Hey guys me again I've got an appointment with my rheumatology physio today I really think it's time I asked for some kind of walking aid after months off denial I think its time I need help. How do I go about asking I hate asking for help I'm only 46 😥😥😥😥
Walking aid: Hey guys me again I've got an appointment... - NRAS
Walking aid

Ask for their opinion.
Go ahead and ask . We all need help sometimes in our lives so don't struggle.
I guess it's just pride and denial eh
Just tell them you hate to say it and you feel far too young BUT you feel you need some help.
You could also try Nordic walking poles I use mine when I’m ‘off road’, they are really good at taking weight off your hips and knees. If you go down that route try Google Nordic walking courses and do one of their short courses to make sure you are using them the correct way.
We all need help at some time..but don’t jump the gun expecting to need some sort of aid….except maybe for a short while. You are a young man… Explain to your Physio, you’re not doing as well as you would like….so what more can they do to help you?
You may need a littles assistance for a while, but you want to go forward don,t you ?
Yeah 100 percent I want to keep going I'm not ready for throwing in the towel yet but I know deep down I'm reqlly struggling I have been for months and if there's anything that I can use to help and assist me to continue going forward and not sitting in a trap and letting this beat me
The choice is either asking for help, in which case you may find life considerably improved, or not so that you just stay where you are and continue to be miserable, in denial and no further forward……
Like all the others have said, we all need help sometimes particularly with something like a disease which takes no prisoners if not properly under control. No point in being a martyr to it! Good luck.
You make sense because I have became miserable and I'm feeling myself getting all depressed again and I really don't want to go down that route again 💗
If you use a stick ask for one with an ergonomic handle. xxxx
As it's important to try to keep moving with RA I'm sure your physio will encourage that and suggest what is the best aid for you and how to get it. They can probably refer you to Occupational Therapy or ask your GP to do it, as it's usually OT who will supply all the other aids you may need following their assessment.
Don't be afraid to ask for help - most of us have found we need to ask (and often to keep asking) these days to get the help we need!
Does your Rheumatology Team know you are struggling or have you been "putting a brave face on things" and not told them how bad it really is? You are only 46 and don't want to allow your mobility and health to deteriorate further if it can be arrested with better treatment. Do please let your team know soonest as they may also be able to do more to help you. Hopefully, your Physio will report back that you are struggling and need additional help from all the specialists in your team.
I was able to buy myself a fancy stick from Neowalk. Mine is red and I often get compliments. I too was reluctant to "give in" but I use it every day and it really helps.
As others have said, ask for a referral to OT. As for your age. It is hard to have to use aids we associate with the elderly but there are more young people using sticks etc these days and saying 'look this is me.' When people ask you what you have done and they will, you have a perfect opportunity to explain what RA is and how it differs from OA and that it affects people of all ages. You'll be doing us all a favour. Lots of luck.
It’s difficult Bryan, we’ve all been there sadly, but it’s horrible as you are still young.
Definitely speak to someone if you need help with walking. I’m older than you, but even at 60 I was mortified to have use a stick when my hip was bad, but my pride had to take a step back as I couldn’t walk without it. I was going to a wedding and my son bought me a beautiful carved wood stick, as he thought it was nicer to go with my outfit 💕
I hope things go ok for you, let us know how you get on.
I was a very similar age to you when I had to start using a stick. The hardest part is asking for help so even by posting your comment on here you know what you need to do next. Don’t get yourself into the tough it out stage it rarely works. Consider that if you bite the bullet and need a stick to help with walking it isn’t a failure on your part and doesn’t mean that it will be a permanent fixture, I totally get the not wanting to ask for help most of us can empathise with that one. Please have a word with your physio or your GP or ask for a OT referral you’ll be surprised how much better you’ll feel once you take the next step. I bought myself an ergonomic handle walking stick in a jazzy purple colour and it helps me so much.
I just said I think I need a walking stick. Hey presto I was measured and presented with a hospital silver one to return when I could after buying a sparkly bling one x
I'm 36 and i ask my parents fir my grandmother cane. At least it is a pretty one. I check on internet for the way to adjust it and the way to use it. I stop using it one week ago but i keep it for now in my car. It help to walk longer distance without pain. And elderly people let you pass in front of them when in store. You need to laugh a little bit. You gonna be way better with one and after few days, you forgot your pride and enjoy walking and moving better.