Does anyone else have the feeling that your feet and ankles are not right when walking
Unstable when walking : Does anyone else have the... - NRAS
Unstable when walking

yes, particularly in the night and morning when I first get up…
All the time! 😑 I use a lightweight Leki hiking cane for balance as I can walk but my ankles can give way a lot. A good pair of supportive shoes of trainers help a lot too.
I have so much arthritis in my feet and ankles and I have to push myself to walk my two poodles, I do not know how I do it most days, as for getting shoes it’s a nightmare, I buy sketcher trainers , the only ones I can get on with. You have to just keep trying and don’t give up.
I love Skechers trainers and have some with a wedge support sole which are the comfiest of any I’ve worn in years.
they do sound very nice, I cannot wear wedges as my balance is very poor, I have to have flat shoes , but I love the way sketchers soles are so lovely and full,of cushioning. My feet are so bad I could wrap them up in cotton wool .. 😂 🤣
Have you not asked your GPfor a referral to physio for strengthening exercises or hydrotherapy?
I had physio many years ago . I go swimming but hydro pool closed. My GP referred me to hospital where they made me ( useless) shoes . I go to water aerobics. I also go to a chiropodist who has done tests. I am 70. I have been having some sort of treatment since a child. To a certain extent I’ve learnt to live with it. Thank you though because I might ask for physio again. . If I can get on the long list. Good luck to you too
Saying all that when I was a child I used to be always be going over my ankles, then in my teens when I started ice skating my ankles strengthened, but alas I am now unable to ice skate anymore because of sle, arthritis and need to use my wheelchair outdoors.
yes I used to go over with my ankles a lot when Imwas younger , they said I had fallen arches. I was also born with my big toe going over on both feet, this meant I developed bunions when very young. I do not think we are alone with our feet. In the last ten years I have developed awful arthritis in my feet, this just about finishes them off !!!!
I do too and think it’s because I don’t walk enough and muscles are weak. I did a course of tai chi which helps balance by helping you to be aware of your centre of gravity.
I do most of the time particularly going down hill as I constantly feel as if I am going to topple. I have to walk at least a mile a day (for my sake and the dog's wellbeing) but can't do it without a walking pole. Can only wear sketchers trainers or a pair of very expensive walking boots, Very frustrating for us all - I used to walk up to 10 miles most days before the dreaded beast took over
I have orthotics from the hospital and use walking boots although mine are not expensive ones , or running trainers which the podiatrist recommended. I have ankle exercises too from the physio. I have to say I am better, but not great,!
Thats good. Hope you manage to get going safely
yes often especially mornings. I wear stretchers. Two sizes bigger than I used to wear. Allowing for swelling & now crocked toes 🙄
Yes, all the time. My feet and ankles are damaged and deformed. Medics like looking at my MRI's and x rays its as if someone has thrown all the bones up in the air and then where they land has formed a foot like shape!
I was referred recently by rheumatology nurse to patient appliances and had an appointment yesterday. They have taken impressions to make insoles for me.
I have trouble with balance; the lady I saw said I have flat feet and curl my toes which is contributing to balance problems. Hopefully the insoles will correct my feet position a bit and my balance will be better.
I have ankylosing spondylitis, before I started biologics, I had several falls from tendon issues with my ankles. It was so embarrassing as I couldn’t get up off the floor. Once was in the road as you turned into the hospital, and I needed an elderly man and a young one to get me up. The old gent offered to take me home for tea. Since biologics I’ve felt more stable. Although these days I’m literally housebound because of pain in my toes. 2 toes on my left foot are subluxed, and all toes are clawed, due to tendon damage. The 2 subluxed toes are lifeless and I can’t manipulate them when in shoes. I’ve tried next size up and wider shoes but nothing helps. I went shopping in the rain yesterday with sandals due to the excruciating pain. I normally live in Skechers and Fitflops, but even they’re a no go. It’s really getting me down. One of the knuckles on the subluxed toe is extremely inflamed. Think I will make an appointment with podiatrist.
I have just started seeing a physiotherapist who is going to refer me to a podiatrist. He may be able to prescribe orthotics or suggest which shoes would be best for me.
I have seen podiatrists a few times, they have always been helpful. Initially to strengthen the muscles around the ankle, then re my toes. They provided custom made supports each time as well. These were through the nhs. I’m currently trying to book a private one re the dislocated toe, with inflamed knuckle. Although I think ultimately it will need surgery. Good luck
I’m glad the NHS podiatrists have been able to help you, I guess there is a long waiting list. I hope you can get a private appointment without too long a wait. I understand how you feel, I only go out when I have a medical appointment. The pain and lack of quality of life get me down too. I’m looking forward to the better weather when I will be able to get out in the garden. Thank you for your good wishes, all the best to you.
Ibuy my shoes from Wider Fit Shoes,,,from Rushden,Northants,I have feet problems,width etcetc..These shoes are brilliant,when getting catalogue there is a measuring info,so you get exact fit..They are well made,not cheap but often have sales..And for someone who is very heavy on shoes,they last for ages..
I do agree with Cathie - tai chi or QiGong is brilliant for balance and centre of gravity awareness, it can also help with strengthening your ankles, knees and hips because walking properly needs all of them to be aligned. I started off on a chair based Class and progressed to standing classes over about 6 months. I still have painful feet but I have so much more confidence when walking.
I certainly have that due to polyneuropathy which makes my feet and legs numb plus RA I’m never quite sure what my feet are up to! My lovely husband has carved me a walking stick with a dragon on which has saved me a number of falls.
I have balance issues now due to my RA. My whole gait has changed due to the RA affecting my feet and ankles. I recently had a steroid injection into my ankle joint which has helped a little. I do have problems with my hips too. I have had physio and seen podiatry too and have specialist insoles in my boots. Does your rheumatology team have a physiotherapist and podiatry team attached to them as this would be useful for you to see them if so. I also use a walking stick these days which was given to me by the rheumatology physiotherapist. I wear dr martens boots too which were also recommended to me via podiatry. Our feet/ankles can be affected in so many ways due to our RA so it is important if possible to have an assessment via podiatry and physio. Thinking of you. x
All the time! I have arthritis in my left ankle, a bunion and crossed toes on my left foot and bent toes on my right. My balance is rubbish so I use a stick. Because of my ankle, I was referred to orthotics at our local orthopaedic hospital. My feet are different widths so I get made to measure boots and insoles - I also have fallen arches.
yes . I have fallen and need a stick . It’s not every day
Oh yes all the time and its getting worse. I seem to be wobbly and sway from side to side, I hate the way I walk, so you're not on your own. And my feet are so painful, with toes crossing over. But I am seeing foot and ankle man next week so may get more information. I feel like no one really understands how it is.
yes all the time especially my knees and kneecaps feel like they are carrying a pound of sugar each and that something has been nailed on to my knee caps terrible