I’ve had preliminary local anaesthetic jabs, one side, (no steroid) in lower facet joints via pain management clinic. This is to try to identify whether it would be valuable to try denervation. Really hard for me to isolate the pain and to know how effective they were over approx. a 24 hour period. Do I go for denetvation or not? Has anybody experienced these and how much did denervation help, please.
? To denerve or not to denerve?! : I’ve had preliminary... - NRAS
? To denerve or not to denerve?!

Hi. i’ve had radio-frequency ablation (denervation) of my left sacro illiac joint and L5 /S1 facet joint twice now. I know you’re contemplating just facet joints but the overall effect of denervation is the same. First the local without steroid which usually tells you whether it’s going to work as you do a slide scale over a period of time to see whether the pain lessens. If it makes no difference there’s probably no use having it done and they won’t do it. It is difficult to know whether it’s made a difference as you have to make your mind up pretty quickly but be assured, if it’s going to work you do notice.
I found a good relief from the ablation as I could definitely notice a lessening of pain from the test injection. The first denervation lasted a good ten months and I’ve recently, after a period of a year’s break due to covid, had the second procedure. Again, this has given me definite relief of pain in my back and SI joints so definitely worth having done if the test procedure gives you relief. Having said that they do say sometimes it doesn’t work or only works for a very short time and there’s not a great amount of evidence for the procedure to be definitive. I’d say it’s worth it just to get rid of that deadening, stabbing, aching and the limitations when you can’t move properly! Very good luck and hope it works for you.
Thank you so much for this really helpful reply. My back pain varies considerably and as it happened the 24 hour period where I had the test injection was a low pain period. I also wish they had done both sides as it would have been much easier to ‘read’ tge effect for me. Referred pain is a real problem. Subsequently I’ve had some very painful days. Somebody’s law!!! I am apprehensive about having a procedure which has its risks but feel if I don’t take the opportunity now it may not be offered again.
Yes, difficult to gauge the test effect especially in a low pain period but they won’t even contemplate doing the procedure if there’s no result and in my experience they’ll only do one side at a time. There’s risks attached to every intervention you’ll ever have but it’s very well controlled by pain management specialists so go for it if you have the chance. It’s uncomfortable but certainly not painful, takes about 25 - 40 mins and is a bit sore afterwards for a day or two. X
I had this procedure for C3 to C6 in my neck left side . I had noticed significant improvement from the initial local test injections so went ahead one month later with the denervation. I am still benefitting 18 months later and was told it could last for 2 years. I would get it done again if necessary. Prior to the procedure was waking up continually due to the neck pain, the procedure greatly improved my sleep. Worth discussing again with the consultant if you are unsure. All the best!
I had bi lateral denervation l5 to ls1 3 times over 18 months . It certainly has calmed down the pain . I have a bum cheek that feels like I’ve sat in nettles . But I haven’t had anything done since and that was 3 years ago . Yes my back is sore to touch but the best advice he gave me was keep moving , even if it hurts . I would definitely recommend it . Good luck whatever you decide
Had the two injections and two denervations over the last few months. A huge improvement . Go for it !!