Fatigue and headaches after vaccine: Has anyone else... - NRAS


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Fatigue and headaches after vaccine

Tre123 profile image
34 Replies

Has anyone else suffered from chronic fatigue and headaches since taking the vaccine. I'm just curious as my fatigue has got really bad and I'm sure it's got worse since having the vaccine. My cousin read somewhere that this is an after effect for those of us suffering from auto immune diseases? I'm shielding at the moment and it is really getting me down. Not sure if this is contributing to my fatigue

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Tre123 profile image
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34 Replies

My husband and son do not have RA but they both suffered fatigue headaches. I had fatigue within hours then muscles pain and shivers generally feeling like I had the flu it lasted 5 days

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to

I think it's not a coincidence that this has happened since taking the vaccine! But will this last for long as mine is about 5 weeks!🥺

in reply to Tre123

I don’t know . It could be a coincidence and your RA is active. I know when RA is not controlled fatigue consumes me it has always been my worst symptom. I would contact your team 5 weeks is a long time.

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to

Thank you I will speak with them I have a phone consultation on the 26th of this month so that will be the first thing that I will addressing. Thank you all

in reply to Tre123

I had a very serious gastric problem after my vaccine and continues it was linked to vaccine originally but has since been proven it’s not . Just a coincidence my vaccine was 6 weeks ago.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to

I was absolutely fine for three weeks, no reaction to the injection at all, then I had a weird flu like day - high temperature, chills and shakes and I felt really sick. It lasted about a day and I felt quite ‘hung over’ afterwards.

My husband got the same thing a few days after I did but actually vomited. Things improved but the vomiting continued, he would have spells where he was fine and it would start again.

He had a phone consultation with a doctor who suggested it was a bug that was going right und - how do you catch a bug when you see no other people, wear a mask and constantly was your hands. He thought it could be a reaction to the vaccination that was causing the itch and to take antihistamine.

To cut a long story short the next doctor he contacted last Friday said that she was worried because a severe body itch is a sign of liver damage - he had blood tests on Monday - shame we had to wait over the weekend - and on Tuesday morning I took him into hospital with a very severe liver infection.

He is now on intravenous antibiotics and will not come out until Friday at the earliest, he thought he would be in for 24-48 hours but now his constant wants him to stay in for four days, he’s also waiting for an MRI scan, it started of going to be an ultrasound scan but it’s moved up a step to an MRI.

We have both been really tired recently. He felt a bit ‘flu like’ for a couple of days after his vaccination then that passed and he was fine until all this kicked off - our vaccinations were on 29th January.

My message is a) don’t be fobbed off and b) don’t believe any doctor who says ‘it’s a virus, there’s a lot of it about’. Load of rubbish that one.

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Omg I do hope they are able to get to the bottom of this! I'm not going to be fobbed off as I too have had periods of shivering and feeling very flu like with severe headaches. I do think is connected to the vaccine

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Tre123

What I can’t understand is why I started with it first but I seem to be ok now while he now has this awful infection. Forgot to add I had the most horrendous headache at the same time as the flu symptoms.

We think I had covid just before Christmas last year, it was early days for the infection but I lost my sense of taste along with all the other symptoms so we’re pretty sure that’s what I had. I live in an area where we get lots of Chinese tourists over Christmas and I was using the public transport that brings them into the city. ☹️

When I had my burst of feeling ill I felt just like I did back then.

in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I’m so sorry about your husband you must be very worried. You are so right don’t be fobbed off . Hope hubby’s recovery is quick . These telephone consultations are useless. Often people look ill can’t see that on the phone and a physical exam may have pointed to a different diagnosis. No wonder Dr google is so popular at the moment we are seriously neglected on the whole.

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to

Thank you, yes I’m really very worried. We’re both getting on - my other half is 74. Nothing has been said but I’m wondering if they are thinking sepsis when there is all the urgency to kill the infection. I know I should get a grip but you know what life’s like.

I agree, no wonder Dr Google is so popular! I sometimes feel it’s our only hope. Trouble was once the doctor told him what he thought it was my other half was quite happy to carry on with antihistamine for the itch whereas when he had his next phone consultation that doctor homed in in the itch as being liver damage right away.

in reply to Fruitandnutcase

I hope it’s not sepsis 🤞 but as you say we can’t help but worry . Please keep us posted and font forget to look after yourself xx

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to

Let's keep our fingers crossed that it isn't. Will let you know how I get in. Look after yourselves x

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to Fruitandnutcase

oh thats awful, my heart goes out to you, sending you loads of love your hubby gets better real soon

VeronicaF profile image
VeronicaF in reply to

what was the cause if you don't mind me asking??

