I have these two little painful boils on my ankle that wound head for the past three days, I have been on 12.5g MTX for over seven years, has anyone else experienced same and should I be worried.
Methotrexate and Boils : I have these two little... - NRAS
Methotrexate and Boils
If you’ve been on mtx for years without issue, it may well just be ‘one of those things’ rather than mtx related. I’m very prone to boils, cysts, and abscesses (no one can tell me why), and mtx on its own didn’t aggravate things, but adding another DMARD in did, to the point I wound up on antibiotics. Keep an eye on them, don’t pop them, but if they start to spread or increase, or the area around them becomes red and hot to the touch, see your gp. If they are boils (rather than just particularly nasty pimples or blocked hair follicles) they will usually drain by themselves. You can use warm compresses several times a day to try and speed the healing process along.
Yes, I suppose it's just one of those things, thank for your response, I will surely keep an eye on them and try not to worry.
Hi l haven’t experienced boils while on the drug. My problem was with my hair loss. My doctor changed took me off methotrexate, I’m on Baricitinib now I’m a lot better. Maybe time to go and see your doctor to reassess. All the best 😊
Are you on omeprazole too, by any chance? Or any other proton pump inhibitor? Because I found I got angry boils due to the methotrexate x omeprazole interaction!