right story goes like this numerous probs main one osteo arthritis of knees /mobility last 2/3 months i have up down and round with them desperately sore which to a lot of you is familiar well i started to get bad chest tried to get rid myself no joy son picked it up and was prescribed antibiotics and prednisolone which is working so i asked for it doxycycline /prednisolone well guest what not only is it working with chest but i am walking with very little pain soreness not at miracle stage but a lot easier i have been knees at end stage but can managed i they stay like this what if any are your thoughts on situation am i missing a drug that could help i am sure i get ra flares but they have not found it and state fibro causes
knowledge please : right story goes like this numerous... - NRAS
knowledge please

It will be the steroids that are making it easier for you to move. You might find it might go back to what you were like before. So speak to your rheumy. xxxxx
hi svlvi nice to see you that my thinking getting injection today do peeps get put on steroids or have it as standby do you know if poss of any other drug i could mention to them
I saw my rheumy this morning and she has upped my steoirds to 10mgs a day to tide me over my holiday. xxxx
hi sylvi ok do take these permanent for knees /everything if you don't mind me asking i am trying to see if if i am missing some drug or whatever could help me cope with this anyways chest seems to be clearing i think i was heading for something serious knees are better but i think it may b wearing off hope not bit wobbly again today
I have always improved on antibiotics when I have taken them for a chest infection or similar. Generally my aches and pains have been far less, until a few days after I finish the course. I did ask my Dr about it but she didn't think it was connected, I did as I was so much better. I hope your knee stays improved though.
Hi Paul, I’ve been in the same boat as you at times, re knees!! I can only add to this my knees & often other aches and pains become far more forefront when when I pick up an infection. Sometimes no other symptoms re the infection but a extremely bad flare, so walking, standing & movement are very painful.. this of course over time stopping & starting meds with a course of Anti.B can stop our drugs working or just not be as affective… hence a change of meds/treatment. I hope it gets under control for you, it’s so sole destroying daily pain..
thanks durrell yes noticed what all that myself but it seems to be all hit miss you wonder should i phone them or not this time should have rang much earlier
Anyone taking steroids will find their mobility improves, and gives them more energy. They are not, and should not be a long term solution. I was prescribed them in 2012 for polymyalgia and GCA, for which steroids are the only treatment. I had no choice as I could have gone blind. Unfortunately it has resulted in my adrenals shrinking and not producing their own cortisol. I have been left with severe adrenal insufficiency, which was only diagnosed when I had a severe stroke at 52 due to an adrenal crisis. I know others who were only taking them for a few months or just using steroid inhalers who have AI. Any stress good or bad, sends me on a downward spiral of nausea, lightheaded, headache, BP plummets, and if I don’t take extra tablets or use my emergency injection which goes everywhere with me, I lose consciousness and have to be taken to A&E. if you do have RA there is much safer drugs to control it. Steroids will help OA as although it’s not an inflammatory arthritis, the wear and tear does cause localised inflammation which the steroids will help with fir the short time you take them
hi maureen thanks for reply made me understand more i am sorry to hear about illness you are very good at explaining things better than docs they did not find ra but wanted to get sample whilst having flare not so easy but i am 100% happier now than last few weeks which was disaster the doom and glooms got me especially with chest
You can have inflammatory arthritis and you do not test positive for RA, you can be Sero negative. I have been diagnosed with various types of arthritis as well as Osteo arthritis and Polymyalgia. I have Sjogrens, latest diagnosis and I think this one is the right one!
hi bailey thanks again you all been great this is what i been saying that something else is going on but if you dont kick up about it they leave you which is you can expect everyone wants to see them but may i ask how you came to get diagnocess
I was first diagnosed in 2014 with Polymyalgia. I wasn't able to reduce steroids lower than 10 mg so got sent to a rheumatologist. I then saw so many different Rheumatologists all changing the diagnosis. Eventually I saw the consultant who has been seeing me since, but he has changed my diagnosis 3 times, so don't get excited if you get diagnosed as you could easily have it changed!
My GP gave me an emergency pack of doxycicline for my chest as was having too many issues. However better maintenance with the asthma puffer helped too (did not have asthma pre RA). Knees were better as both bone on bone when on higher levels of pred but I take pred for my RA daily 5mg and increase again with GP knowledge when I need too. I am lucky my GP gets I get when to increase and decrease depending on pain and needs.
hi deeb ta for reply that what i was thinking of rescue packs i used to have them for cellulitis what about asthma puffer do you need astma to use sorry may sound daft but could it help with bad chest cough and wheezing all time
Ask your GP for a asthma nurse check, they can test you with a peak flow checker and see if this might help. I got one on amazon to see for myself at home they are about 10 quid or under and helps me know when things are bad and need to up my inhaler too!