Has anyone found out what causes mouth ulcers (canker sores)?
mouth ulcers: Has anyone found out what causes mouth... - NRAS
mouth ulcers

I was badly troubled by them throughout my childhood. At college I ended up with so many in my mouth I visited a doctor. He suggested I change my toothpaste as I might be allergic to an ingeredient in it. I now never get mouth ulcers unless I bite my cheek.
loads of thimgs can trigger mouth ulcers and people with RA are susceptible. Even more so if taking methotrexate in it knocks your folate level out of balance, but not just that.
being run down/ not enough folic
If you are on Mtx ask if your folic acid can be increased to every day except Mtx day.
Toothpaste. Make sure no sodium lauryl sulphate in the ingredients and increase your folic acid. So painful. Sending hugs x
No except when I was on Methotrexate I had them.
Only had problems when I was on max 25mg Methotrexate. I would be getting this checked out by your dentist in the first instance. They are the experts in oral health.
I had terrible mouth ulcers in my 30’s, my dentist referred me to the dental hospital. The first thing they checked was my iron levels.
Mouth ulcers appear to have lots of underlying causes which interact - I spent ages looking them up when I had them severely, huge painful craters, on methotrexate. And I talked to my knowledgeable dentist who was horrified at their size and depth.
Things I found helped: Keeping my mouth as clean as possible with a gentle toothbrush and gentle toothpaste. Removing every bit of food debris after eating. Using a protective gel (I used orobase which sticks to moist surfaces) and local anaesthetic cream (for teething). Raising my folic acid intake.
But stopping methotrexate worked best!
Stress is the main cause for me. I get them every time before a performance being an opera singer.
Absolutely same as everyone else says - I had terrible sores on my tongue and the increase in folic acid to every day but methotrexate day really helped. I still get them on roof of mouth quite badly if v run down and flaring (have lupus and sjogrens) and then I have steroid mouth wash.. and a lot of soup and soft foods until it goes!
Definitely brush your teeth 30mins after eating (not before as the acids in your mouth will need to calm down before you brush and hurt your teeth/gums), and in the am and pm.. and also floss every night... life changer... as my constant need for fillings from when I was 13 until mid thirties finally provoked a dentist to ask if I flossed... a little late in the day considering my nick name at one point was "metal Mickey" (only know what that means if of a certain age!).
And just make sure your diet is really good, and your bloods aren't showing anything obvious that needs to be addressed. And try not to get stressed... I do a lot of calm deep breathing if things get a little hairy in life.. seems to work. Oh and tell your rheumatologist.
Hope that helps.