Can you still take biologics if you tested positive f... - NRAS


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Can you still take biologics if you tested positive for covid?

Ms-D profile image
46 Replies

I am awaiting my covid results but wanted to know if I can take my Idacio tomorrow? If I cant thats a problem as I am in agony at the moment....😫

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Ms-D profile image
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46 Replies
AgedCrone profile image

Is there any real reason why you think you should test positive?

Have you been in direct contact for longer than 15 minutes with someone you know has got the virus?

As it is the weekend and if you are really worried I would call 111 as they seem to be the Oracle re-Covid at the moment.

Fingers crossed it comes back negative!

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to AgedCrone

Two colleagues tested positive yday and working closely with them in a class i got tested too. I am waiting results. But there are 6 more teachers who have been in contact with this teacher too so all are worried.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Ms-D

I wouldn’t worry too much I was listening to a scientist on the radio yesterday and he said the vast majority of people who do test positive are asymptomatic and don’t get sick at all-but I suppose you will have to do the 14 days quarantine won’t you?

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to AgedCrone

One teachers who tested positive only had a cold and nothing else and another colleague who got results this morning had aches and pains yesterday. Its hard as being in a school we are surrounded by kids whose parents have been tested positive and then come to school after isolation but by the time they return they have passed the virus to us. One teacher had 2 children in her class whose parents tested positive over half term. She is heavily pregnant and has not returned to school since half term started 2 weeks ago. She displayed no symptoms and now her husband has tested positive as well as her. I am hoping I am negative but since this morning 4 more teachers have tested positive so its worrying all round. The government should have shut schools and taught remotely but no. So I am angry and annoyed that everyone else gets to work from home yet teachers and support staff are in the front line of this deadly virus and risking our lives on a daily basis.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Ms-D

I have a family member who is a headmistress in Birmigham & she has had to find somebody to look after her 5 year old because someone in his class tested positive.

She has a high % of Asian children & many of them have tested positive with no symptoms....she has worked all through since March & says none of her teachers who tested positive...have been being positive isn’t necessarily going to mean you will be try not to worry too much.

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to AgedCrone

Im just worried if i can my biologic tomorrow as im feeling rough with a headache, sore throat and cough

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Ms-D

Sans Covid would you take the meds?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

My understanding is that biologics give protection from the worst effects of Covid. But like everthing, best check with the medics.

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Mmrr

Thank you. If no results by tomorrow will wait till Monday to speak to clinic nurse.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

This from a recent study....

“More specifically, the crude incidence rate of COVID-19 cases requiring hospital care in the general population was 1.28%, whereas, in the biological therapy cohort, it was 0.5%. As a result, an incidence rate ratio between these two cohorts was 0.39, which translates to a substantially lower risk of hospitalization with the use of biologics.”

So we might be at an advantage .....but then on the other hand we might not.... and it doesn’t mention which biologic because they all have different actions.

Best move is to continue to take care I guess?

Turn around on tests are pretty quick. My sister and her son got their results within 48 hours this week. Labs are working 24/7 so you should get results tomorrow 🤞in time for meds x

Ali_H profile image


I rang my rheumy dept when I tested positive and their advice was to stop my MTX (my only med) for 2 weeks. I’ve started it up again but am building up and was a bit chesty the day after each subsequent dose taken (4 now) so am not up to full speed yet. If you can’t get medical advice as it’s the weekend... what flexibility do you have over when you take your med... can you defer it for a day and get rheumy advice (111 probably won’t have much of a clue re where to take DMARD or not).

All the best


Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Ali_H

Hi im only taking Idacio on a fortnightly basis so if i cant get any advice will wait till Monday. Im in agony from joint pain and now cold symptons. Headache wont budge despite taking neurofen twice. Oh well. Still no results but the test was taken at 5pm yday so still early x

nanawilson profile image

My husband Took ill on the Saturday night I was supposed to inject on the Sunday but I had a feeling he had covid as was so unlike him to be so exhausted so I didn’t bother luckily as I tested positive too . I had joint pain too and just thought normal aches so be careful seek advice I was lucky and had it quite mild good luck

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to nanawilson

Thank you so much for replying. All the messages have reassured me to wait till Monday and seek advice. As the day has progressed I am feeling more and more weak and so achy. All my joints feel like they are on fire.

Ali_H profile image

I also upped my VitD intake and drank extra water. Mine started with sore throat, headache, a chesty cough and a general ‘blah’ feeling and I would not have got tested if I didn’t work with SEND students!

Fingers crossed that it is only a cold brewing.


Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Ali_H

Thank you so much. I am waiting patiently lol

helixhelix profile image

There is a trial of giving Humira (similar to Idacio) to people in care homes who test seems it might help control symptoms.

But wait till you talk to your own rheumy.

Our 92 neighbour and family all went down with it a couple of weeks ago, and are all totally fine now. Yes getting Covid can be serious but in the vast majority of cases - something like 93%. - it is not.

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to helixhelix

Its worrying as I am also asthmatic so get a lot of chest infections this time of year so this is the last thing I need.

