I’m on waiting list for foot 🦶 fusion on right foot I’m strongly thinking about not having it done as it scares me 😟 it’s the not being able to walk on it and have a cast on the consultant really scared me
foot fusion : I’m on waiting list for foot 🦶 fusion on... - NRAS
foot fusion

I’m facing a similar problem - possible ankle replacement surgery. And I’m scared too, especially as I live alone so will have to find a way to cope post-op by myself.
But I can hardly walk now anyway and I really would like to have some mobility again. I’m going to hire a K9 knee scooter to make it possible to move around without putting any weight on the repaired joint.
I got some helpful advice from someone who has had several foot operations so do send me a private chat message if you would like to talk more.
Which part of the foot is being fused? I’ve had a mid foot fusion on both feet. Recovery was a long slog but I’m very glad I had them done. I highly recommend getting a knee scooter. I’m not sure how I would have coped without one. They are so much easier than crutches. I got a orthomate one so that I could use it outside. It gave me the freedom to get all around the village, I know I would have gone crazy if I were stick in the house. I also used it a lot in the house. It meant once I’d made a cup of tea or coffee I could scoot one handed and carry it to the lounge or the kitchen table to drink it.
Mid foot fusions are a long slog, however I had a friend recently have an ankle fusion and their recovery was much quicker (3-4 months to be completely back to normal rather than 12-15 months). Please feel free to DM me if you want any more suggestions.
I had my toes broken a few years ago and i had a boot to get about you will be ok, xxx
I had triple foot fusions, the first 18 years ago and the second foot 2 years or so after, my feet were turning in on themselves, it was a slow recovery but not painful, I couldn’t put my foot down for 3 months and managed with a frame and wheelchair, I had a bed downstairs and NHS carers to help me wash and get dressed every morning, family were very good too, I live on my own. Once I had the boot on I managed to get about again. I managed very well for a number of years, but find now days because of the combination of a very bad back and flat feet, I am not so mobile, I use a rolater outside, I still drive. Good luck. X
I had it done 10 years ago. It meant I could walk without pain, and after 18 months or so I could run again. The only drawback now is my knee is a bit weaker due to a subtle realignment caused by my slightly changed gait. Good luck
I had an talo-calcaneum fusion with a couple of screws. Wonderful. Went around on a knee scooter until I could weight bear. Had a purple light weight plaster soon after the heavy plaster of Paris white one. Well worth it.
Don't worry about it they would not contemplate ot if it wasn't safe l have recently had 2 operations on rt foot for an RA joint with had been bothering ne as it developed a deep infection as well which would not heal .1st op was to take away the diseased bone and stabilise my rt big toe as it had deformed 2nd op 3 months later they straightened my other toes, l am a month since that op my toes are strapped for a further 2 weeks and then my foot should be healed and l should be able to give back my crutches after 3 months altogether of crutches l can assure you that you will be able to cope. I am in my middle 80s and it's mind over matter . Good luck hope it goes well
Good afternoon Deejojo
I am 7 weeks post foot infusion operation on my left foot. I was very apprehensive before my op. I have other health issues and worried about having a general anesthetic. I needed have worried they noted my medical records and gave me a local one in my spine. Didn't feel it. Also gave me an injection to make me sleep.
Make sure you have a really comfortable recliner chair, you will need it. First night I suggest you sleep in your chair. I tried to sleep in bed, but it was too painfull.
I told them I didn't want crutches as I have RA in my hands, so they gave me a walking frame in stead. I was able to manage my well with it. I live on my own now in a ground floor flat, so was very lucky that I didn't have to go up and down the stairs. Get plenty of microwave meals in. It sounds scary that you can only walk between 5 and 10 minutes an hour. At the beginning that is all you want to do. Please follow their instructions and you will fine. After about a week I progressed to just using a walking stick. Don't go outside until they tell you. Please always wear you boot indoors even when using the toilet at night.
I am still wearing my boot as the foot is still very swollen but doesn't hurt at all.
I hope this has helped you. Please go ahead with the operation.
Kind regards
I had my ankle joint replaced 6 years ago. Best thing ever! Really good since. I too was nervous and apprehensive. I phoned the consultants secretary for assistance. She arranged for the consultant to give me a call. He said that it is perfectly understandable to be wary of operations and we talked through my concerns.
I’m really glad that I went ahead. It is wonderful to be able to walk properly with no pain. I’m altogether much fitter now than I was and can enjoy life so much more.
I had a replacement ankle. The operation and recovery was long but worthwhile I thoroughly recommend it to you