I'm quite interested to see if this resonates with anyone else .Was diagnosed with RA 2018, and been on methotrexate and Hydroxychloroquine ever since. Once the dose settled it's controlled the RA swelling. But the fatigue has been awful and constant. I assumed a result of the RA and side effects of methotrexate. I'm post menopause since 2019 and never been offered HRT, despite going to the doctors back in 2016 because I stopped sleeping during perimenopause. Anyway, long story short, a couple of months ago I went back to the doctors because the fatigue was overwhelming and he suggested HRT. I thought that seemed a bit daft 5 years after menopause, but had nothing to lose, so gave it a try. Oh my goodness, it's incredible. I feel me again for the first time in so long. I'm not struggling with work, unable to leave the sofa. I even was able to do something after work. It's so amazing to just feel tired, and not the overwhelming, unbearable fatigue. Anyway, thought I'd share. Never know, it might be useful to someone else!
HRT and fatigue : I'm quite interested to see if this... - NRAS
HRT and fatigue

Can I ask how old you are
I'm 52. (Post menopause since I was 47.) So a bit surprised to be offered HRT now, but very pleasantly surprised at the difference, and frustrated that the last 6 years could have been far more bearable.
I do wonder if there is a link between onset of RA and menopause, there doesn't seem much research on the subject.
I'm 57 and been on hrt for 2 years now, despite my age still in perimenopause. Hrt has helped enormously now I am on a settled regime. My gp suggests both the fibromyalgia and seronegative inflammatory arthritis have indeed probably been triggered by perimenopause and the hormonal upheaval.Fair to say perimenopause has been hell for me. Fingers crossed more stable now.
Now 71, I had ghastly premenstrual tension for years and then hit the menopause at 48. Give me a handgun at that time and no-one was safe! Going on to HRT saved lots of lives and not just mine. ………🫣
It transformed me from somebody with murderous intent towards most of my fellow humans to being a fellow human again so, as always, I’m incredibly grateful to doctors and scientists for inventing it! I would urge anyone who has problems with heaving hormones to go and get onto HRT.
Saw a fab card the other day depicting the 7 dwarves of menopause as
Itchy, Bitchy, Sleepy, Sweaty, Bloated, Forgetful and Psycho.
Brilliant and says it all!
Hi Amnesiac3637. What you’ve described is a carbon copy of how I felt. I honestly don’t know how I got thru it. May I ask if you are still taking HRT? I’m 67 and apart from the obvious pain from RA it’s the constant fatigue that gets me down. I’m just wondering if it’s too late to start HRT for me or is the fatigue also age related. Hope this finds you well. 🤗
Hi AngelWings. No, no longer on HRT as when I was it wasn’t prescribed for more than about five years due to a higher incidence of cancer in those taking it. It worked really well for me at the time though and when I came off it aged aged 54 my hormones had settled down enough for me to cope. I still, even now, get hormonal surges which make me feel bloated with fluid retention ( and therefore fat 🤬) and very bad tempered but only for a day or two.
I believe that now HRT caries a very low risk, or at least no more risk than anybody is likely to have and it’s prescribed for much longer so it’s definitely worth asking your GP if you’re still having symptoms of menopause. People think it stops at a certain age but I was a Practice Sister for years ( retired now) and some of my patients still had problems well into their seventies.
I think fatigue is likely to be due to both your RA and the menopause as both affect your entire system. If you were otherwise fit and healthy at 67 you wouldn’t be overly fatigued so having a disease which definitely can cause fatigue if it’s not well controlled, and a hormonal upheaval equivalent to puberty doesn’t help anyone! Get both of those tamed and you should feel a lot better. Best of luck.
I was diagnosed with RA in 217 and was put on the usual round of drugs - they also wanted to give me alendronic acid for osteoporosis which I rejected as didn’t want to confuse my drug regime until I found ones that worked but asked about HRT ( I was 55) but told the risks outweighed the pros. However 2 years ago I was reviewed and then told risks are now much lower than the benefits and I e found it’s really helped feeling more energy.
I was on HRT for a couple of years before RA hit. My goodness, it was so transformative. I never had any premenstrual issues and thought I'd sail through menopause and not bother with HRT but I just felt so awful with the hot flushes etc. I really couldn't imagine RA on top of it. Also the fact that I was doing really well on HRT meant I knew the difference between night sweats for RA and hot flushes.
I just had to double check I hadn't written this post in my sleep... you describe exactly my experience since being diagnosed with RA in 2018! My GP was so dismissive of hrt, she wanted me to concentrate on "sorting out my joints first" before going down the hrt route... only now I realise just how important a role hrt plays in protecting the joints of post-menopausal women! I still have RA, but my joints are so much better since being on hrt. For various reasons, I'm now only on 3.5-5mg of Prednisolone daily, and yet I'm feeling pretty good. One thing that's really helped with my fatigue has been adding testosterone to my hrt mix. I get it privately through a qualified/registered nurse practitioner as the NHS is reluctant to prescribe it, and only considers it in relation to libido! I've definitely got my mojo back in the last few months since using it... a real life saver!