Hi Peeps 🙂
I've been reading, with interest, the feeds which relate to: people difficulty booking booster after 3rd vaccine (recorded incorrectly as booster) as I too have this concern.
I had noticed that some of the walk-in centres are using Eventbrite to enable booking. I followed this route and was actually able to book my booster. I had a confirmation email and then an online form to fill in - all looking good thus far 🤔The only problem was that I need my appointment 30th/31st December, and it doesn't go that far ahead. Anyhoo, I cancelled the booking (very easy to do through my email link) as it was too soon - it was an experiment to see if I could do that.
Then I received a call from a friend who works in a chemist, who suggested that I tried there. I called; the pharmacist suggested that to ensure my records would be correct, I should go back to the walk-in centre where I had my 3rd vaccine (which had been recorded as a booster - it was the only recording choice available at that time) so I managed to find a phone number and called.
I was put through to a lady, who worked in a different covid vaccine office to the one I wanted. However, luckily for me she is going be working in the walk-in centre where I want to book on Thursday!! 🥳She has given me her name, the office number to call on Thursday and has said she'll book me in for 30th/31st December! She said that all they do is put a note onscreen about the vaccine being a booster and voilà- simples!
OMG! I could have hugged that lady! The hoops I have jumping through to try and sort this out is unbelievable - same as you guys.
Just thought I'd share this with you as any information that we share might help someone else out.
Stay safe x