Mental breakdown : I am off work for 2 weeks, I had a... - NRAS


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Mental breakdown

Carolsos profile image
35 Replies

I am off work for 2 weeks, I had a melt down at work on Monday and nearly walked out of my job! I have been to the doctor's and they have started me on antidepressants, I asked for them. It was such a relief to talk to the doctor and everything came piling out of me and couldn't stop crying. So am hoping these tablets will help but the side effects are already happening! Feeling nauseous and so tired. These tablets will take around 5 weeks to kick in. I may have more time off yet. Take care

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Carolsos profile image
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35 Replies
Gottarelax profile image

I have been reading your posts and my heart goes out to you. You certainly should take as much leave as you require. It's great that you've reached out to your GP. I do hope that the anti-depressants help you. Be kind to yourself.

BeachsideVia profile image

you have too much going on! I finally looked into taking MTX and started 8 weeks ago. Still too soon to know if its working, but I have not had a major painful flare since I started. I also have recurrent depression, and know that it takes a while for meds to kick in. Know that you are on a good path, and will see results in time. Today my wrist is painful. I need to resist my downward spiral with every pain. There is much wisdom on this site, and I have learned so much about coping.

springcross profile image

I really hope the antidepressants help you Carol, you certainly need some help after all you've been through the last few months. Don't rush back to work, make sure you're ready first. Take care. x

helenlw7 profile image

You’ve done the right thing by speaking to your gp. Make sure you take enough time off work for your medication to work. My daughter was put on antidepressants after her partner died in 2021, but she went back to work too soon and ended up having a lot more time off work

Deeb1764 profile image

big hugs Carol give your body time to adjust to the meds but also some downtime for and pace yourself. Take a walk each day to get some Fresh air in The lungs too x

Neonkittie17 profile image

You need the time and rest. 💗 It’s been brutal re how you were exhausting yourself to try do everything. Most people couldn’t cope with your job and being up so early and on their feet working, let alone the other immense pressures. It will take as long as it takes to feel better. Go back to the GP if you feel you want more time.

Jackie1947 profile image

Wishing you well

Fruitandnutcase profile image

Not surprised you’ve reached this stage after all that’s been going on - and for so long. Hopefully the antidepressants and time off will help you over this awful time. To be honest I don’t know how you’ve kept going and the kids what’s app group has just been the straw that’s broken the camels back. I’d try and do what Deeb says and get out for a walk every day even if it’s only round the block in the fresh air, nature is starting to come to life and it will be cheering for you. (((Big hugs to you))) things will get better even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. 💐

Madmusiclover profile image

Well done you. Take a break; you deserve it. X

nomoreheels profile image

I'm so sorry Carol. It's little surprise with everything that's going on, & dealing with RD too, so stressful. Hopefully the med will help you soon, give it a little time to get used to it, they can be such help when you really need them. Don't be in a rush to return to work, take it a day at a time… you decide not work. x

Haz58 profile image

Carol I'm amazed this hadn't happened sooner as you've had so very much to cope with! Your body is saying now enough is enough. If your sickness is bad tell the GP and you may be able to have anti sickness pills to help that. The pills will take a little while to kick in but they should help. If not go back to your doctor as there are many meds out there to help you. I was off for 3 months about 20 years ago when the same thing happened to me at work. Total burnout! Rest, try to walk every day as said before. Do things you enjoy. You may be off work ill but it doesn't mean you have to hide away and stay indoors. For mental health you need peace, someone to talk to, do things you enjoy and get out into nature. Be prepared to have more than 2 weeks off work, don't feel pressured into going back too soon you will just end up back at square one.I send you hugs and we are all here so please keep posting.


sylvi profile image

Darling your under so much stress at the moment and is it any wonder you had a meltdown darling. I wish you well with the antidepressants. xxxx

SpanishSenorita profile image

Hi. I completely sympathise. I am 61 and was made redundant at the end of February due to the company closing, from a job I enjoyed. I was offered something else with a different company, doing a different job that I did not really want but felt obliged to accept. I have RA and OA and take various meds. I did one day at the new job, which was totally new and "information overload", (my head was spinning at the end of the day!) and then started with Covid, so I have been off sick since and am dreading going back!

