Hi wondering if anyone had hip replacement surgery in last few weeks as I have ,worried about the the extreme pain I am still get or is this normal for some
Hip replacemennt: Hi wondering if anyone had hip... - NRAS
Hip replacemennt

How long is it since you had it done Alice70? The pain should start to lessen slowly after first two weeks but it was 6 months until I was pain free (I’ve had both hips done).
It has only been 5 weeks on Monday, I am trying to walk and push through pain ,I know 5 weeks isn't long but pain isn't getting any better ,no way I could do the excerise to painful
You shouldn’t be experiencing extreme pain after a hip replacement and definitely not five weeks on when most people are down to one stick and contemplating driving again at six weeks.
Please contact the surgeon through his or her secretary and have your wound and new implant checked just to ensure there isn’t a problem. You would expect some pain from the wound healing and some stiffness but ‘extreme pain’ sounds suspicious. I am a retired orthopaedics sister -I’m not giving you medical advice and pain is subjective but I would recommend you get it checked soon.
Try giving Royal Osteoporosis Helpline a call 0808 800 0035.
They are very helpful & will be able to advise what you should do,
I also had pain for quite a few weeks. I had my second hip replaced in February and this time I was more careful, didn’t push myself as much as the first time and had a little sleep in the afternoon. I did everything I should but in moderation.
The hospital physios were brilliant and advised me to do the exercises as given but if I couldn’t do 10 one day, then do 5 and to listen to my body.
This definitely worked and 5 months on I feel in a much better place than I was at the same time after my first hip replacement.
I went to 2 different hospitals for the operations and this one’s approach has really helped me to progress quicker.
I also had to manage all the pain with paracetamol as I had a bad reaction to the other stronger pain killers.
So please don’t worry, just listen to your body but do try and get back in touch with your surgeon if possible or the hospital physios. I wish you all the best with your recovery.
Hello Alice70, sorry to hear you are in severe pain . I believe its quite normal in the first few weeks you can ask your GP for extra pain relief or ring the hospital orthopeadic. Are you not incontact with a post op physio who can advise, mine were very good for my knee. Best wishes that the pain reduces soon.Take care, one day at a time as we say . Remember Rome was not built in a day. xx
Some of my trouble is pain killers and my stomache don't get on ,I am going to contact surgeon on monday
That sounds a good idea . Have you tried an ice pack or heat pad , remember to put a towel round either before putting it on to your skin. An hotwater bottle wrapped in a towel will help too. I have an ice pack I got from physio long time ago , just put it in the freezer all the time incase of need. Rest over the weekend till you can get help on Monday. Do take care ,if it gets any worse call 999 at least they might be able to put your mind at rest xx
Hello Alice70, one thing I was told very seriously when I had my hip replacement was, "this is the time to take the painkillers regularly, dont skimp on them, we shouldnt "grin and bear it" fighting through the pain, but follow the directions and take the doses recommended". I have just broken my ankle, and same principle, I have been told to take full 8 paracetamols a day and codeine on top if needed, so I can do limited exercises along with all the rest needed to get the muscles strong again. Please do take the recommended doses and do get it checked with the professionals, to ensure all is right and you can heal and enjoy your new hip as the weeks progress. It is still early days, but do get it checked out!
When my husband had his hip done a few years ago he said the awful hip pain he had before his operation had completely gone but he still had a bit of pain from the wound - which was apparently different.
He had physio straight after the operation and I mean straight after. His op was in the afternoon and the physios waited until he got to the ward to get his physio done before they went home.
He had his done with an epidural and sedation.
He had physio again the following day - he could have got out that day but by the time the physios were finished with him and the doctor had done his ward round the pharmacy was closed so it was next morning before he got out.
He had someone who came out before the op to measure the height of our beds, his chair and the toilet seat - he was given a raised one for the house, he also had a physio who came to the house several times. One of the things she told him to do was to lie completely flat on the bed for a couple of hours in the afternoon. I also bought him an extra pair of crutches for using upstairs so that he didn’t have to carry his crutches up and down the stairs with him.
It’s also very important to do your exercises what Bluesea’s physio said is very sensible. Don’t overdo things or do something that is causing real pain - effort and hard work are different to causing yourself pain.
I think you should probably speak to someone if you are still having pain. You could try phoning the clinic that deals with hip replacements because you won’t be signed off yet. Good luck with it all.
I’m 8 weeks post hip surgery and I’m writing this while resting on my bed for an hour after lunch!
I wouldn’t describe my pain as severe (after the first 48 hours anyway) but I’m still taking paracetamol on a regular basis and certainly before I do the exercises. I think that I have probably overdone things in the last couple of weeks as it’s been a bit achy and I decided to go backwards and take a more measured approach again and not push myself too fast and this has certainly helped.
What I did want to say though, was that I had issues with my dressings which wouldn’t stay on after I was discharged and I contacted the hospital where I had the operation who couldn’t have been more helpful. They were clear I that I should go back to their outpatients and I think the suggestion that you contact the department responsible for your hip replacement is a very good one.
I would get in touch with your surgeon to discuss it. I've had multiple hip replacements and although post-surgery is painful, it's a different type of pain. Everyone is different, and so possibly you've overdone things but I would clarify where your pain is with the surgeon to make sure there is nothing wrong with the new prosthesis. He may suggest an X-ray, which for me would be something that would put my mind at rest, but it depends if they warrant it.
It's better to be safe than sorry. Don't just keep pushing through. You must do everything they advise you to do post-surgery, which I'm sure you have, but listen to your body.
I hope all is well with your hip and you start to progress soon. Good luck xx
Hi Alice, I'm 13 days post op. I've had a left hip replacement. I was advised to take regular pain relief to keep on top of the pain and to allow me to be able to complete my exercises and walking. I take 2 paracetamol every 6hrs without fail and if pain is unbearable I take 1 codeine 30mg as well. I don't often need the codeine. Eating a portion of prunes each day helps stop the dreaded constipation along with a daily laxative if I have taken codeine.
I do my daily physio exercises with a little pain and have now moved on to using 1 stick to walk. I take a 2hr nap every afternoon. Other than that I just take it easy and look forward to better days to come.
I hope you can get on top of your pain as it must make you feel miserable. Best of luck with your recovery x