Fra22-57 profile image

Any bad infection that your body needs to fight would need you to stop biologic.I had shingles and had to stop a month. Thought I would not get back to how I was after but did.You need help from rheumatologist with this answer if you test positive and become more unwell.The biologic suppresses the immune system that needs to fight infection.hope you feel better soon.Sometimes worrying makes us ill

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Fra22-57

Thank you. Still waiting for results

Ms-D profile image

I got tested negative 😊

in reply to Ms-D

Yeee haaaa !! Good news x

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to

Thank you. Took my injection this morning and feel rough. Arghhh. How are you?

in reply to Ms-D

You’ve been itching to take your injection 😁( the things we look forward to. )

Just sent another email about my meds.... email on repeat these days.... I’m slowing down sleep very poor joints waking me up my hands are stiff .. at least shielding so I can take it slow... blessing in disguise 😁x

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to

You make my day hun. That made ne chuckle lol little painful things make me laugh x

Keep at it hun xx

Green230461 profile image
Green230461 in reply to Ms-D

Good news 😃

Leics profile image

I’m really pleased you tested negative I hope you feel better soon. I’m worried about my daughter too who is a chemistry teacher and pregnant at the moment. Currently there are 10 teachers off in her school who have Covid. It’s very worrying for staff in schools it seems to be where most of the virus is atm. Keeping everything crossed she doesn’t get it as we are providing childcare for our 18 month old granddaughter and I would hate to not be able to see her again even though we don’t have contact with our daughter. Worrying times for all.

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Leics

My work colleague is 11 months pregnant and awaiting her results. It is scary and I hope that your daughter does not get it. Schools being open is a huge mistake and we are all placed at risk. I am happy that I am negative but still scared all the time as the kids and their parents are still mixing households at the weekend despite a national lockdown. You would think adults would have some common sense but nope. Anyway thank you for the message and hope all is well with you. I bet you must be having your hands full with a little one around.

Leics profile image
Leics in reply to Ms-D

Yeah it’s very hard work but I love it nevertheless. I’ve been having a bad time for almost a year constant flare and I’m so glad my husband manages to do most of the running around. I’m clinically extremely vulnerable too so technically I shouldn’t have contact with anyone either but what do you do when your daughter has to work and there’s no other help except for a complete stranger ? It’s only one day a week but it keeps me going and I wouldn’t change a thing. We are lucky that my hubby has loads of holiday so is able to work only 4 days a week until Christmas. Not complaining as I’ve got an appointment to sort some meds out in December too and I hope that next year will be much better for all of us.

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Leics

I hope you find some relief soon. Thinking of you x

Moomin8 profile image


I've just been told that I will take - after it's been approved🤞I'm just sitting in a hospital waiting to check for Hep B - has to be done apparently. How are you getting on with it? I was on Cimzia but it had stopped working, unfortunately. I work in a primary school BTW 🙂

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Moomin8

Hi not good constant headaches and nausea. Dont know if this biologic is helping as more pain now than before. How are you? Went back to class yday and surrounded by sick kids. Im sure half are covid positive just not showing it lol

Moomin8 profile image

So sorry to hear you're going through the mill atm. How long will you/do you have to wait before you can talk with your clinical team? I'd keep them in touch with your reactions so far and moving forward. I've woken up with a headache, but I always get them with a steroid injection. I was told to carry on with my Cimzia until I hear any news on the Idacio because it's only a 2 week window that has to be left in between these biologics. Even if/when it gets approved, they then have to get delivered and I have to wait for a nurse visit to be with me when I have at least my first one. Being near Christmas holidays by the time anything will happen, I won't hold my breath. I'm back into school next Wednesday...and plan to keep as far away from everyone as I can - especially those pesky kids - who I really miss 🥰

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Moomin8

I missed my kids too. Sorry for ranting just fed up and i know its no miracle drug but thought id get some relief now. Oh well. Had swollen hands yday and we were doing DT making houses. I couldnt even cut. I felt useless. What dose are you taking Idacio? The injectapen doesnt hurt as much hut side effects are bad.

in reply to Ms-D

I’m sorry your still suffering.. hate this trialling drugs it takes so long. Don’t understand shielding us then sending us back to work when this time of year is when bugs are at their worst . Hope drug decides to kick soon x

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to

Thank you. Did yours arrive? Well BJ announcing bubbles for xmas fears me as im divorced and ex will have daughter over xmas mixing with lots of people whilst im staying safe. It makes me so mad but no one cares. Unless you are in this pain no one gets it.

in reply to Ms-D

This bubble Christmas 🤬will only prolong this virus and stop start of shielding will drive us mad. Stress levels go up disease activity increases and we can’t get consistent medical help.. then there’s the kids , life is so restricted for them even without lockdown. BJ needs to come and live in the real world. Sorry not helping you with my moaning x

Ps start baricitnib on Friday.. at long last

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to

Woohoo I am so happy that finally you start your biologics. How are you feeling about that? I think I am close to screaming at the top of my lungs as the pain and being at school are getting to much. Anyone going to have the injection to protect us from covid? I am in 2 minds.

in reply to Ms-D

I spoke to my nurse. She said go for it. The only problem is they don’t know how long it lasts and it could be like the flu jab a yearly thing.

Im not getting my hopes up on this drug I’ve had too many reactions/ disappointments will just see how it goes.

Please contact your team or get a sick note for a break. Get well then go back x

Moomin8 profile image
Moomin8 in reply to Ms-D

Hi Ms -D, I'm not sure of dosage, but I'm presuming 40mg? I haven't had confirmation yet....🤞

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Moomin8

Well I hope it works for you but I have been told to wait till January before either it stops or changed to something else. I am used to the fact this does not hurt but the pain in the joins is unbearable.

Moomin8 profile image

Doesn't sound great...

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Moomin8

You will be okay im just odd and nothing likes me when it comes to meds x

Moomin8 profile image

😅We are all odd - that's for sure!🤪

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to Moomin8


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