Lovely trip away with my son 😁😁: Hi everyone, On... - NRAS


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Lovely trip away with my son 😁😁

Kati66 profile image
41 Replies

Hi everyone,

On Thursday this week, I went to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park with my youngest son. I don’t get to spend much time with him now as he has a full time job. He drove us there and we stayed overnight in the Wildlife hotel on site. It was really cold and we got drenched mid afternoon so gave up and retreated to the dinosaur restaurant!!

The photo above is a Giant River Otter. I had wanted to see these fabulous animals for years and finally got to see a whole family of them 😁😁. When we reached them, the pain of all the walking disappeared for the time I spent observing them. Many of the animals were snuggled up inside as it was so cold though. By the end of the day, I really was in agony and we had tea and retreated to our warm room and watched tv in bed with pick and mix we bought in a shop!

The next day I felt the worst I had been in years BUT, my memories of that day will stay long after the pain has subsided. My husband was really annoyed with me when I got home as he knew I would “do too much” and suggested we get a small mobility scooter. I feel a bit mixed about this, yes I know I probably do need one if I’m going to be doing a lot of walking but also feel there is a stigma attached to using one. Do any of you use a mobility scooter when out?

Hope you all have a good New year, however you spend it. I will be tucked up in bed with hubby and the dogs watching TV.

Kati xxx

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Kati66 profile image
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41 Replies
Gnarli profile image

What a lovely outing. We love it there but it means a lot of walking to see everything. I have a mobility scooter which I use when things aren't too great. As for the stigma of using one I feel that using one means I get to see and do what I want without the pain and payback. In short, use it or not go on expeditions. No contest.

Kati66 profile image
Kati66 in reply to Gnarli

I think I will have to bite the bullet and get one. I would like to go back to the park in the spring and try to see more of the animals. Like you say, if I want to go out and explore, this is the way forward. Before RA and my other conditions, I used to be able to walk around places fine. I’m not giving in though xxx

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Kati66

If you have a blue badge you can park the car really close to the entrance. They also have wheelchairs to borrow

Deeb1764 profile image

I agree with Gnarli on this if you need one to keep getting out and about and not creating pain and flares there is no contest. Do t worry about what others 🤔

welsh12 profile image

Isn't there a polar bear? there glad you had a nice day apart from pain.

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to welsh12

There were four when we went last time we were there. Magnificent!

Kati66 profile image
Kati66 in reply to welsh12

Yes, they have quite a few and are involved heavily in polar bear conservation. We saw a couple of them but a long way away. Still wonderful seeing them 😁😁😁

helenlw7 profile image

I’m thinking of getting a mobility scooter too, but agree about the stigma. It took me a long time to get a stick, then 2, and now I’m on crutches and in a wheel chair. A mobility scooter would give me so much more independence but for me, it’s still a big step to take.

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to helenlw7

Understood. Iike the freedom it gives me. I hate wheelchairs as you are subject to the whims and fancies of the pusher. No insult to them of course

Monkeysmum profile image
Monkeysmum in reply to Gnarli

This made me smile - I have a 16 year old daughter who is rather too enthusiastic about pushing me on the odd occasions I have borrowed a wheelchair on days out, starts to feel like we are on a go karting track sometimes! 🫣

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Monkeysmum

Sounds familiar. It was a granddaughter nominally in charge of mine. No wonder I'm grey!

cyberbarn profile image
cyberbarn in reply to Monkeysmum

My son and I solve this problem with his wheelchair and me the pusher. We bought Alber E-Motion power assisted wheels so he can wheel himself. It also saves my wrists which were becoming painful. And gave him (early 20s at the time) a lot more independence. And so that people don't push him we twist the handles in so they aren't obvious. On his wheelchair they can be taken off all together.

Best £3,000 we ever spent. Thank goodness for PIP!

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply to Gnarli

I agree with that completely!

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to Gnarli

Oh my! I certainly agree with this Gnarli! I feel very vulnerable in a wheelchair and out of control.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to helenlw7

Where I live quite a few of my neighbours have mobility scooters….I have never heard any if them complain if any discrimination….except when the crest of us want to “have a go”

If I needed one I’d get one in a flash!

