
could I stop Methotrexate for 2 weeks: I am finally... - NRAS
could I stop Methotrexate for 2 weeks

personally I wouldn’t as I know I flare if I have to miss mtx for two weeks but it’s up to you if you want to risk it as that could completely ruin your holiday. Can’t you just not drink too much?
Hi ive been through this alot I stopped dose 1 sometmes 2
Not often though
Did ask And got told safe to do so by rummy nurse and gp
Also had mix views about how many units to drink
And I don't feel comfortable taking the meth and drinking alcohol at same time
Alo got told to stop a day or 2 before starting the alcohol
I've been fine
Everyone different though
Hope you enjoy your holiday and spirits
Is the risk of a flare worth a few extra drinks, personally I wouldn't risk it because if you do have a flare how long would it last. I'm sorry but I agree with Kitty J.
I wouldn’t stop it just enjoy yourself maybe not have a drink on mtx day . I have always drank on it and no problem my liver is just fine . I usually very good and don’t drink for a week or too after a holiday . I have a friend in France on mtx who drinks wine with ever meal. Life is short enjoy yourself. I’m not telling you to drink it’s your choice. I’m off out with friends tonight and will drink and have a good time 😉
Only you can really answer this. Only you know how active your disease is and how likely you are to flare if you miss two weeks. And only you know how much wanting to drink means to you and whether it’s worth the risk of flaring badly. Also everyone’s livers cope with drugs and alcohol differently, What happens to your blood test results if you do/don’t drink before them? Personally if I drink more than 2 units a week on my medications my liver blood tests are raised but as you already drink more than that you may be ok. There’s not much point asking other people their opinions and just liking the answers you want to receive as everyone is different
In the UK more and more beers have non-alcoholic versions including Guinness. I assume Ireland will be the same.
I hope you enjoy your holiday however much you decide to drink or not drink.
I have been on MTX for 3 months and it has not made a bit of difference yet. I just increased my pred from 10 to 12.5. My rheumy wanted me off Pred and introduced MTX and reducing Pred very slowly .
When I hit 10 mgs went into full flare…brutal stiffness every am until pred took hold around 11am. I am thinking my MTX may not be having any affect after 3 months anyway so why not stop for 2 weeks and enjoy the trip
This disease is very confusing ans stubborn.
As I said only you can make that call. However, it sounds as if a medication review would be a good idea.
TBH It sounds as if you have made up your mind .You must have realised that MTX can take longer than 3 months to kick in…& if you stop now & start overloading on alcohol……you might not enjoy your holiday much at all.
If you don’t want to discuss with your doctor……it’s only you who can decide……..
My husband loves alcohol free Guinness and says you can't taste the difference...obvs you don't get drunk 🫣
My rheumatologist said there’s no issue with alcohol in the usual limits. Personally, I wouldn’t stop it if it’s working for you
I think it's entirely up to you. It's your holiday. I guess if I was stable on the drug I might think twice about stopping it, but you say you're not. Again, up to you.
Have a lovely holiday. Mind how you go.
Personally when going to visit family, I've stopped mtx for 1 or 2 weeks without flare ups. Have a wonderful holiday.
Why stop? If you have been fine on the 10 units today, then adding to that for a short period should be ok. I frequently go over the stated 10 and am on 25mg of MTX and have not been affected. Remember we are all different and moderation is the key. Enjoy you trip.
I was on mtx about 3 months before I felt an effect and then it was quite sudden - just woke one morning and..
On the other hand I stopped mtx for 3 weeks when I went to Mongolia, and felt little difference!
I can only speak for myself but I enjoy a glass of wine with my evening meal most nights. My rheumy recommends sticking to national drinking guidelines … but I do occasionally stray. I have two monthly blood tests and liver readings are fine. I have missed a methotrexate injection on 2 occasions and been fine but then I’ve been taking it for 5-6 years so it’s really in my system. I’ve had no flare ups in 3 years.
This is my experience though … everyone is different 🤷♀️
I used to drink a lot more than 10 units when I started on mtx. I was on an combination of meds that prevented hangovers it was amazing. I live in Ireland.
Equally there are many times I've had to stop the mtx because of an infection and not had a flare.
Everyone is different I guess it boils down to how your body reacts to not taking it.
I always say this is a marathon and at times you have to decide I'm going to step of the treadmill of medication And enjoy my life .
No one has ever told me not to drink on mtx. I moved my tablet day from Sunday to Tuesday as I regularly drink 2 or 3 bottles of wine over the weekend and thought it would be sensible to have a dry day either side of the MTX but other than that I don't count my units and so far haven't had a problem. If/when I do then I probably will start to count 😉
you haven’t been on the methotrexate for very long so I hope they are checking your blood. Mine checked every month when I first went on dmards. When are you leaving for Ireland? Are you still on prednisone?
Hi there
Thanks for your reply
Leaving next week and yes my blood is being checked every month.I just upped my Pred to 12.5 from 10 and it has made a big positive difference. The MTX appears to have had no affect on the Pmr.
Bless you. The prednisone should protect you from pain. Go have a wonderful trip and enjoy the pubs: bring the methotrexate in case it turns out you aren’t drinking as much as you thought you would. I would stop your methotrexate though rather than drinking too much on it because it is still new to your body. They test so often when you start taking it because “it is a powerful drug that needs to be respected” as firmly stated by my rheumatologist. when you get back you can work on tapering off the prednisone and taking the methotrexate. Watch for any of the problems that can arise with alcohol and prednisone. You have lots of different advice on this thread! Are you in Canada? Cheers! 😀
I usually stop MTX for one week if going on holiday for a week and drink a bit more than usual. I only drink moderately in any case and as others have said it is a personal choice and everyone can react differently.
Personally I have never had a bad reaction and take the view that I have had to stop MTX for a couple of weeks on many occasions due to infestion, tooth extraction, COVID booster etc. This is not advice but my own personal view and personally my disease has been stable with no issues for a couple of years so it is relatively easy to make this call.
I would think that the bigger question here is the fact that you have only recently started on MTX so your body is still adjusting to the medication. I would be much less likely to miss a couple of doses in your situation but as I said that is just my opinion.
Enjoy your holiday whatever you decide. 😊
My Rheumatologist said 14 units a week ok, and that’s what I have, although counting units takes away the fun! When I go on holiday I sometimes miss one dose of methotrexate in case I go over 14 units. I have stopped methotrexate for two doses after Covid vaccination as advised. Only if well controlled though.
I have friends who have friends who “drink what they like” on methotrexate and pull faces at my counting. Others who say, in America, you can’t drink at all on methotrexate.
If my bloods are ok and you haven’t flared for ages I risk it. But it is a risk. Over to you…
I have stopped the Mxt for 2 weeks when I’ve been sick and it made no difference to anything. I have to say my rheumatologist is quite relaxed about drinking . I have wine every night..not too much and don’t really think about it. My blood tests have always been fine. On the odd occasion when I have had way too much I have felt very achy afterwards for a while as it does cause inflammation, but it didn’t cause a significant flare