medication prescription : Has anyone got experience of... - NRAS


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medication prescription

TheBoys profile image
32 Replies

Has anyone got experience of waiting a long time for their prescription from a NHS GP

I ve requested it two weeks ago online and have chased twice. A complete silence. It’s Methotrexate - I still take it weekly to support my Amgevita.

There’s been a few other issues but I wanted to see if anyone has had any similar issues. I can’t ring as they don’t deal with prescriptions over the phone and the online contact has degenerated.

I m loathe to kick off and make a complaint just yet but if needs be will; or ask my rheumatologist to assist. Anyone else have any issues? It’s always a battle!

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TheBoys profile image
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32 Replies
Runrig01 profile image

Are your blood tests up to date? I had once when I collected my meds, my methotrexate wasn’t amongst them. When I phoned the prescription secretary, she said it had been declined, as there was no up to date bloods. There was it was they were on the hospital system, which they could access, but struggled with the different software. My rheumatologist ended up telling my gp to order the bloods, and they would check the results from their request. Haven’t had an issue since.

TheBoys profile image
TheBoys in reply to Runrig01


All up to date. I had them at GP in December. I have to do them twice - GP and Hospital as they can’t see the others records. No communication at all. It’s as if there’s no Dr there anymore.

Jackie1947 profile image
Jackie1947 in reply to Runrig01

My GP does my bloods 6 monthly . Rheumatology check the results before releasing the prescription to the delivery Company

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to Jackie1947

I believe you’re referring to your biologics or MTX injections. The OP is referring to his MTX tablets, which is through normal gp prescription. I have 3 monthly bloods, and prescription sent to delivery company for my biologics, however my MTX is on a shared care agreement with the gp.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Runrig01

There’s software issues here too. EMIS flaws.

Gillian15649 profile image
Gillian15649 in reply to medway-lady

There is a software issue in Warwick Trust. The gp can't see my blood test results (and neither can I) so GP has refused to give my MTX prescription. All totally rediculous. I have to pick up injections at hospital. Parking impossible and pharmacy is in middle of hospital so a long walk.

Sheila_G profile image

It could be that you ordered them too soon. As mxt can be overdosed on they won't let you havev it if you have 2 weeks of tablets left. It could also be that your blood tests are not up to date. If neither of these apply, ring again and ask them why you haven't got them.

TheBoys profile image
TheBoys in reply to Sheila_G

Hi - unfortunately am spot on diary wise. I ll try again Mon...but by goodness they are hard work!

Blackwitch profile image

Hi. I think there seems to be a nationwide shortage of drugs at the moment. I wonder why? 🙄 I have waited for items too. All the pharmacy can say is they are trying to find the items elsewhere but I think they’re under so much more strain now they are expected to be doctors too. It’s not surprising our medications are delayed. It seems as soon as my husband picks up my meds, I’m putting in my next request. It also annoys me that some meds are in packs of 28 and others 30. I know that’s a minor thing but why can’t they be standardised? As for blood tests! I used to have them regularly but can’t recall the last one I had. I’m on biologics now so they don’t seem to bother.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Blackwitch

I get one tablet in a 28 day blister pack and the rest come as multiples of 30 days - it’s such a little thing but it drives me round the bend! As you say why don’t they standardise - especially as February is the only month in the year with 28 days and that isn’t even every year. Grrrr!

BoneyC profile image
BoneyC in reply to Fruitandnutcase

... it annoys me that I get given lots of snipped off foil strips with 1-2 or 3-4 pills in, to make up the numbers. Sometimes you cannot read what the drug/dose is on the back - don't think any hospital would accept that as an in-patient.

I agree with comments above, why can't they just hand over the whole pack, would save them time having to fiddle about snipping them up.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Blackwitch

I don’t think it’s shortage but they are trying to find the cheapest and everyone wants that. Our practice puts on line its NHS report on the drive to get cheaper medications. I suppose all the pence add up.

BoneyC profile image

Yes! Since our GP Surgery handed back their NHS Contract last April, our surgery is temporarily being run by an agency who did not take over the in-house pharmacy for patients living 2 or more miles away. All prescriptions have to go to a pharmacy either in the same village or elsewhere in the area.

Previously, we could order online or pop a paper repeat in to the surgery and 2 days later the drugs would be ready for collection at the pharmacy. No phone ordering allowed.

Now, the village pharmacy have more patients to deal with and ask for 5 days before drugs are collected. It's an old building, not fit for purpose and they try their best. They have one computer and, with lots of people having queries, the 3-4 staff all stand around the one computer, waiting to use it.

Often, the drugs are not ready, out of stock, etc. etc. and can take quite a while. Cytotoxic sharps bins were apparently 'out of stock' before Christmas due to the rush on flu and Covid jabs.

Viscotears eye drops I collected yesterday after ordering last October. I also asked to collected husband's items, an inhaler was not available and other tablets have some owing.

Not sure if my pharmacy is just over worked, disorganised, or whether this is becoming more common elsewhere.

Blackwitch profile image
Blackwitch in reply to BoneyC

It’s definitely common here. It takes about 10 days and I still have items missing.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to BoneyC

How on earth did you manage without eye drops between October and yesterday? That is such a long time?

BoneyC profile image
BoneyC in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I had some left, and also use Lacrilube eye ointment at night, but did run out, tried to manage without, but realised I couldn't.

