Can I recommend cycling as good exercise for sufferers of RA? It is impact free on one's joints as long as you don't crash, a great way to get around, helps keep weight down and builds muscular support for joints. What is not to like?
Exercise and rheumatoid arthritis?: Can I recommend... - NRAS
Exercise and rheumatoid arthritis?

Nothing not to like about outdoor exercise! !!Cycling doesn't stress the joints but takes some degree of flexibility in ankles! Not currently possible for my OH. Hopeless for me now with OA of hands. When it comes to exercise, regrettably, enthusiasm isn't always enough. Great that you can enjoy it though and want to share your enthusiasm.

The saddle always triggers my sciatica talk about a pain in the axxe
I would love to do that but no good with the level of RA and damage from it that has hit me right from first month of symptoms.
However, on good days I can manage a maximum of 15 minutes on a stationary exercise bike, sitting upright to avoid pain to hands, wrists, neck, clavicles and shoulders.
Swimming might be better, for me and others like me.
Absolutely agree. It’s low impact and. Gr8 cardio workout
Can't cycle due to my hands , neck and feet problem's which is a bummer as I have a newish bike that I can't use !
Swimming was one if my favourite forms of exercise , next to walking, but it really bothers my cervical spodylosis , so that out too.
I have wondered about yoga or pilates, but am so scared to annoy of my joints which are only just beginning to settle down with the MTX.
I am hoping to start cycling again. But I am afraid to try and find out I can't. I am worried about my hands and wrists making it very uncomfortable. I think an upright bicycle is my best bet. I just have to try. It's silly, but as long as I haven't tried, there's still hope I can do it...
No way I can cycle but due to get a new hip on Monday. Still have degenerative scoliosis and a fractured vertebrae so really don’t think I will ever get back to cycling. However my local Virgin Active swimming pool is the same depth for the whole length so I am looking forward to going back there to walk up and down the pool. They also have a large very warm spa pool so when I have done my walking I reward myself with half an hour in there.
My rheumatologist actually recommended cycling but worry about wrists n hands & braking: do you cope with this hawker? Can only give it a go i guess; have lovely old raleigh cameo sit up n beg type i bought some months ago but haven't used yet but do swim 3x a week.

Hello Kerena. When bad, I need paracetamol for my wrists and hands but try to avoid this if possible. If you see my profile you'll know I have other problems and now have an adaptation on my bike whereby I control both brakes with my one good hand. This relates to why I now compete as a Para-cyclist: my left-sided weakness. I manage okay under the circumstances!
Cheers hawker, just read it: I am a total lightweight compared to you and incredibly impressed 😄 I am definitely going to give it a go though: inspirational, thank you.
I think cycling is an excellent exercise for RA I also cycle when I can, not living too far from London means I can occasionally use the London canal paths to cycle around away from the busy traffic. It is painful on the legs and backside, but I tend to make regular stops to admire the scenery, visit Camden market ( a little hard to get to at present due to the fire ) and find places to eat off the canal path.
Munchkin, As descrbed in my profile, I sustained a massive head injury in 2012 and have battled a left sided neurological defect since 2015 . My consultant neurosurgeon said that physiotherapy would be best t stimulate my brain to re-wire itself. "Like what?", I asked.
"Oh, perhaps cycling?" He said.So I can tell my wife that all of my training and competing is now on doctor's orders! So your neuropathy might be the same ad the pedalling activity might hep your nerve-issue?
I used to cycle to work when I worked mornings but now I work afternoons in a different part of town it much to dangerous on the roads. The mentality of most car drivers in Leicester is that cyclists are a moving target! The cycle lanes are littered with potholes and broken glass or people parking on them. Sometimes I've almost been taken out by other cyclists too who disobey traffic lights or dangerously zoom around off and on the footpath. Deliveroo riders are the worst menace lately. If it were safer I'd be back on the bike as it's good exercise.
Id love to be able to ride. Bad knees. One with a torn meniscus. Also have peripheral neuropathy in both legs.
I would love to ride a bike. I have torn meniscus in both knees so not an option for me.
Have you heard of Quest 88? They supply the NHS with therapy aids etc and also the private sector. Seems like they can get anyone in the saddle so to speak - even if sitting on a saddle isn’t possible! Also, Racerunning - initially bicycles for people with cerebral palsy but adaptable for other conditions. If you really want to cycle and can raise the (considerable ☹️ funds) there’s a solution out there, whichever joints hurt., because of electronic gear changing and power assisted pedalling. I
I ride a recumbent tricycle I bought 11 years ago and it’s just gone back to be adapted to suit my current needs. I cannot wait to get back out on it - and I have 37 years of bone damage to contend with. There may be local charities prepared to fund purchases?
I must get a bike and I must stop making excuses why I dont !!!