yes Iam going to start Orencia also because I am running out of options. I have been first on Metho, then biosimilars Etanercept, Humira, which all caused liver pain and strangely my teeth have been giving me a hard time. Pain in my gums, decaying, fillings, tooth pulled, more feelings coming. I also had a shot of Simponi that I had a very bad reaction to. Iwas so sick, had the shivers and a fever in the middle of the night. I as so sick, when t to Emergency room they did tests and everything was ok so they know it was from Simponi. The first week was terrible. Total Effects lasted a month. So now I am scared what’s next. I can,t take the infusion because I have such scar tissue from spending 1.5 years in the hospital for a illness. The nurses have a terrible time getting a line on me. So Iam hoping Orencia will do the trick for. The Jaks have a black box warning in Canada and they won,t allow over 65 to take it due to higher level of bc, heart attacks, lung cancer , blood clots. So I am 63 so concerned about that. Has anyone been on Orencia and how was it.
Orencia: yes Iam going to start Orencia also because I... - NRAS

I've been on it for a year and don't think its as good as Etanercept which caused UTI's but abatercept (Orencia ) doesn't so far. In the UK, JAKS are not given to people with blood clots risks so I can't have them either. They are looking it as risk may not be so great that the benefit will outweigh it or so I was told. Anyway Orencia made me very sick for about 3/4 days then that side effect stopped and its painless to administer weekly.
Orencia infusions were the only thing that worked for me besides prednisone. We had exhausted ALL other options because of the same reasons, having horrible reactions and medications not helping at all. Orencia saved my life. It put me into a remission and I haven't been sick like that since and that was 5 yrs ago. I was very nervous about it because of how I reacted to other meds. This is a biological, and one of the absolute best treatments in my experience. I took infusions for about 6 months, once a month. I hope this helps.
Hi, I’ve been on Abatacept since September ... so far so good. I do the weekly injections. I had to stop in October/November for my vaccines so that has interrupted it but it seems to be working and no obvious side effects so far 🤞🏻 but I’m not sure if my previous biologic is also still working so the next couple of months will tell. Abatacept/Orencia is said to be more gentle on your body re infections, which is why it was recommended for me. It is known to be a slower worker than some of the other biologics.Good-luck!x
hi-it-was-dictation-but-that-is-very-hit-and-miss-too.I-have-mentioned-on-here-enough-now-in-case-Admins-still-read-posts -and-sent-2-messages-so-they’ve-either-not-got-them,or-can’t-resolve-it.