Blackwitch profile image
Blackwitch in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I had my usual Thealoz Duo drops and the optician gave me some gel (which just stuck my eyelids like superglue) but I knew the only thing that would work were steroid drops. The walk-in centre prescribed me some antibiotic drops but they made it worse and stung like hell. I had to go to A&E to see the on-call Opthalmologist who was in such a bad mood and very rude. I’d been waiting for about 4 hours in my wheelchair so was near to tears because I not only had eye pain but a headache, sore throat and severe back pain. She looked at my eyes and told me that if I had Sjögren’s I should be used to it by now and told me to carry on using the Thealoz drops. She then just walked out and left me. I don’t think I would have been treated like that if my husband had been with me. Unfortunately, he’d had to go home to make sure the dogs were OK and let them out. I was fuming and stuck in an empty corridor with the heavy fire doors which I couldn’t open and no phone signal. Luckily, a security guard came eventually and opened the door and let me through to the A&E department. Trying to navigate my way through all the bodies on the floor was a nightmare but there were so many police officers around to help, I eventually got out into the freezing cold and was able to phone my husband to come back. It was another one of the worst experiences of that hospital. I’m beyond the stage of complaining now. 🤬

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Blackwitch

Good heavens! That is just horrendous. You couldn’t make that up could you! It really shocking isn’t it. I hope your eyes are a bit better now.

Blackwitch profile image
Blackwitch in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Thank you. It took about 6 weeks so only went out once in January to have a steroid injection at the hospital.

Sorry, I seemed to have hijacked someone else’s post. 🫣

ABwn profile image

I had the same problem as Runrig. Had to then wait for GP to access hospital records and send to chemist. Good luck.

AgedCrone profile image

Can you not go to your GP surgery & explain the position?

Are your blood tests up to date…I found a muddle about that was usually the reason a Mtx scrip was refused .

Good Luck getting it sorted !

Gymcactus profile image

I've had my methotrexate refused for 1st time as bloods were due, but when practise nurse is off ill you have to wait for appointment at city care centre hence a wait of 2 weeks and no meds given, I have bloods done 3 monthly and I will just get app. next time earlier.

Paula-C profile image

I must be lucky. I order my mtx online and up pops a note saying it will be ready for collection in 3 working days, followed by a date for collection.

MerielPB profile image

That sounds appalling! I request my prescription on-line on Monday & the pharmacy delivers it on Thursday. If I collected it I could get it Wednesday and my doctor's surgery is crap.

medway-lady profile image

Can you look at your online prescriptions? I can and over past 3 months there have been issues. The computer says rejected. I’ve complained and GP apologised there appears to be issues with EMIS the online service. It’s nothing to do with blood tests as mine are up to date and my GP practice is chasing EMIS and one of mine rejected was vital. They are cross and said grateful I complained as otherwise would never have looked into why. No GP rejected anything because the request never went through unlike the other 6 items. I asked programmed by Fujitsu? And GP laughed and they want to know why unable to see an audit trail of rejections. They have written to EMIS asking why . I don’t know if that helps but look at your GPs online service.

Ps GP also said the Riveroxaban beng rejected was dangerous had I not looked on the Monday but left to Friday I’d not have had over the weekend without a trip to A&E and it’s a computer issue that must be sorted. I’m glad it might not just be our GP but more widespread. Because my GP said no audit trail was really worrying.

TheBoys profile image

UpdateI rang NHS 111 and they gave me an emergency prescription of 1 week and have sent a report to my GP

All my bloods etc are up to date so no reason for the delay.

I ve put in a feedback to the Practice moaning about this. Also the fact that they won't refer me to NHS Digital Weight Management as requested via my knee Surgeon. Heaven knows what's going on with the practice...over the years they've been pretty much ok. But lately all our local GPs are throwing up issues.


welsh12 profile image

Yes I have issues complain you need the meds

spartacus101 profile image

It's like all the pieces of the jigsaw are there but no one is bothered to put them together. I needed a repeat prescription of leflunomide and contacted my GP twelve days before the pack ran out. The GP contacted the rheumatology team and received an email from them 5 days later giving permission to prescribe under Shared Care. the GP works part time and this wasn't picked up. I eventually got a new pack one day after I had finished the others. My blood test results from January have gone missing and neither the GP nor the rheumatology team would have known had I not been persistent in asking where they were. I now need another blood test. This duplication of effort is an outrageous waste of time and money. I can't understand how something, which should be simple, is so complex.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to spartacus101

I had same issues so asked "if the first rule of medicine is do no harm, why are you asking me to have the same blood test twice for a computer issue plus another one for the Nephrologist. So that 3 !!" response was quick "we'll open up the app as we can't stop it going but you can reply saying done and date. " I got an apology. Sometimes as my GP said it's not down to them but higher up, and much higher up who haven't thought things through and costs.

spartacus101 profile image
spartacus101 in reply to medway-lady

I suspected that I was not alone in having problems!

brads27 profile image

Sorry to hear that, I use patient access app and have never had a problem

Bailybiscuit profile image

I have had a problem with my surgery where I could see on the screen I had ordered it but the pharmacy said it hadn't been sent through to them. A phone call to surgery and a helpful lady the other end told me that on that day for some reason prescriptions didn't go to the pharmacy when sent so she asked a GP to send it straight away. Could be something like that?

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