Over eating!!: I’ve been in a state of increased... - NRAS


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Over eating!!

Ali_H profile image
16 Replies

I’ve been in a state of increased inflammation since December and now, this week, I’ve started eating like a horse.... having done some research it seems that persistent inflammation can cause a person to eat more as it interferes with hunger and liver hormones. I’m on increased MTX but that will take a while to kick in so doing the naproxen thing but no steroids... I may have to lock myself away in a dark room with just a flagon of water for a few weeks!!!

All the best


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Ali_H profile image
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16 Replies
Neonkittie17 profile image

It happens when you’re inside a lot at the mo. Can you ask your GP practice for advice on diet? Maybe they have a nurse who does diet management at the practice. I’m eating some things I shouldn’t too, but trying hard to turn it around. x

StormySeas profile image

I think it also leads to increased inflammation - particularly when it’s based on excessive consumption of refined foods! It’s hard isn’t it? Sugar’s addictive. I’m fine if I have none, but even a teeny bit of jam makes me crave more. I’m out of control at the moment too...

Ali_H profile image

It’s not the eating driving the inflammation but the inflammation driving the eating... my diet is pretty good so luckily not piling weight on but could do without all this munching... even if it it carrot sticks and apple slices!! 😎Hopefully once the inflammation is back in the box my eating will settle again.I did get out on my e-bike last week which felt good and hoping the weather will allow me to get out again soon 🙂

All the best

Mmrr profile image

I find it very interesting that inflammation is driving your eating. Pre clinically and in the early stages of uncontrolled RD I gained 5 stone in weight due to an insatiable appetite.....I've since taken the 5 stone off again. When I'm not and bothered I eat, when feeling 'better' I don't.

I've always felt that my disease has a 'metabolic' element to it. I've not found much research on this....can I ask what you have read, could you point me to it ?

in reply to Mmrr

I will be interested too . Would answer a lot of questions for me

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to

I've queried a metabolic element with my RD on a number of occasions to be told no, or frankly laughed at...but I still remain convinced of a connection. I posted on the forum last year that I came across an old nursing book, published in the 1960s that lists 'RA' a metabolic disease. Interesting.

in reply to Mmrr

I too queried this and like you laughed at . On Rheumy told me to fast twice a week said this will work . Didn’t made me worse .

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to

My rheumatologists advice was to eat bananas as they filled you up.

I was eventually referred to endocrinology due to the self made up term of 'white hunger' episodes I was having. I went chalk white and just had to eat, on a few occasions I slumped onto the pavement when outside, never passed out. Endocrinology, after investigating me and finding only a small pituitary adenoma (now growing) they suggested that there were a number of rare diseases some even without name that could cause my symptoms. Bring the RD under control and their guess was my hunger would subside.....and guess what has happened ?

I remain astounded that rheumatologist will not admit to a range of unusual S and S with RD.

Zip1 profile image
Zip1 in reply to Mmrr

I am going through the same at the moment, am hoping to turn it around when I can get in my garden but like always it is catch 22!!!!

I am just the same and finding it so very hard not to overeat. Two years ago, I had to lose weight in order to have an operation and I lost two and a half stones, which for me was amazing. However, I have put most of it back on again and want to eat a lot of the time. A few weeks ago, I decided that I must do something about it and really struggled to eat less and not resort to snacking. I can't do much exercise as I can only walk a few steps now.

On Sunday it was a milestone birthday for me, and yes, you've guessed it, I received lots of boxes of chocolate as well as other snacks and cakes as well. I had thought that I would let myself off my diet for the one day but now there is so much to eat. Although it is nice of people to think of me, it seems not very fair that people buy that sort of thing when they must know that I am well overweight and need to keep the weight down. I will be needing both of my knees replacing before too long and know that I need to lose even more weight before I can have that.

I really hope that you are able to sort something out and stop overeating Ali. If you do find something that works for you, then please let us know. I don't think that Weightwatchers and the like are the answer as everyone I know who has gone to them, loses weight but puts it on again after finishes there. xxx

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to

I hear you.I eventually just asked friends and family not to buy me sweet things as I needed to get my weight back to normal for the sake of my RD if nothing else. Most were great and understood, my mum remains belligerent about it and still gives chocolates...2 boxes at Christmas....which I told her when asked , that I donated to the food bank. She just humffed, no more said.

in reply to Mmrr

Wow, you are very good as when people give them to me, I can't resist them and it would be better if they just didn't give them to me in the first place. The problem with asking people not to give them is that if it is parents or siblings etc, they would not be offended, but when it is people who you don't expect to give you anything, they might think that you are fishing to get a present.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to

Pre pandemic days when we were permitted to meet friends, I got round meeting acquaintances and maybe being given sweet things by saying....I'll buy us a scone in such and such a coffee shop, when we meet, as I can't eat sweets, cakes or chocolate.Or if they were coming to my house, please don't feel you need to bring gifts, your company is more than enough, Drs instructions I can't eat.......

Mum excepted everyone has been very understanding.

in reply to Mmrr

My hubby and sons go to is a bottle of plonk and chocolate. No matter how many times I say I don’t eat chocolate they still get it . So this year I bought a dress handed it to my hubby and said this is my present for Mother’s Day get the money off the lads .. 😁

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to

The way to go...

Ali_H profile image


I have been reading several pieces including the book The Inflamed Mind.

This pieces explains the link between Leptin, appetite and inflammation expertsurgical.com/inflamma.... There is other info out there but not an over large amount but my obs over the past 3 weeks is showing a clear link with my flare (a very rare thing for me) and my bout of over eating (alas not as rare as I would like to think but nothing like right now usually!).

I think my not sleeping so good due to the aches and pains is also contributing so I may take an antihistamine tonight as that usually makes me sleep through.

All the best


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