Bbc1 8pm tomorrow: PM address tomorrow night Tuesday... - NRAS


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Bbc1 8pm tomorrow

allanah profile image
156 Replies

PM address tomorrow night Tuesday 8pm bbc1

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allanah profile image
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156 Replies
Lolabridge profile image

Not looking forward to it. Will we be told to resume shielding do you think?

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Lolabridge

It doesn't look as if shielding will be reintroduced for now, almost certainly it won't be in Scotland.

I think restrictions on socialising are almost certain and more besides.

I've found it a long wait from the coronavirus televised update this morning until the update from politicians tomorrow.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Mmrr

That’s his Cobra meeting isn’t it today delaying him addressing the nation.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Lolabridge

Not yet i dont think . I think he will advise us all to stay apart and limit socialising. Might stop inside visits? Or more mask wearing ? If it still goes up then yes I think they will. That's my guess.they need to sort out oap visits tho. The phrase by Chris Whitty and sor Oatrick today of let's kick this can forward until the Cavalry arrives seems sensible, the cavalry be vaccines Jan/february?

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to allanah

Do you think vaccines jan: feb? Even if that were the case, I think it would be months before we actually got them rolled out- they have to manufacture at incredibly high numbers then role them out - it’s not just the U.K. but the world 😔😔

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Eiram50

Yes that's what all the scientists are saying. The government is already manufacturing it and produced a paper last week on who would give the jab .! Britain are in deals with 6 companies to get vaccine first .

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

Yes cavalry is the vaccines I believe too. xx

cpr02 profile image

Stupid question but am struggling to keep up with all the changes and in pain will it be relevant to scotland too ? Xx

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to cpr02

Scotgov will give an update tomorrow too.

cpr02 profile image
cpr02 in reply to Mmrr

Thank you! Can't wait for this to be over! X

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to cpr02


cpr02 profile image
cpr02 in reply to allanah

Not that it looks like that's going to happen any time soon 🙈🙈🤣

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to cpr02

I'm remaining optimistic. I'm gonna hide as much as possible till the jab lol. But have a day off at xmas and stay out after 10pm sometimes where it can come and get me lol !!! 😂😂

cpr02 profile image
cpr02 in reply to allanah

Are you still working? I worked during pandemic but apart from that didn't really do anything x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to cpr02

Nope luckily got retired on ill health. As an ex itu sister I did struggle with guilt but yeah wouldnt have been good for me to be there xxx

cpr02 profile image
cpr02 in reply to allanah

Oh no enjoy your retirement it's not worth risking your health xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to cpr02

Can I just say EARLY retirement 😂😂😂

cpr02 profile image
cpr02 in reply to allanah

😂😂 x

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to allanah

Oh, me too. But I was ED sister..

I got the guilt when they called me back..

Lolabridge profile image

Pubs to close at 10pm in England from Thursday

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Lolabridge

Ye the virus is a late night owl only comes out after 10pm 😂

deandy0110 profile image
deandy0110 in reply to allanah

Its all a load of shit if you ask me you just said as if covid comes out after 10pm there's certainly something suspicious going on here ..i think its all about control not saying it doesnt exist but I certainly think they are blowing it well out of proportion..i wouldn't be surprised if there will be some kind of chip in the vaccine so we can be kept an eye on where ever we go or whatever we do

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to deandy0110

It does exist . I am annoyed people dont believe that. I know people who died and I know my colleagues are at their wits end .

A chip in the vaccine 😂😂😂😂seriously? . Why .? They can find us all from our mobiles!!!😂

It's easy to trace anyone!!my son has a chip in his hand. He opens doors with it #geek!!

But yes an hours less drinking , think I can cope 😂

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

Exactly re the phones .. and we are all easily traceable unless no devices, but we have other identifiers too. We are on the electoral register and we have hospital records and hospital unit numbers and NI numbers.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Neonkittie17

Indeed but in the words of Boney M... ooooh those Russians 😂ps that was a joke !!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Neonkittie17

CCTV everywhere.....

I have to say, like Allanah, I struggle with the so Called Covid deniers and anti mask protesters etc.

It’s shit for everyone but if we just get on with the business of complying, and doing our best to me keep ourselves and our fellow man safe- the quicker we will get through it.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Eiram50

Yes, if only. 😑 I am quite a disciplined individual and if something is requested for the good of my health and the benefit and safety of others then of course I’ll do it. I can see flouters everywhere and it’s frustrating and disappointing. As soon the radio was announcing the latest on Tuesday lunchtime, the neighbour opposite had a woman sitting on a bench In her garden with with her drinking coffee for about 45 minutes. Why on earth they think these requests and rule don’t apply to them. Our local restrictions said no visiting to others houses or gardens again. I live in an area where lockdown/restrictions have just happened for the third time so it’s really demoralising and worrying to know that a lot of people haven’t really learned anything or changed their behaviour. Here’s hoping something makes them change for the better. We all need to be responsible. Thankfully there are many people who are trying their utmost to help comply and I’ll continue to do that too. I despair at those in denial and also at the anti maskers. It’s selfish and irresponsible.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Neonkittie17

Agreed x

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to Neonkittie17

You are on a roll at the moment NK! Well said again 👍👍😊

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to Eiram50

totally agree Eiram 😊

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to deandy0110

I've just spent 20 days in hospital and can assure you that Covid does exist as does the look in the eyes of the nurses who have cared for covid patients and who have held the hands of dying patients who cannot see their relatives.