Pippy25 profile image

So glad you got to spend time out with your youngest son. If you are considering a scooter do some research and try out some to see what is best for you and what you will be using it for. Again check out any additional things that you can purchase with it such as waterproof covering, an additional bag, little wing mirror etc,. Some scooters can fold up or you can take apart and put into the boot of the car. You can even get hoists that will lift it into your boot for you. What I will say is for me it doesn't replace my walking as I try to do what I can, but as others have mentioned it takes away the struggle, pain and allows you to go places you maybe couldn't walk the distance.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Pippy25

It’s far more important to get a lithium battery for weight lifting. I can lift my battery easily but the other sort I could not get off the ground as I found the fold ups very fragile but the come apart ones better. And you need to be able to assemble easily.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to medway-lady

I have one that you can take apart and goes in the car although I don't need to as luckily it fits in the back without needing to dismantle. It is weighted down once in so wont travel once in. I also have one that you can't dismantle and is heavy/sturdy which I use more for out and about in the locality. As you say batteries can be heavier so that's a consideration to factor in.

Kati66 profile image
Kati66 in reply to Pippy25

Hi Pippy,

I agree, the one I need will have to fold and fit in the boot of the car. I do drive so don’t need a road version. I’ve also discovered, as Medway-lady suggests that a lithium battery would be better. As lightweight as possible too. We are going to look into suitable options and get one in the new year. I have found myself avoiding going anywhere with lots of walking involved so although I’m still in a lot of pain from Thursday, it’s taught me an important lesson!!

Monkeysmum profile image

Hi Kati66, glad you had a lovely time but I understand well that feeling of having pushed it too much after! I have used mobility scooters on family holidays for the last few years, as I know otherwise I would be holding everyone else back -I would not have been able to do multiple days walking round Disney World without serious payback! I haven’t bought one yet at home as like you, it feels like quite a big step to me, and I worry that I would become more dependent on it, but I have resorted to borrowing wheelchairs when we have done really long days out like at Theme Parks in the Uk. You could always rent a mobility scooter for a few days and see how you feel going out on it, before you make a commitment to buy?

Runrig01 profile image

I don’t have one, but I did have to purchase a wheelchair, due to injuring my knee. I can walk 40-50 yards, then severe pain kicks in. It has meant I’ve been able to get out and enjoy time with the family over Xmas. I can manage in my small town, using my blue badge, and I have a walking stick with a seat, to stop regularly. My hubby has also suggested a scooter, I’m just more concerned my muscles will weaken more.l don’t think there is the same stigma these days. It will allow you to conserve your energy to enjoy your trips more. If I overdo it, which doesn’t take much, I end up a sweaty mess with my hair dripping. That makes me think a scooter may allow me to still look presentable 😂🤗. Also I’m due to have surgery on 3 toes that are all dislocated, so will be non weight bearing for 6 weeks.

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Runrig01

I have no pain on walking and can walk about a mile before needing to sit down, because of the fatigue of CKD as my RA is in remission. So I don’t use for shopping as there are always cafes and seats about but the reserves and parks are much longer walks.I used to ramble and walked up Snowden a few years ago, so to be able to go for a longer trip on the “tooter” is great. I so wished my pride over the past years after the CKD had not held me back from getting one. I could kick myself because I knew really I could never recover although I did hope so. I’ve missed out on a lot through not being mobile although I am, just not for any decent length of time. And I can’t wait for Spring as I intend to do a lot more.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to medway-lady

Where I live is very flat and I can walk along the promenade. There is lots of seating along the mile long walk to town. I have to stop regularly for different reason, could be my knee, back or hips and if they’re not to painful, it could be the fused ribs which make me breathless quite quickly. I still like to push myself to stay active. Sadly due to lack of care re my knee injury, the cramp like pains in my shin and thigh stop me. I injured it in June, have had no treatment yet, but see physio mid January. Rheumatologist didn’t want to do a steroid injection till I seen orthopaedic surgeon, who I seen last month. They don’t want to operate as I’m high risk due to my adrenal insufficiency and the fact I’ve had a crisis which caused a stroke. Unfortunately he’s against steroid injections and told the rheumatologist that, so despite all these months still having bursitis and tendonitis as well as moderate to severe arthritis, no one can offer anything. I’m not supposed to take nsaids but do have the occasional brufen. I do worry that so long with nothing being done, my knee won’t return to how it was. I’m hoping the wheelchair is a temporary measure. Like you I don’t need it in town, as there are lots of seats and cafes, and I have my TaDa walking stick so can sit anywhere really. It’s long open spaces I struggle and the slightest incline,

Hope you get your scooter soon, and get back to the wildlife park to enjoy without the exhaustion from struggling 🤗

medway-lady profile image
medway-lady in reply to Runrig01

I've got one in the garage and very pleased with it too. I live in the countryside or at least it is until the hundreds of new houses arrive which will happen eventually. I also push myself and am active but it's distance more than anything and I'm pain free so it's not RA. If I'd not had the AKI which changed everything I'd still be able to ramble but today I've been chatting to a friend I made in those long weeks in hospital, she had a stroke and is much less recovered than me, so I feel very lucky indeed.

