well go her t off me backside and went to daughters who i asked about alchol probs spent saturday being dad all lovey dovey giving advice sunday breakfast together cuppa needed no milk i will go to shop and get some she says ok says i off you go me off to tiolet back in house 10/15 mins she is bladders swaying falling slurred speech 2 empty bottles of wine found well what do i do 101 111 999 they all know her take her in back out in a day oh while phoneing another bottle found phew theres steam coming out of ears and the saga continues watch this space!!!!!!!!!! !ps can i stop shop selling her drink
you got to see it to believe it: well go her t off me... - NRAS
you got to see it to believe it

only she can help herself but first she has to decide she wants to help herself and until that happens, if it ever does, I’m afraid to say nothing you or anyone else dies will make one bit of difference. I’m sorry to be direct but having lived with an alcoholic for 5 years I know. The scenario went like this : lost job due to drink, depressed as lost job so drinks more, violence and theft follow then sleeping rough and getting very ill - this took about 6 months. Then sectioned for 4 months, then 13 weeks rehabilitation unit, a repeat of that immediately afterwards, then half way house for adults then move to supported living for adults - time span 5 years and he wanted to get better. Recovery starts with the alcoholic and can only be achieved by them. I hope you can be kind to yourself until she’s ready.

wow still thats to much for you sorry if bringing it up is upsetting it looks like a bumpy ride
yes it was an awful time and nearly too much but I managed to live through his illness and eventually without him. I’ll never forget the heartache so I totally understand how you feel. Whenever you need to rant …. Let me know.

( glad your ok and come through hopefully for best her partner says she calmer now i am here but i donrt want to be searching grown womans bedroom even if it is me daoughter and you cant bribe them or cajole spo head down arse up and head for the light if there is any (pit talk)

agree with all of that. It’s a dreadful disease
it is because it’s an illness without sympathy or hope. Many alcoholics think they should be cured ‘by the system’ and when they realise they must cure themselves many lose hope.

I really sympathise with you. Sadly there is nothing you can do for your daughter other than be there for her and support her. Until she realises she has a problem and decides to do something about it nobody can really help her, I had my own problems with alcohol which fortunately I have overcome. In my case it was serious non alchohol related problems that persuaded me to give up. Since then I have tried to help friends with similar problems. Some made it. others sadly didn't. I wish you well and I hope she can come to the realisation that she is better off without is.
I think you meant to reply to pauluk60 rather than me
I’m afraid if you ask that shop to stop selling her alcohol,she will just go somewhere else.
We’ve lost too many friends through alcohol,they can only help themselves unfortunately. Quite often if you want to discuss it they don’t see it as concern,only as criticism.
You really need to prioritise your health and well being .take care of yourself xx
im just sending you a hug. She has to want to stop for herself and I don't know how to persuade her to want that. Its an awful disease.
hi Paul, sober in 7 is a fantastic group, guy who runs it is called Andy Smith, u can book a call with him or for your daughter, this isn’t her fault, alcohol is highly addictive, good luck 🤞
alcohol is a very dangerous narcotic. Right up there with terrible drugs like heroin.
The first step in curing any mental disorder/ addiction is for the person to execpt they have a problem. Then ( as others have mentioned) they have to want to get better.
One of the side effects of drug abuse is you can talk to them about their addiction and they make promises to change as if they really believe it. Then as soon as you turn your back they go straight for the bottle. They are ill, the person you knew isn't their anymore.
There are people you can talk to, to help you understand, and offer professional advice in coping with this.
If you can try talking to your doctor to see what help is available locally and they will help point you in the right direction.
ta tourk tried most things shes on bail for fighting brother dont know yet whafs going to happen but said he js pressing charge in the hope she will get treatment idea good/bad it seems to yes nowt else working
maybe 20 years ago they would of been helped, to many cut backs have left people untreated.
Have you managed to find any suport groups
hi tourk i am at daughters now wow i blew the lid off but its calmed managed to get her under doc with mental and alchol teams her partner is a godsend hit jackpot with him but hes got important job sit back wait for plan just gone to meeting with partner taking bloods shes got the tremers and screwed up bad but looks better than when i came
This will sound harsh but actually ones round alcoholics can be facilitators of their addiction.
Some info here to see how to reduce this in your daughters life.
It's awful watching this destructive addiction so look for help for your self to cope with it.