COVID and methotrexate : Hi I’m due to have COVID... - NRAS


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COVID and methotrexate

Welshwomanprestatyn profile image

Hi I’m due to have COVID vaccine next week the new one Spireovax at present my RA is good with low dose of Methotrexate. My husband had vaccine last week and was really unwell I’m thinking about not having vaccine?

advice please

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Welshwomanprestatyn profile image
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31 Replies
helixhelix profile image

we can’t advise yiu as it’s such a personal choice.

I’ve had all my vaccines, and carried on with my drugs, asI believe that the risk of being more seriousky ill if I catch Covid without being fully vaccinated is far greater than a few bad days after the vaccine.

Blackberrywine profile image

It's entirely your choice. I understand the fear of a flare though. It does happen. How did you do with the others?

Welshwomanprestatyn profile image
Welshwomanprestatyn in reply to Blackberrywine

okay no real issues just a bit of a sore arm

Madmusiclover profile image

I had no issues with any jab. Last one was Moderna . Sometimes I stayed on my drug (Baricitinib) sometimes not.

Neonkittie17 profile image

You may be completely different to him In how you react! Your choice of course but a booster gives the immune a nudge to keep ramping up the antibodies.

Sheila_G profile image

I didn't have any problems with this 5th vaccine except for a very sore, stiff arm which is nothing. I will miss three doses of mxt 17.5mg altogether. I take mxt on mondays and my jab was a sunday so missed the dose the week before giving me 13 days clear then had jab and will miss 2 doses of mxt before I start again. I don't have a flare so far but I am in remission so I am prepared to cope with a mild flare, hopefully. Of course, it is getting the right balance as we are more vulnerable from covid whilst in a flare. I am not advising you, just telling you that this is what I do. What you do is your personal choice. Good luck.

janmary profile image

Bore da! Had my 5th - new vaccine - no side effects (had a flare after all the others)

Your choice but COVID seems to be everywhere at the moment……

barbieg profile image

I had the booster a few weeks ago and noticed on the information leaflet they handed out that it was Moderna, tweaked for the new variant. I was told last year when the nurse gave me my flu jab to rub/massage the site of the vaccination afterwards. It works for me. I do that for a few minutes off and on . I was the only one of my friends who had the vaccination with me , to be able to lay on that arm in bed. I had no side effects and no painful arm. I did tell them to rub/massage their arm by the way but they didn’t believe me. They do now! I can’t comment about stopping our medication as I’m not taking any at the moment (awaiting the go ahead for Adalimumab.

Chockyuk profile image

As others on here have said, it’s quite an individual thing how you’ll react. I’ve had no side effects of either vaccine and I’m on a high dose of Mthx and Sulfasalazine (which I continued taking).

I’ve just had Covid too and apart from a slightly snuffly nose for a few days I had absolutely no other symptoms, I was completely fine, despite most of the people I know who aren’t on immune suppressants and having no underlying conditions being really ill 🤷‍♀️

I just think I’ve been really lucky, but you never know?

Paulineg profile image

Well, excuse me for saying, I think you would be very silly not to have the Covid jab. If you are happy to be seriously ill with Covid, by all means go ahead and don’t have the jab. Just because your husband was poorly ( most men are and make a fuss about everything) please don’t let it make you ill.

Obviously the decision is yours but please think very carefully about this.

Runrig01 profile image

I’ve just had my 6th vaccine, I was ill for 3 out of the previous 5. 2 were flu like illness and 1 I flared. Saying that I’d rather that than having severe covid because my antibodies had dropped. I think mine is worse than those around me due to not producing any of the stress hormone, cortisol. Then when the body is exposed to a stress I get ill.

If stopping MTX worries you, then continue to take it, some protection is better than none. I’m on ( immunosuppressants plus 2 steroid inhalers, I’ve tested my antibodies after 3 of the previous vaccines and had a moderate response, despite taking all my immunosuppressants.

I had the 6th one last Saturday, the new Pfizer bivalent, and all I had was a sore arm, but I was prepared to accept worse. I do also have fused ribs and lung damage, so I wouldn’t said well if I were to get severe covid. It’s a very individual choice, good luck whatever you decide

AgedCrone profile image

With no doctors willing to do anything but toe the line and advise us all to have every Covid vaccination we are offered, I’m afraid it looks like we all have to weigh up the options & decide for ourselves.

Amongst my friends…admittedly mostly 70+….those I would have thought would shrug off a bout of that virus…have in fact been badly affected….I am still sitting on the fence & getting my RA treatment sorted, & when enough time has elapsed I will address getting another vaccination.

Sorry not to be more helpful!

Gymcactus profile image

HI, I had the Spikevax bivalent/omicron last week and just had a mild headache day after. Am on 15mg methotrexate and sulfa tabs, saw my rheumy 3 weeks ago and he advised me to leave off metho for 2 weeks after jab, I am well controlled with my R A.

Scottishlad profile image

Only had slightly sore arms after my flu and COVID vaccinations on Wednesday. Was advised it was okay to take methotrexate, 10mg, on Sunday as normal but postpone my biologic for a week as it was due on Thursday.

We are all different and of course my advice was from my consultant and may not apply to you.

oldtimer2 profile image

You are much more at risk from the actual infection and becoming seriously ill. You may (some people do) feel awful for a for a few days as your body reacts to the vaccine, but that is nothing to how ill you could be if you actually catch either Covid or flu. Neither are trivial illnesses in people who are immune suppressed or elderly.

