Has anyone taken ciclosporin 200mg daily with leflunomide 10mg daily. If so, how are you feeling?
ciclosporin and leflunomide : Has anyone taken... - NRAS
ciclosporin and leflunomide

I was put on cyclosporin years ago when I was first diagnosed with RA but never leflunomide I was only on it a few months it made my gums red and swollen and use to bleed when I brushed my teeth my dentist wasn't happy me taking it so I was took off it
I don't know if this will be helpful, but I hope it might. I'm afraid I can't comment on Leflunomide as I have never taken it. I have however, been taking Cyclosporin for 30 years now. I've been taking 100mg twice daily for many years, although initially my dose was much higher. I have taken it alongside Methotrexate and Prednisolone for the whole time. I have also taken the following biologics at different times - Infliximab, Humira, Rituximab and, starting this week, Filgotinib. I've also taken hydroxychloroquine since 2014, although I'm a bit hit and miss with it as it upsets my tummy.
I've had serious eye complications, and the Cyclosporin was the only drug that helped. I've found it effective, but like all drugs, can have some side effects. Yes, it can cause gum swelling. I've had this on and off over the years (particularly at higher doses), but it's been managed. My dentists have always been aware I'm taking it, and keep an eye on my gums. If I've had a bit of gum inflammation, then using Corsodyl usually helps. It has caused some loss of fuction in my kidneys, but do bear in mind that this is after 30 years continuous use, and the slight loss of fuction causes no symptoms or issues. You should avoid grapefruit or grapefruit juice, but that can also be the case with other medications. You must always remember to mention if you are taking it, as it can interact with a number of other medications. Again though, so do lots of other drugs.
Nowadays, it seems to be considered an "old" drug and doesn't seem to be used that much for RA any more. My rheumatologist always forgets I'm on it, as I'm the only patient he has who takes it. He did once say though that he wasn't really sure why they stopped using it, as it can be very effective for people. I think when biologics were introduced, they tended to take over.
Obviously, I don't know what your situation is, but your rheumy must have thought it was worth trying. I understand it can seem a scary drug, but but overall it's been a good drug for me, and 30 years later, I'm still taking it.
I hope this re-assures you a bit.
Good luck😊
Hi Kags1068. Thank you very much for your answer. I have been on metrotexate since December along with leflunomide, but it did not help me at all with neither psoriasis nor psoriatic arthritis, and the dermatologist replaced metrotexate with cyclosporine. I hope that now this combination will help my skin and joints. Thank you very much