All the nurses do on their day off is sleep, that's if they aren't having to do overtime to cover staff sickness from burnout.

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to happytulip

Sorry to hear you have been in hosp HT. I do hope you are ok x🤞

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to happytulip

Get well soon x

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to happytulip

Hoping you’re in the mend. X

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to happytulip

Hope you’re feeling better soon. 💗

allanah profile image

Oh no "bake off" is on at 8pm !!

in reply to allanah

They will waffle on and on BJ will mumble and make no sense it will take an hour . Catch the the summary at the end it makes more sense 😁

HamHammy profile image

Thx for heads up

Ms-D profile image

To be honest his changes will not make a difference if closing pubs abd restaurants at 10. Does the virus work after 10pm? Its all silly but if you csn socialise with another household why are children mixing with so many at school? Ive had kids and teachers drop like flies in last two weeks and you would think being a key worker myself I can get a test but nope. Four days of trying online from 6am for my daughter is so hard.

in reply to Ms-D

It’s laughable... schools stay open at all costs .. even the cost of a test 🙄 we had staff off last week still waiting for tests. I can understand medical staff being a priority but GPs.... mine still not doing f2f .

Annoys me the vulnerable are not getting a mention at all. Ex shielders still got to work .... but only getting minimal care.🤬

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to

How are you doing otherwise? They have changed my biologic to Idacio a biosimilar to Adalimumab. Lets hope it works. Good thing is that its once every two weeks phew lol

in reply to Ms-D

I’m off work 🙄 managed 12 days. I had a steroid injection last Wednesday. Had 2 really good days then BANG I’m much worse. My toes especially throbbing swollen and can’t bend at all and extreme burning. Gp upped c-cod but has completely knocked me out. Contacted hospital yesterday morning but heard nothing yet unusual my nurse is normally good. ( ITCU are very busy here and she was redeployed to there last time🤔🤔)

Oh well can’t be helped. I start baricitnib in 4 weeks... well I hope I will who knows what’s going to happen with the covid situation.

Hope yours works for you and quickly. X

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Good luck. You're getting there !!

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to

Hope you feel better soon hun. Take it easy if you can xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Ms-D

Good luck! I'm on TCZ steroids and Leflunamide. My steroid jab kicked in and I'm feeling a good bit better , thanks for asking xx

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to allanah

Well im happy to hear you are better. Im not on anything but co-cod and that makes me feel like a zombie. Its crazy out there but im sure our lovely PM will make a good decision.🤭

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Ms-D

Absolutely. He will tell us via video link from Italy !:😂😂

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Ms-D

Same with two of my teacher friends x

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to allanah

Its ok to work from home yet send kids into school with 30 kids around them. Arent we so

cpr02 profile image
cpr02 in reply to Ms-D

Thats not good I'm a key worker and get tested every week regardless of it I have symptoms x

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to cpr02

Wow. What area are you in? Im in Brent and havent had a single test done.

cpr02 profile image
cpr02 in reply to Ms-D

Dundee nursing xx

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to cpr02

I envy you. Well i cant wait for 8pm. But not to fussed as its obvious he cares about money not lives

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Ms-D

But so many people don’t understand that right now should only apply for a test if you have my local area people were applying for tests for their children just because they were going back to school.

But they didn’t think of that when they flew off on holiday to countries with far worse virus records than here.

Ms-D profile image
Ms-D in reply to AgedCrone

Agree totally. Ive found it to get a test then finally got one to be delivered at home. I see ppl walking around like nothings wrong. Parents are sending sicks kids to school and thats so sad.

Sheila_G profile image

Do we really need to wait to be told by a politician that we should be shielding again? I will be doing what makes me feel safe. If that means shielding so be it.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Sheila_G

Me too. In fact, I've hardly changed anything since shielding was paused in August.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to MadBunny

Neither have I!!

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to MadBunny

Neither have I.

HermitKitty 😳😻

in reply to Sheila_G

I would feel more comfortable shielding but as the government hasn’t issued any guidelines I have to work.

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to

Yes of course you do. Sorry my reply was insensitive. I know you have no option and I am sorry for that.

in reply to Sheila_G

No no I wasn’t implying that my problem is the governments lack of communication so many left in limbo .

