Walking on egg shells.: Has anyone else felt as if they... - NRAS


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Walking on egg shells.

nellysgran profile image
19 Replies

Has anyone else felt as if they are walking on stones,?

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nellysgran profile image
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19 Replies
helixhelix profile image

you may well have a Morton’s neuroma. Not dangerous, just painful! Can you get an appointment with a podiatrist?

Tired-fed-up profile image

this is how my RA started 😢. Increasingly painful to walk like there were stones in the balls of my feet. I saw a podiatrist who suggested the possibility of RA.., Good luck xxx

RAexperiences profile image

yes I just felt that recently in the ball of one foot though it appears to have settled down…didn’t last long in my case

virtualreality profile image

Yes! I had this when my RA was revving up last year, made it very awkward to walk. I think it was an effect of the inflammation in my case.

janmary profile image

yes - especially when the first big flare led to diagnosis. Felt like walking on pebbles. Settled down when RA treatment took effect.

CagneysMum profile image

yes. I felt exactly like this when my RA was at its worse but it settled down once I got the right medication to suit me. 👍

calflo profile image

I had this when I was first diagnosed, it was very painful and made walking unbearable at times, but once my methotrexate kicked in it disappeared. That was 13 years ago and so far I’ve only had this reoccur once and only briefly

Runrig01 profile image

yrs I had this, in my case it was plantar fasciitis, and settled with increase in MTX. Morton’s neuroma is another possible cause.

kennethb profile image

Have you got any other symptoms such as tingling in toes or numbness?

Flinda profile image

I experienced this for a few months in 1989 (at a time when I found long a distance working and a relationship situation quite tiring and stressful) but then it went away on its own. Perhaps it was my body trying to tell me to stop travelling so much - it really wasn't sustainable!

The same pain never came back to my feet, but I was diagnosed with full on RA in 2014, after another period of massive stress.

Maybe the RA was always bubbling away in the back ground.

Stress is a warning we shouldn't ignore - it's our friend, telling us to be kinder to ourselves.

J1707- profile image

this was my first symptom of RA and I still get it now

medway-lady profile image

It sounds like Mortons Neuroma and it is treatable with steroid injection, or surgical removal. Very painful as in walking on broken glass, I only had in one foot and it was removed.

Haz58 profile image

Oh lord yes! Thats how my RA started. Fine when I went to bed but on standing the next morning it was like walking on glass or pebbles. Thought was Morton’s but no, it was RA.

katieoxo60 profile image

I was told this is a sure sign of Rhuematoid arthritis but my feet are painful in the ball and gets worse the more I walk. However mine is a flare up some of the time its pain free. Thank goodness I am retired as the illness is so unpredictable as is the lung condition. Have a lovely day still some sun about.

Marc66 profile image

yes. RA x7 years. Biggest symptom by far is very sore feet. Similar to walking bare feet on stones. Especially after an active day.

jf211 profile image

oh yes - that’s how it all started for me.

Nice soft insoles was the only way I could walk at 1st

nellysgran profile image

Thank you all for your replies, i have had RA for 12 years now, but have never had this before 🤨. xx

Green230461 profile image

yes unfortunately it was the start of my RA journey😢

nomoreheels profile image

You'll have gathered it's not unusual! I also feel as though I’m walking on pebbles, have done since I had the first signs of RD. Prior to seeing my GP about it the only way I could attempt to walk was on the outside edges of my feet.

Can I ask, have you heard of the daylight sign? If you can stand barefoot (painful I know) your toes may separate as in the pic below. It's commonly caused by Morton's Neuroma but can sometimes be rheumatoid nodules. I also get corns on the base of my feet which don't help.

I'd bring it to the attention of your Rheumy at your next clinic visit as your symptoms could be due to something else… there are so many bones in the feet, you may have metatarsalgia (metatarsal pain). My Rheumy gave a few reasons for not examining my feet, including they're not included in the DAS 28 examination/score. I was referred to Podiatry when she did eventually examine them & now have an open-ended appointment.

The daylight sign

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