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to VeronicaF

We don’t know at the moment, we’ll so far we don’t even know what all is involved just that it’s a massive infection in his liver. They are thinking it is a gall stone that has blocked the bile duct which has become infected and inf cited the liver but that’s just a guess based on his blood tests. Hopefully he will get his MRI (and he thinks the ultrasound scan they were talking about initially although why they would still do that when they are doing an MRI I’m not sure ) today and that will tell more.

Will definitely let you know when we hear more.

BonnieG123 profile image
BonnieG123 in reply to Tre123

See if your doctor can help. I hope so.

Lolabridge profile image

Yes I’m definitely suffering from fatigue since my vaccination at the beginning of February. It’s also seven months since my last Rituximab infusion (I normally have them every six months) so it’s hard to know which is causing the fatigue. It was really bad on Monday morning and I had trouble getting out of bed (had to go downstairs to feed the cat) and went back to bed after a cuppa. I was surprised to nod off and got another two hours sleep. I was better today although still managed a nap this afternoon. Thank goodness I don’t have to work!On balance I do think the vaccination is causing more fatigue than I normally experience.

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to Lolabridge

At least I'm not alone but mine is all the time. When I wake up in the mornings I feel as though I haven't slept and could sleep for another 2 or 3 hrs but I force myself to get up as sheilding is coming to an end soon and need to get back into a routine to go back to work! By 2pm I'm fast asleep again . It's too much ..I'm taking a tonic for energy but it's not doing anything 🥺

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Tre123

Could it be that your RA drugs are not as effective as they could be? I suggest you contact your Rheumy and discuss your symptoms. I hope you can get some answers.

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to Lolabridge

I will be speaking to them next week and I will be asking a lot of questions. Thank you

love-plants profile image
love-plants in reply to Lolabridge

Sorry to hear about your fatigue. I hope it gets better. It sounds like it has been a month+ since you received your vaccination. I am also on Rituximab every 6 months so I was particularly interested in hearing your experience. And also understanding if the vaccine would be safe and provide protection for those on Rituximab.

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to love-plants

As far as I know there are no adverse effect but I don't think they know exactly what we will experience. I'm hoping that my fatigue eases up soon as it's really affecting my whole mood 🥺

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to love-plants

Yes it’s six weeks since my first vaccination. I’ve no idea whether I’ve developed any antibodies yet but I do hope so. Unfortunately there’s no data which can tell us how effective the vaccines are for the immunosuppressed but the Octave study is underway and should give some answers in the future.

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to Lolabridge

I hope so 🤞🏼

Anniebl24 profile image

Headaches no but fatigue yes. Bad reaction for the first few days after the vaccine followed by several days of gradual improvement. Now at three weeks and feel the fatigue is lifting.

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to Anniebl24

That's good to hear so hopefully mine will ease up very soon. Fingers crossed!. Keep well😊

shouty profile image

I have had days where all seemed to do was sleep. Had 1st dose Pfizer. Am immunosuppressed but also had Covid last year. The fatigue is overwhelming at times

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to shouty

I hear you. I really cant cope with this constant fatigue 🥺

mjfoster profile image

I had the AZ vaccine exactly 2 weeks ago after two hours all my joints were having a party including toes. Headaches upset tummy and fatigue followed quickly but the worst if the joint pain settled down also mild flu like symptoms my husbsnd was the same however he is fine now but I still feel woolly headed and my body is uncomfortable also asthma playing up. Phoned GP yesterday and had phone consultation now on antibiotics and predinisilone as I am so wheezy and some coloured sputum. So don't know which is the cause just now if feeling so grim but the AZ seems to be causing a lot of side effects for people.

BonnieG123 profile image

I just had the first shot and the fatigue is just leaving me after two weeks. I was also having vague but bothersome headaches. I didn’t relate it to the vaccine til you posted. Thank you.

lsb312 profile image

I have well controlled RA and take methotrexate. After receiving the first dose of Pfizer vaccine, I had slight headache and fatigue the day after the shot. Other than that I feel fine. Hope your fatigue subsides soon.

helenlw7 profile image

I had fatigue for nearly three weeks, but no headache. It was horrible! With my second jab I’m going to go to bed for a while rather than try to gfight it!

Tre123 profile image
Tre123 in reply to helenlw7

Oh 😳 I forgot about the 2nd jab 🥺 god help me🤦🏽

Newcastle1962 profile image

Hi ive just seen your post. When i had my second vaccine i collapsed and was violently sick. I have since had sever fatigue and headaches. Its now been approximately 4 months and no sign of going. Ive never had headaches in my life. Have your symptoms gone yet?

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