Thank you to everybody who answered my here we go again post! Spoke to GP this morning. I'm to stop the CalcichewD3 for a month but also go down to 1 20mg omeprazole as both can cause it and he says the 40mg of omeprazole is a lot. He's hopeful this will stop the problem. I have to report back to him in a month unless problem continues. X ♥️ we go again: Thank you to everybody who... - NRAS we go again

🤞🏻 that sorts the problem
Fingers crossed. X
Hi Haz I stared calcixhew last may/june & after a fe wks started being nauseous pains in stomach etc. Anyway I had a gut feeling it was them so dropped tp one a day but symptoms continued & I ended up vomiting the tab back so I stopped them. I told rheumy nurse he just said oh can,t you keep trying I said no! tht was it. Sorry I didn,t see your original post but hope you feel better without them like I do
Ask for Ad cal D3 it’s chewy and it’s not so hard on tummy see my post on the OP previous thread.
My GP changed my AdcalD3 that I have been on for three years (with no consult with my rheumy who prescribed it or me) to something called Sunvit D3 with calcium TuttiFruttichewable tablets.
As I,m in the process of leaving this GP I haven’t tried them as I still have a box of Adcal.
I checked prices….which was their excuse for changing another drug..but they both cost £5/6.I’m beginning to think the new Clinical Pharmacist is changing all these drugs….just because she feels like it.
Yes I think all pharmacists ate going for any cheaper options.
I'm waiting for a call back from GP as the repeat medication rejected Riveroxaban this month and AZA last month, because of CKD. So Ive written to them and got a grovelling apology already but no explanation as all tests are up to date and I dug out my copy of the lifelong prescription order and why. I don't think the GP even saw the rejection as was done by pharmacist so I've asked why with a function of 27 GFR were they were not so concerned and not contacted as an emergency to go to A&E ? I await with bated breath the call back because they know I've got records and seen by RA and Nephrologist every 6 months. It'sjust odd !!I can read my records now and got the fibs corrected by pharmacist as she never wrote to me, nor text or even phoned and can prove it. As I asked for copies of the communication and they said record now correct and states patient NOT contacted. It beggars belief here now we've gone from great doctors to various unnamed ones who aren't reading notes.
I am having to have a quick rethink about changing GPs. I have just looked up the GP practice I wanted to return to only to find the one GP that I never ever want to see ever again…is now the senior partner.
The whole practice seems to have been turned into one of these new health clinics. It also says that the clinical pharmacist can prescribe for patients….. and check that they getting the best out of their medication.🙄
Looks like I’d be leaping out of the frying pan into the fire. I think I will try writing to the senior partner of my present practice, although in three years, she has never replied to anything. Maybe if I’m a little bit more precise about my dissatisfaction, it might urge her to reply this time.? But I’m not holding my breath.
I think if I’d known the way NHS GPs, we’re going to turn out in 2024, I would have looked after myself a bit better…… although I couldn’t have dodged RA could I?
Will keep everything crossed that your issue resolves itself now 🤞personally if I take adcal D3 or any kind of calcium supplement I may as well take an industrial grade laxative they’re so harsh on my system I end up in real trouble with dehydration as a result.
I started with one called accrete, then moved on to Adcal both are calcium carbonate which is harsh and neither agreed with my gut so I just buy my own D3 capsules and seaweed based calcium tablet - I take one every day just to top up my dietary calcium which is pretty good anyway.
I also have terrible trouble digesting the combined chewable calcium/vitamin d. I'm waiting for a call back today from my GP to ask if they can prescribe an alternative. Meanwhile, I found (though not on prescription) calcium from seaweed, which I have tried for a few weeks and can tolerate. It's supposed to be easier to digest and therefore better absorbed. If the GP can't prescribe a good alternative, then I will consider self-funding as calcium is so important for bone health, I dont want to go without. Here's what I bought:Calcium – Together Health – Seaweed-Based Calcium – 72 Trace Minerals – Vegan Friendly – Made in The UK – 60 Vegecaps
Interesting I'll take a look. I was put on calcicard in 2005 and only lasted a month on it. It was horrible to my gut. Doc assured me CalcichewD3 would be ok but it's not.