hi not wrote on here for a while as feeling great . It took roughly about 2 yrs to get my meds sorted but I can happily say my life is good I am on Benepali injection once a week. Mornings still ache but not half as much as it was so when your feeling down remember things will get better good wishes to everyone on here . Tc
rheumatoid : hi not wrote on here for a while as... - NRAS

lovely to see a positive post . Delighted for you x
Thank you for this post. I was diagnosed a year ago but I haven't got a stable drug regime yet. Always nice to hear when someone has seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Best wishes to you x
It’s so nice to read a positive post. 2 years to get the right cocktail of meds was good. Mine took much longer, and now I’m on best fit. I’m now on my 3rd biologic, the first one, Enbrel, Benepali is the biosimilar, worked for 10 years. I’m now on Cimzia and hoping it’ll work. I’ve been on many different meds along the way, with methotrexate being the constant. I hope your meds continue to work for you.
Great news!
Pleased to hear of a good post darling well done you. xxxx
Good to hear good news! I'm similar, 6 months ago I couldn't see any light at the end of the tunnel but now I'm doing great RA wise. I realised how much when my partner said to me last night, how's your knees doing, you haven't mentioned them for a while, whereas 5 or 7 months ago I needed help getting in and out of the car or bath and also to get dressed. Long may it continue 🤞
So pleased for you.
I am in a similar situation in terms of RA but my improvement has been enhanced by a recent hip replacement which has removed the awful pain and lack of mobility I was experiencing. I had the checkup for that last week and can now drive again and have been told that I should be having the other hip replaced in three months.🤞
I am appreciating being able to stand straight again, sleep without pain, being more independent, seeing light at the end of what has been a very long, dark tunnel but most of all the great care and support from the NHS in the care and support that I am receiving in what are difficult times. I realise that not everyone has been as fortunate as me.
And I do remember the difficult times so I feel for you if you are struggling at the moment.
Good news posts are always welcome. So thank you for taking the time. It goes to show that many people can live a perfectly good life with RA. Lo g may it continue!
Great, positive post. Thank you for that. All the best
A wonderful positive post. Thank you so much for sharing your good news. It's really helped to brighten an otherwise gloomy day.
it’s nice to read we’re all in the same boat together but you can get through the bad times if you have good family good friends and good RA nurse doctor. So never give up I’m just glad to be alive now and I can walk and do things I enjoy in the early days I couldn’t or didn’t get out of bed I was very depressed so good luck everyone good times ahead x