I can't have NSAIDS either and so far it hasn't mattered but who knows what the future holds. To be honest I never thought I'd get another five years with a kidney function of GFR 25 but I have and apparently it's down to sheer luck and being so otherwise healthy. I have a friend who had a new knee and wished she hadn't ! but how can you just have been left to deteriorate that's criminal ! My disease is classed as severe but I rarely notice it now. It's a strange old disease that can do some so much harm yet others respond and carry on nearly normally. I do believe there should be research into the different types of RA so treatments can be better targeted. There much be a reason as Abatercept caused me so many skin issues I was covered in a horrid eczema that hurt. So why did it do that yet Etanercept works just fine. I was allowed to go back on it as the reason they stopped it was wrong it was misleading and the blood loss was for an entirely different reason. I used crutches when I broke my leg and ankle last year and it was hard to get into the habit of good leg first. Ive got a walking stick inherited from my mum it's made twisted and very good at getting blackberry branches down to pick in the Autumn. lol xxx She used it to get my son to go higher in the walnut tree to shake the branches as he said at her funeral she prodded me up and up so he had no fear of heights only of an elderly lady determined to get the nuts.

Runrig01 profile image
Runrig01 in reply to medway-lady

That did make me laugh re your son. The issue with my knee started in June after walking like 27, instead of 9 miles in a week, and in a very hilly area. Knee started buckling towards the end of the holiday. I then fell in the shower when it gave way, resulting in a gash that took 10 weeks to heal. Every health professional was more concerned with my spine because of the AS, which I get. Huu is never whenever I’d try to discuss the severe knee pain, they’d say it was just coming from the spine when I fell. No matter how often hubby and I would say No, the knee pain was there and that’s what caused the fall. I knew it was tendonitis, classic symptoms, except I’m not your usual athlete. Although a sudden increase in activity can cause it, as well as being overweight. On 2 occasions I had steroids for my asthma and my knee pain improved for that period, but still didn’t convince them. Then when mri proved me right, I couldn’t have a steroid injection as it could interfere with surgery. Then surgeon said they’d only operate on me in an emergency, and that he didn’t approve of steroid injections. So now rheumatologist doesn’t want to do injection, despite now being 6 months and still having inflamed bursa and tendons. I did do quad strengthening exercises, but because there is so much going on with the knee, it was aggravating the tendon. I suspect when I see physio in 2 weeks, they will just want to deal with the OA, but doing those exercises and pushing myself, sends me backwards. So don’t hold out much hope. Sorry for wittering on 😂. I have several pairs of crutches so will be doing as you say, it’s what we used to suggest to patients. It’s such an effort to carry the second crutch up the stairs.

Anyway, hope you have a lovely time over the new year. Wishing you better health and happiness x🤗

Madmusiclover profile image

Yes use one on and off (electric wheelchair actually as hands can’t keep controls ‘on’ for long on a scooter.). Many places have them for free use whilst at venue and I’ve joined the shop mobility scheme in town. My advice would be try before you buy.

medway-lady profile image

I felt the same when I realised I could not walk around the reserve. Actually not due to RA. But my CKD and I’ve had my head in the sand over hoping to get better and reality for years.Anyway our local country park loans off road ones for £2 an hour and I borrowed one. It was such fun , I can’t tell you how it felt to not worry about getting back etc. So I bought one, not a small shopping one but a hybrid off roader. It has a lithium battery a range of 25 miles higher ground clearance but cost a bit more but so far I’ve done the reserve, 4 country parks local wood trail and it is great. I am so glad I got it but to be honest I don’t need it for shopping just to go off road or longer distances as I get tired but am not in pain. I seem to end up with a granddaughter as passenger, all the coats plus the flask and munchies on board too. I highly recommend trying one out and Ability Plus were very good. But ring your local Country park as they may do a similar scheme to Kent and loan for the parks so you can see how they cope with rough ground etc. And the only thing it can’t do is go though gravel easily but of course neither can bikes. I hope that helps and some shopping centres like Bluewater also do loans. I do drive still but it’s such a waste to take the car up the village to see my chum, now I scoot. And I birdwatch so being off road mobile brings me joy.

