I have not really suffered with back pain before. This las week I have excruciating pain all across my lower back and in my spine. I think I must now have RA. in my back. I have taken paracetamol, ibuprofen and CBS oil but nothing seems to help . Very painful to sit up or down and walking. I take methotrexate by injection and folic acid once a week also on apixaban.
Lower back pain: I have not really suffered with back... - NRAS
Lower back pain
Try resting it for 48hrs and no longer then do gentle exercises and i hope that helps darling.xx
Try a heat pad or even a hot water bottle; hot shower if you're OK standing up or bath if lying down. Hopefully it's just a sprain 🤞
Sounds nasty. RA affects ligaments and tendons as well as causing bone erosion and damage to joint capsules.
I found in early RA, before MTX etc caused any benefit, that I’d damage my lower back just moving a single size mattress along the floor, of by mopping a floor to clean it.
Diazepam relaxed the muscles that turned to boards around the injury, thereby relieving the pain and inability to move.
Best seek GP advice. Hope it eases off. x
I get this, I get my electric blanket out crank it onto high and have a good lay down, it helps.
Horrible isn't it, sending gentle hugs
It might be helpful to pass this information onto your medical team. A diagnosis of the cause would be useful for future treatment. It is easy to blame everything on the Rheumatoid Disease (RD), but always keep an open mind that other things can also occur - and nerve root pressure is very common both in RD and not.
Like oldtimer I think you need to tell your medical team. It could be that in fact your rheumatoid arthritis has morphed into ankylosing spondylitis. But equally it could be something else either provoked by the RA or entirely different.
I have degenerative disk disease in lower back and neck. Maybe the RA meant I was more prone to get it, but I’m not convinced. Anyway, makes no difference as there is little apart from exercise that helps until it gets to the point where I have to accept surgery. Drugs can take the edge of the pain, but don’t tackle the root cause.
But more positively, it could just be a herniated disc which will heal in time.
Hi helix, I was told recently that I have three prolapsed disks, do you know if that is the same as the herniated disks that you mention? I didn't know that they would heal on their own, it would be wonderful if they do.

Yes, they are the same - also called slipped discs. It could be that these prolapses are not the cause of your pain, but if they are squashing the nerves that run to your legs then they could be the problem.
In general with conservative treatment of balancing rest and exercise, plus heat and ice, they will get better in 2 to 6 months. The worst thing you can do is stop moving (yes I know it’s painful!). If you are offered physiotherapy then that is good too.
There are more aggressive treatments but I’m not sure they produce better results.
I have suffered from back pain too. I found my heat pad helps to ease the pain temporarily.
Lately I am seeing a Chiropractor who told me the cause of the pain was due to my core muscle is very weak and the muscle at the lower back is very tense. After 4 half an hour treatments and doing exercise to strengthen the core muscle at home. It now seems to have improved a lot.
However as other have said it is better to seek your GP’s advice first.
Core muscles very important!
Yes HH. My GP sent to me have an Xray on my back which showed minimal osteoarthritis and advised me to take painkiller when it is needed. I prefer to find an alternative way to get the pain reduced instead of taking painkiller. After the chiropractor few treatments, the core muscle exercise and also paying attention to my posture, things are brighter. Yes again core muscle is important.