First ever visit to chiropodist helped deal with small corn and a fungal nail infection; the corn was removed and the TeaTree oitment cured the nail infection afer only two applications! Thanks, Adam Drouet.
Info useful?: First ever visit to chiropodist helped... - NRAS
Info useful?

I used Dr Organic tea tree oil for fungal nails and it worked too - but took rather longer than two applications! (From Holland and Barratt)
Hi Whitegate. Tea Tree cream and essential oil is something that is always here in our cabinet. I have one toe nail that causes a problem now and then and the cream always fixes it, such good stuff.
I have superglue in my cabinet. One of the toenails on my smallest toes splits- it feels really horrible if it catches on my duvet cover so I decided a blob of superglue would glue it together until it grew out. My chiropodist seemed to think that was a reasonable solution.
Wow, now that's something I would never have thought of, thanks for the tip. 😃
Ha, ha, I think I must take after my old mother - her theory was that if Bostic didn’t fix it Germolene would. I don’t know how I ever survived my childhood. 😉
Scholl corn removal plasters are great. Quite a lot of foot treatments can be done with less expense from home. I also bathe my feet in honey and Listerine then foot file bought from Amazon - 'Reikens'- to take care of my soles and heels. (use carefully)
I started with a fungal nail infection on my big toes on granddaughter's third birthday from wearing a toe protector. She is now almost six. The GP tells me to keep persevering with the over the counter remedies which I do without success. I have spent a fortune on remedies such as Scholl. Whilst on Sulphasalazine early earlier this year, until I had to come off it, it spread overnight to the other four toenails on the same foot. Question is...did you use the same Tea Tree Oil from H and B as Helix did ? Is this applied daily? I have been yearning to ask about this on here, but felt it too trivial, so thank you for 'airing' it. It's such a nuisance , on top of the other things I have to ask my hubby to do for me. Thank goodness he's so helpful, although, of course I have to avoid 'the sacred football' times on TV to even speak to him! Ha ha!