5 years on with RA,I now have a Sliding Hiatal Hernia, affecting my oesophagus . Can anyone advise me on diet please? reflux of course is a problem. Breakfast is my problem area...what to eat and what to avoid ...thank you
Reflux: 5 years on with RA,I now have a Sliding Hiatal... - NRAS

it’s hard one. I was offered an operation but put it on hold as it’s a long difficult recovery and with everything else it was too much.
I was told a low acid diet . No tomatoes/chocolate/ citrus foods /caffeine/alcohol/ processed food/spices/fizzy drinks . I don’t eat after 4 and sleep elevated. It helps but doesn’t stop flares . It’s trial and error I’m afraid.
that's a shame, but yes I have been diagnosed with a hernia as well, 🙄 i told told the same as J1707's consultant has said, plus eat little and oten rather than big meals. I wasn't told specific foods to eat, but I try to stick to a Mediterranean diet as much as possible. I hope it's not causing you too many problems x
you say breakfast is your problem area . I eat porridge every morning and find it very digestible. I too have a hiatus hernia.
I have a hiatus hernia, which is due to my fused ribs weakening my diaphragm, resulting in the hernia. I was suddenly getting reflux despite taking lansoprazole. I was also getting short of breath, so referred to a respiratory specialist. Initially referred due to scan showing pulmonary fibrosis. It turned out it wasn’t PF, but scarring in my lung from aspirating acid. She changed me to a stronger PPI, initially Esomeprazole than Pantoprazole, as the Esomeprazole interacted with my clopidogrel. My reflux settled right down. She also insisted I take gaviscon advance, not the double action one, as it creates a raft and stood the acid exiting the stomach. I have little issue now. I’m still monitored by respiratory as it can turn to PF. I have an electric bed so sleep elevated, and I avoid acidic foods. Something like porridge should be find to take, perhaps followed by a tsp gaviscon advance
I’ve found reducing all dairy but no totally excluding it helps a great deal. My HH was made much worse by gallstones but after surgery to remove my gallbladder my Hiatus improved a great deal. Try to avoid too much fat and greasy foods if you eat them at all. I also found I was allergic to eggs so maybe an allergy could be making symptoms worse. If I have cream or too much cheese I pay the price but trial and error I’m afraid.