Welshwomanprestatyn profile image
Welshwomanprestatyn in reply to oldtimer2

thanks I take your point it’s a personal decision I guess

Blackberrywine profile image
Blackberrywine in reply to Welshwomanprestatyn

Not much help eh. Everyone has to make their own decisions based on what they know, and their own particular circumstances. I've actually not had any jabs at all due to nasty reactions in the past. I also contracted covid early on and saw no reason to get the jab. But that's me.

wishing you well in whatever you decide.

Oshgosh profile image

I’ve had 6 vaccinations.

It’s a pain ,but it’s better than Covid xx

tyncwmmarchhywel profile image

Prynhawn Da, i chi yn Prestatyn, I having had serious Sepsis bach in 2Ol6 will be deffinantly having the jab, as that was horrendus with out having covid,I only take 5mg Presislone and it is a struggle on most days with the fatigue, Hope youb do get round to having it Hwyl.

Mall profile image

I was due to have my vaccination on Wednesday but couldn’t as I came down with covid. If you are young fit healthy without chronic health conditions then maybe the current epidemic may not affect you more than a bad cold. This was not the case for me, a week on I am still suffering with fatigue coughing, confined to the house, needing help with basic tasks from shopping to housework. Unfortunately I couldn’t get a vaccination sooner. Now I have to wait for another 4 weeks to rebook.

Also bear in mind covid changes every 6/8 weeks. There will be another variant circulating by Christmas which could be milder or more severe. My advice to anyone with a chronic health condition is to take all reasonable steps to avoid becoming ill with this virus and have the vaccines offered.

Blackberrywine profile image
Blackberrywine in reply to Mall

I'm afraid the vaccines will neither prevent catching the virus, or stop transmission. There is a big hoo-ha going on at the moment concerning this. Anyone who looked at the documents understood it does neither. Unfortunately this is not what the public was told. Many were coerced or lost jobs because they were told they were selfish if they didn't get it, because it would stop them passing it on. It was nonsense. Tony Blair stood right on TV and called people selfish antivax for making an informed decision. Unethical really. People must do what is right for them if they feel its useful in minimising symptoms.

Mall profile image
Mall in reply to Blackberrywine

The general public are aware that the vaccination may not prevent an individual from getting covid but all research and hospital data clearly demonstrates that it saves lives. It reduces the severity of the disease. I am not saying anything different. I am saying I may not have been this ill with covid had I managed to have a vaccination prior to catching it.

Blackberrywine profile image
Blackberrywine in reply to Mall

Presumably you already had several vaccinations prior to this though? Regardless, it's thankfullyy entirely your decision. As it should be.

Unfortunately many people were not aware. Many coerced into it or lose jobs or not attend college or school. It was pushed down the throat of the general public on a daily basis...from Tony Blair, Jeremy Vine to the appalling Piers Morgan. Blair, and others, clearly stated it stops transmission. That was a lie. They should be called out for it.

Mall profile image
Mall in reply to Blackberrywine

You clearly have strong views about the politics of vaccines and covid in particular . As you say personal choice; I have said my choice as regards covid. I don’t wish to get into a political argument with you about vaccines and workers rights in the context of this post.

funkyfran profile image

I have never had any ‘vaccinations’ & never caught ‘Covid’. My friend had three & caught it. The ‘vaccinations’ do not stop you getting ‘Covid’ that is a fact admitted by Pfizer CEO

Nyreedw profile image

I had the new Pfizer one for my 6th ad it's also now got Omicron variant added. My partner had Moderna one. I had no issues whatsoever. After watching my Mother in law died via a video call with covid,to say goodbye, I certainly wouldn't refuse. Again it's your choice. I stopped meds around all 6 vaccines and funnily I've never had covid even when my partner and daughter had it. Must be working

Pastels profile image

I’ve had six covid vaccines now and had my last one with my flu jab. I had no side effects at all. I take Filgotinib daily and didn’t stop for any of my vaccinations.

Wishing you all the best.

Good morning Welshwomanprestatyn,

As many have already said, we cannot tell you what you should do. However, medical professionals do encourage those who have been invited to get their boosters to bolster their immunity going into the winter months.

Find out more here:

It is also important to remember that your rheumatology team will be there to support you should you have a flare and discuss your risk of having one. Even with a brief cessation in methotrexate, most individuals do not experience a bad flare due to the "wash out" period for the drug.

You can also check out:

I hope you find this information useful and wish you all the best. Should you require any additional information or support please contact our helpline on 0800 298 7650 (Mon-Fri, 9.30am-4.30pm) or email us at

Best wishes,

Hannah - NRAS information and support coordinator

Chrissycl profile image

On the whole personally I think the covid vaccine is important. Fot myself and as a means to possibly stamping out covid eventually. I have has 6 vaccination so far 4 pziffer and 2 moderna no serious side effects so far just clod like symtoms for a couple of days I did phone my RA helpline and was told no néed to medication. I'm on a biological one and sulfasalizine not methotrexate thou. So maybe ring and seewhat consultant says.

Jackie1947 profile image

Just because your husband was unwell doesn't mean you will be too. I had jab 5 the Moderna one you mention. Neither me or my husband were unwell. Up to you at the end of the day

The Guardian are doing a series of articles about ‘Long Covid’ atm. Getting this has always been my greatest fear (apart from the ‘fear of death’ for the first year before vaccines were available).

Each to their own but I have always had vaccines for everything. Mumps and Polio having a resurgence because others ‘know better’ than immunologists…

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