Hi everyone....Can anyone tell me what the score for liver function blood test should be? Thank you
Blood tests: Hi everyone....Can anyone tell me what the... - NRAS
Blood tests

If you are looking at blood test results it should have normal range next to it.
Have you got NHS app If so it is all on there if they were done by your gp
Hi trishab, your normal liver function should be 50 or under, mine is always around 14. Th reason I no this is because mine went sky high(260) due to some medication.I had to stop all meds,and have weekly bloods until it came back down, it took a few months And now it's normal again. Then re-started meds again and was monitored for a while hope this helps merry Christmas 🎅 🎄
Hi, this is from the NHS app.
AST serum level: Normal range: Below 40
Serum ALT level: Normal range: Below 41
Serum gamma GT level: Normal range: 1 to 60
Serum total bilirubin level: Normal range: Below 21
Serum LDH level: Normal range: Below 250
The main ALT range runs from 0 - 33. My results are habitually around the upper limit, but nobody gets excited unless the result comes in above 50, when I'm called in to explain myself: it usually becomes elevated because I've been on holiday with prolonged temporary exposure to excessive alcohol (!!) which is of course not recommended with MTX. Interesting that now I've been taken off MTX, the results are tending to be in the lower 20's. I've never had a result lower than 18.
I’m new on this page, but am finding the liver test results are interesting.
My husband has just been told his gammy GT is elevated, but I don’t understand the ranges. Our lab states a range of (0-71), but my husbands result was 88 iul. I understand this isn’t great, but is that number excessively high? All his other results were fine.
I would add that he’s waiting to see a neurosurgeon for spinal stenosis which, at the time of testing, was causing him a heck of a lot of pain, thus he was taking quite a few paracetamol for it. Can this affect liver results?