one other question is how easy to do I do mtx injection easy was reading and it says best to learn another member of your family cheers
biological: one other question is how easy to do I do... - NRAS

Very easy! Only if you have very damaged hands is it an issue.
I have metoject MTX which is just the push of a button. It rarely hurts at all. Occasionally there is a slight sting but it's less than a nettle sting.
Don't worry. You will be shown what you need to do, and as others have already said, it's very easy to use if your hands aren't too damaged. I found it very unusual for it to sting when I used it.
I was never shown how to use the metoject pen & was very apprehensive, but, it came with a leaflet with very easy to understand instructions & pictures. Good luck x
I push it against my skin about an inch on either side of my belly button until the top of the pen is pulled back (I try to alternate each week) and then click the button and it fires the needle in. I barely feel it. I feel a slight stinging sensation about 3 minutes after and I find this is worse if I bend over at all. Let the fluid settle in for a good 5 minutes before you move about too much. I also keep them at room temp, not in the fridge as some do. Some people pinch their skin but I’m a chubby one so plenty padding for the needle to deal with without pinching. You’ll find what works for you. Good luck!
My advice is take it out from the the fridge 30 mins before you want to inject. Clean your site area which with me is my thighs, then plump up your thigh like you would if you were showing how much fat you had on your tummy so between your thumb and the rest of your fingers to make a bulge.... With your other hand position the injectable pen on the bulge and press the yellow top down..... Once all the drug has gone in keep pressing and count 1,2,3 and lift the needle off pop it in the sharps bin and I very rarely have any blood but if you do squash it with your finger. Once it's stopped a drop or 2 wash your hands pull your stuff together and carry on with your day.... Hope that helps
definitely take it out if the fridge 30 mins before. I inject it into my thighs as I fine it easier to push down there. Move the injection site around don’t do it in the same place as the previous times. Don’t push down too hard with the you’ve or it will bruise. It’s very easy to do. Get your sterile wipes, plasters and sharps bin all close before you start so you have everything to hand.
you can watch it on video if you just type in inject yourself 👍
Hi, I am sorry about your condition. I didn’t take the injections, I did the capsules but I unfortunately didn’t have any luck with that medication. Wishing you health and peace!
You all say about'taking out of fridge' , I have never been told to put mine in the fridge for over 10 years now x
I take the metojet pen weekly.I keep it in a drawer in a cupboard.It tells you to put in a fridge if temp reaches over 25degrees centigrade.I have in the past taking biological injections for RA they had to be kept in the fridge.I always took them out about twenty mins before injecting.If i didn't they would sting.Metojet is easy to use,pick abdomen or thigh then alternate sides.Once you get first one done you will be fine.Good Luck.
Yes easy to use but my husband does it for me if my hands are sore.