my white blood count is always up wondered if anyone had this?
white blood cells: my white blood count is always up... - NRAS
white blood cells

High white blood cell count is often a sign of CLL or Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Ask your doctor about this. A referral to a hematologist may be in order to check you out. There is a very active CLL group on Health Unlocked.
Hi, my husband has both RA and CLL, which was diagnosed because of high white blood cell count. It is important to discuss with doctor and they can arrange for a referral to haematolgy doctor if necessary. Although his white blood cell count is high and he has been diagnosed with CLL he hasn't needed treatment, but it is important to know.
You should check this with your GP to make sure it is not a symptom of anything else, however, it is depends on how much it is elevated. Normal results are a guide and in some cases it is about what is normal for you. Seek advice but do not be too concerned at this point. Good luck
There are many reasons for a raised white blood count, one of which is Rheumatoid Disease. You should discuss it with your medical team if you're concerned that no-one is paying any attention to it - they should, at least, explain their thinking to you.
If you want to read up on it yourself (always helpful if you want to discuss things with a medical team) have a look at this informative article in Medical News:
hello my rheumatoid nurse told me the reason being my white cells were high, due to having
rheumatoid arthritis , because they are fighting the infection we have , with having rheumatoid arthritis.
It can mean you have just got some minor infection …have a chat with you rheumy nurse…don’t just worry about it.