RA not to bad,started on tablet then about a year ago switched to injections, not sure if they suit me since having them have a rash on my back, main problem i have the hospital decided to give me a blood thinner at 70, seems thats what there chart says? however lots of side effects rashes on back shoulders, and can cuase your gums to bleed, i was wondering if anybody takes a thinner on the RA group that dosen't cause a problem and what is it called?
Blood thinner: RA not to bad,started on tablet then... - NRAS
Blood thinner

Firstly I take Riveroxaban and that does not thin the blood it affects Prostaglandin and I've been taking it for over 6 years with no problem at all. Warferin thins the blood but is rarely prescribed as the new generation of blood medications don't need monitoring and no restrictive diet.
Thank you i will have a chat with my GP and hopefully i can try that one.
Another one is Axipaban. Its similar to Riveroxaban but taken twice a day. I think its unlikely you'd get Warferin these days with the much better River and Apixi. Ive never heard of any sort of gum bleeds although it is true no antidote yet, but in 6 years of it I've never bled much and they do adjust for surgery and dentistry if the skin is broken. Both are intelligent medications and work as needed so no need to monitor and its just take and forget but carry a warning band or put on the ICE app as the normal blood tests for clotting don't work in the event of an accident. Plus you can't have any of the latest tablet RA meds due to ongoing issues with possible clotting although the link has to be proved and obviously no aspirin. It is a great medication though and so I'm not too bothered.
Since I had a heart attack May 2022 I’ve been on a lot of meds for cardiac treatment. This includes aspirin, blood thinner ( ticagrelor ), statin ( rosuvastatin ), blood pressure regulator ( Ramipril ) and a beta blocker ( bisoprolol ). After a while when the meds eventually kicked in I found that whenever I cut myself even slightly I would bleed for hours. I had my blood thinner meds doseage reduced by half and now, even though I bruise and bleed easily it’s cured the excessive bleeding. Have a chat with whoever prescribed your blood thinner and explain the problem, maybe an alternative or reduced doseage may help.
My cardiac meds are due to be reviewed this coming May and I’m hoping that I will be able to drop most of them.
Thanks for the reply, i didnt have a heart attack, just stress i think heartbeat went to 135 beats then after some meds 65? had my ticker scanned no desease etc so happy with that. I think the thinner couples with the methotroxate jab is causing a problem, lucky for me I have a appointment on Friday so hope to get some more info. PS according to the chap who scanned my ticker said if you were 65 we wouldn't put you on the thinner, but as your 70 we do, very strange.
Thanks for the reply, Some good points, basically my heartbeat went up i think itwas stress related, however hey decided I needed a hospital visit, so within 20 minutes the rate was down to 65 beats . I saw my GP told him i wasn't happy about the the thinners, went for a heart scan said it looked fine, so I said why do i need thinner, well if you were 65 we wouldn't be giving it, however as your 70 you fall into the bracket. Im sure the methotroxate jabs don't help so will be discussing Friday withe Doc. Thank you
I was put on aspirin initially after having a stroke at age 52. It was then changed to clopidogrel. Much as I don’t get any side effects, I do bruise and bleed easily. However I’m also on life long steroids, so my skin is quite thin from these, and the blood capillaries are very fragile. My hubby gets concerned as I’m constantly covered in bruises, and he worries others will think he’s abusing me, which obviously he’s not. Some of the blood thinners mentioned above like rivoroxaban, Apixiban and warfarin and stronger thinners used to treat thrombosis, like a DVT, or patients with atrial fibrillation, AF. So depends on the reason for the thinner as to which one is suitable.
I find the reasoning for the thinner strange, i had an episode where my heartbeat went to 135, then after some jollop at hospital was back to 65after 30 mins,had my heart scannned no disease or problem, but the guy said as your 70 we put you on a thinner if you were 65 we wouldn't, strange but true, I think the methotroxate dont help withe the thinner, lucky i have an appointment Friday.
it may be they picked up some atrial fibrillation. I’m on clopidogrel due to having a stroke, as well as methotrexate. They don’t seem to interact. Hope your dr can give you answers 🤗
It sounds to me as if you need a better discussion of the risks and benefits of treatment. What is the aim of the treatment and why are you being prescribed medication? Have you got atrial fibrillation?
For example there there was a 'fashion' several years ago for prescribing a small dose of aspirin to prevent clotting and a coronory thrombosis just on the basis that this was a common condition in older people. Then it was shown that it did not have advantages overall and was disadvantageous in the possibility of losing small amounts of blood especially in the gut, because of the irritation caused.
So you need to know things like:
Why am I being offered this treatment? What are the gains I will make? What are the risks of treatment e.g. how likely is it that I will bleed too much? Are there any interactions with the medication I already take? What monitoring needs to be done? What are the alternatives?
Some good points, basically my heartbeat went up i think itwas stress related, however hey decided I needed a hospital visit, so within 20 minutes the rate was down to 65 beats . I saw my GP told him i wasn't happy about the the thinners, went for a heart scan said it looked fine, so I said why do i need thinner, well if you were 65 we wouldn't be giving it, however as your 70 you fall into the bracket. Im sure the methotroxate jabs don't help so will be discussing Friday withe Doc. Thank you