Pippy25 profile image

You have had so much to deal with that something sadly has had to give. Please take care (easier said than done) and take time for yourself as well as caring for Jim. Please don't let others think because you are signed off that this means you can take on more, as believe me when I say this can happen, even if you've had a meltdown. Get out into the fresh air when you can and also rest. Be with Jim as you would but make sure others are supporting and looking after Jim too. xxx

Gnarli profile image

I'm surprised that this hasn't happened before this given all the pressures on you. It's time for you to relax and unwind and take care of yourself. Have some walks, have some naps and have some quality me time. You need it. Please remember that 'no' is a sentence and one you're going to have to say more often. Sending hugs x

Pulfs profile image


greynot profile image

Not surprising, with all the pressures you're under.Good to hear that your GP is onside. Take all the time you need, and a little bit more. And keep us in the loop.Sending love to you and Jim


Boxerlady profile image


WomanOfFaith profile image

sending you blessings! Everything is going to be okay 🙏🏻

RA64 profile image

sorry to hear that, the side effects do stop, and it will get better, you will notice soon.

Carolsos profile image

Thank you everyone for your lovely replies. I am going to Liverpool for mother's Day to visit my daughter 😊

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Carolsos

That’s just what you need to do, have a lovely, relaxing time. Hope you are thoroughly spoiled. 😊

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to Carolsos

Good! 😊 Enjoy and I hope you are spoilt 🍾🍾🍾

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to Carolsos

Ditto Fruitandnutcase & Haz58 sentiments. I hope you have a lovely day.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Carolsos

Enjoy your trip out, be kind to yourself. You are a strong woman, don't forget that.

Bella59 profile image

Wishing you better days soon.Take Care.

Katie-Mag profile image

Really sorry to hear you’re having such a tough time Carol.

I was in a similar place 2 years ago. The antidepressant really helped but give yourself as much time as you can to get better. Counselling is also great, the ladies at NRAS are also great listeners. As lots of others have said, try and get outside, I’m not sure how it helped but was so important in my recovery…

Keep going, you will get better!

Paisley58 profile image

I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through. I am sad for you but really encouraged that you took the steps necessary to heal.

Really happy your GP listened as so many these days don't seem to have the time. Be gentle with yourself, indulge in lots of self care and don't worry about work. I have everything crossed that things will become brighter soon.

Sending you a massive cyber hug, love and light.💐

Chockyuk profile image

I’m sorry to hear that Carol, but it’s not surprising when you think of all you’ve been going through. I started taking Sertraline a while ago as I’m going through a very acrimonious divorce, selling the house etc, at my time of life at 61, it wasn’t something I’d ever have envisioned myself going through. If it’s any consolation, the tablets have worked inasmuch as I’m not crying all time time, but I do still struggle.

Give them a try and see how you go. My work also arranged counselling for me, have you spoken to your GP about that - it’s good to let it all out.

Look after yourself 💕

Monkeysmum profile image

Sorry I’m late to your post Carol. Just wanted to add to the hugs and good wishes above. Hope you have a lovely Mother’s Day with your daughter and that the antidepressants start to help very soon 🤗

I’m not suprised tbh. You have been through so much. Ask to be referred for some counselling. Speak to your GP about a 3 month sick note.. You need time to psychologically recover from all you have been through.

Take care.

Carolsos profile image

I am going back to work on Tuesday, think the tablets have started working now! Am not crying now and the palpitations have stopped. Thanks for your replies.

Oshgosh profile image

how are you today ?

Jackie1947 profile image

I felt like that at first and it should pass. If you still find it's not going away there are other types. They didn't take long to kick in. Good luck

Carolsos profile image

I have been back to work for 5 weeks now and am so pleased I went back. It was a nightmare during the 2 weeks school holidays. But I managed to not get stressed with the pressure. So the tablets really worked. Thank you all for your comments.

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