Hi all i would like yr help please. When you are told you are going on biological drugs does this mean infusions or do you have to inject yourself.
Biological drugs : Hi all i would like yr help please... - NRAS
Biological drugs

Hello Jaqi. it simply depends on which biological they decide to use. For me, "Amgevita" which has recently replaced Humira is a self-injection. Others are infused at the hospital but I've never had any of those.
Slf-injection I easy with a very fine needle. Pinch the skin where you inject and you feel the pinch and not the needle.They are administered just under the skin so not deep at all.
This is a reliable veterinary technique for injecting horses that are a bit "needle-shy!" It works in us as well, honestly.
Hi Jaqi
It all depends which specific biologic or biosimilar you are going to have. Once you know that you can find out how it's administered by looking on the NRAS or Versus Arthritis websites. Some you can administer by Epipen, others need a syringe and some are by infusion under medical observation.
I had Benepali (Etnercept) by Epipen which did not work well enough for me and now I.m on Truxima (Rituximab) which is by infusion.
Hope they give you one that works for you.
Hi, Sorry to hijack this post. Just wondered how you were getting on with Truxima? I came off Enbrel because it had stopped being as effective after 15 years, now had 2 infusions of truxima and am in so much pain. I wish I'd have stuck with Enbrel ......
Definite improvement on Truxima although only 2 months since first infusion cycle began. Hands knees and ankles still swollen although I’m still taking 10mg Prednisolone daily too. Hardly any pain though which is good. Hope I will continue to see improvement on Truxima. Never had Enbrel so cannot compare.
Sorry to hear you’re suffering and hope you will see an improvement soon.
As far as I know,some biological drugs are administered by tablet, injection or infusion. The biological I take is called Imraldi ( adalimumab) and I inject once every two weeks. The injection pen is easy to use and is painless so try not to worry about this. I hope that this is useful. Good luck😁
Hi jaqi
I had my pre biologic (biosimilar) appt last Thursday; for Amgevita, an injection once every two weeks. So it depends, as others have noted, on the type of drug and how it is normally administered.
Although I had watched online tutorial videos, the method recommended now is different as a substance that used to be added and which used to cause discomfort, is now no longer included in the pen injection.
So, it can be done two handed which is good for me if in pain and hands not functioning properly.
Might get my first by the end of the month!
Good luck en route to yours.
I've just started Baricitinib which is a daily tablet.
I have had rituximab by infusion at hospital and other 3 by pen injection.those you dont see the needle and is easy to do
I was offered either for my Simponi and I chose self-injection because I didn’t want to have to go there to the doctors office any more often than I already do. It’s super easy.