In short great fun.

wilbertjellyfish profile image

There is no prize for being sore and you don't want to not go out. I don't think nowadays there is much stigma attached to these things, society is more aware and what odds what others think.I use a stick but I have bright fancy sticks and often get compliments so get a scooter that stands out then you'll be proud to use it.

Kati66 profile image
Kati66 in reply to wilbertjellyfish

I think a bright pink scooter would be good 🤣🤣🤣

wilbertjellyfish profile image
wilbertjellyfish in reply to Kati66

Definitely... maybe with some sparkle or metallic effect.

nanapat61 profile image
nanapat61 in reply to wilbertjellyfish

I don't need a scooter (yet!) but saw a fabulous mature lady on hers in my local Tesco recently. She was an ex-biker and her scooter was pimped up to look like a motorbike - I did a double take, especially as she was wearing a biker jacket with lots of colourful metal badges😂 She asked me to reach something down from a high shelf and we had a short conversation - lovely lady!

wilbertjellyfish profile image
wilbertjellyfish in reply to nanapat61

Brilliant. I do think you have to own it. It's always impressive when you see people just confident in their differences.

nanny_bee71 profile image

Great day out but we always pay the price. Like you I suffer when I overdo it and my hubby wants me to get a mobility scooter - I am reluctant not because of any stigma but I feel as if I am giving in. However will give it consideration

Kati66 profile image
Kati66 in reply to nanny_bee71

I totally get that feeling of “giving in”! It’s hard to accept we can’t do the things we used to isn’t it. We will have to compare notes on mobility scooter finds! 😂😂

Kati66 profile image

Thank you so much everyone for the lovely and encouraging comments. We are going to research the best option for me and look at getting one in the next few months. I would definitely like to go again in the spring so I need to get a mobility scooter by then 😁😁😁.

Have a happy new year, Kati xxx

Haz58 profile image

What wonderful day you had besides the weather! When I could hardly walk during this year we got a mobility scooter. I was very uncertain about it. But I can say it was lovely to get out and about on it! I felt very conscious on it for the first few times using it but then I thought who cares! It was great to actually go to the local shops in the fresh air with my hubby.

I don't need it at the mo but with this disease who knows. People out and about said hello to me, which surprised me!

I say do it! Get one! Mine was so good for my mental health as well as my body! X

P.s I got a 2nd hand one only a few months old. £500 instead of £1600! It's take apart one. I can't do that but hubby does it for me if I need it on the car. When I go away abroad I rent one. It's wonderful to get to see the sites.

benjijen profile image

Sounds like a lovely day. I am also having great deal of problem walking at the moment and in pain. I don't like the idea of wheelchair/mobility scooter either! I suppose there has to eventually come a time when we have to give in. It's a bit like not wanting glasses, hearing aids or walking with a stick!! I fully understand why you went on the trip though.

Evie3 profile image

How lovely……thanks for sharing the photo. Sorry that you suffered after your trip. I havent got a mobility scooter yet but no doubt I will at some stage.

Gymcactus profile image

I would not hesitate to buy a scooter, my hubby had one and we made so many happy memories during his last year, life is for living, so live it as well as you can.

Happy5 profile image

So pleased for you, especially getting to see the river otters.

I went to Spain with hubby and I was regularly told "you can't walk" "sit on a bench" while he searched out where we were heading for. Reason for more walking than needed was cos he didn't really know where he was going. lol Also the scooter idea was muted a few times. problem with it is lots of areas wouldn't be suitable for one. I have a stroller which I prefer helps with support and I can sit on it when I need to.

Amused by your husbands feelings, he's distressed for you, but like mine doesn't realise we'd never do anything in life.

Kati66 profile image
Kati66 in reply to Happy5

Hi Happy,

There were plenty of seats around the park but they were all really wet! If I’d known I would have taken a towel! 😂😂😂. I’m doing a bit of research on scooters so hopefully we will find a suitable one. It will certainly open up the world a bit for me. 😁😁😁

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