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Yes they left a lot of shielding workers in the lurch ..

in reply to allanah

BJ did say in his speech 🙄🙄 that local lockdown authorities will deal with shielding... big problem there my school is in lockdown area. I live outside 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Sheila_G

We do what we feel is best for our particular for our individual circumstances and I am shielding after Rtx two weeks ago but didn’t really come out of shielding as such properly. x

Nuttyshirlz profile image

I didn’t realise coronavirus could tell the time lol so I don’t get why shut at 10 is going to make any difference to catching it.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Nuttyshirlz

I only hug people after 10pm when drinking 😂😂😂😂maybe Boris is the same !

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to allanah

Yes it must be it. But then how often do you stand next to someone for more than 15mins in a pub 🤷‍♀️

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Nuttyshirlz

In a small pub most of the time . Plenty of tiny pubs in newcastle and london and even here in my local village , where its standing only close up !

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to allanah

Don’t have to tell me about north east pubs lol but you will still be standing next to them at 8-9 etc

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Yes but Boris says covid can only get you after 10 !! 😂😂😂 you in north east too? I'm from Glasgow , living in north yorks !

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to allanah

Yep this pub thing is bonkers- and pointless. I saw that bus drivers are worried about doing the school run as kids are packed onto the buses with no masks. Things are so inconsistent and nonsensical.

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to MadBunny

I went on bus for first time on Thursday and bus driver I’m sure he put his foot down as the school kids were coming out of school. Few put their hands out but he had his blinkers on

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Good for him😊

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to MadBunny

I did get a bit nervous when saw them all lol

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Nuttyshirlz

That's why I'm avoiding times and places when I know they're around😊I was a teacher- so glad I'm retired now.

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to MadBunny

Yes so did I thought I did that but this was 2:30 I forgot kids were getting out of school at different times lol

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to allanah

I’m from north east but live in north York’s

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Keep up are not going to be standing’s all going to be table service put your order in on your phone ..... Then the bar staff bring your drink to you.

If only people had used their heads ......thought it thru & obeyed the rules that first came out ......we would not have come to this!

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to AgedCrone

ppl Will always only do what they want not what others tell them to do. I’ve noticed when I’m out and about ppl acting like everything is normal. I don’t go out like I used to to. Only when I need something.

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to allanah


Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Nuttyshirlz

No it doesn’t have a watch and can’t tell the day of the week it’s supposed to wait for either!

Pognose123 profile image

Where was this announced I don’t see it in the news today?

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Pognose123

Announced on bbc news last night and all over papers today too.

Even more importantly it's on facebook 😂

Pognose123 profile image
Pognose123 in reply to allanah

Thanks - bbc news need to keep up lolz

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Pognose123

Hoping I heard right now. Yeah I'm sure it was bbc news last night. Well if not watch bake off lol😂

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to Pognose123

ITV 20:00 to 20:05 then news special for 25 minutes lol could he not have done before bake off

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

But did you see FB may be banished from Europe if it doesn’t agree to stop sharing European personal data with America?

My goodness will the FB community manage ?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Pognose123

I just turned on to watch the news & there was Blondie!

AgedCrone profile image

He’s on now! Tuesday 1230pm!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

Hes speech to parliament is. But hes Doing a speech to the commoners 8pm bbc1.

So far my guesses have been right!no shielding ...yet

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

Well he seemed to spill the beans....what else would he have to say?

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

I am the bestest prime minister with the best floppiest hair since Hugh Grant. Please love me. We will fight this virus on the beaches ...but donf go to the beach or eat chips without a mask ....

Something along that line ?

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to allanah

And finish with two verses of the hokey cokey....

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

My hubby and I have been singing Hokey Cokey with our own Boris words this afternoon!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

Oh apart from all that😂

Tbh.... he’s the only person I ”know” who has experienced the I guess he does have one up up on us there...knowing how awful it is.

I was speaking with friends last night - okay there were only four of us ....but if we each know 10 other people that’s 44.....and none of us know anybody who has contracted the we decided if we all take sensible precautions.....we are more likely to kick the bucket from boredom than Covid!

I’m sorry to repeat myself everybody - but surely this really is a case of .....if you use your common sense you’ll be fine?

No we won’t be told to shield....we will be left to make our own decisions like big girls & boys. Supermarkets now say they have plenty of delivery slots..... so nobody is going to starve.

In real life people can’t stay home on furlough....sadly the much vaunted money tree is losing its leaves for winter....& sad as it is still going to be Dreary.....but it sure is better than the alternative!

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

You may be in an area where cases are low? I hope you are. I’m glad you don’t know anyone with it or who’s had it and long may that continue.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

Do you personally know anybody...& did it strike out of the blue or were they in the At Risk categories.....If you do,I hope they recover well

We have got to believe if we take all the advised precautions we are very unlikely to contract the virus ......we must not be too frightened to think straight.But everybody has got to come to grips with wearing a mask and social distancing....& not thinking they know better....I and I am sure you .....don’t want to be infected by somebody like that?

Figures quoted in The Lancet - of Hospital beds occupied in England last week were 110,031.......Of that number only 468 people were COVID-19 patients.

So things are really not hopeless as long as people take care.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

No.its real ac . Awful , people struggling to breathe . Seriously awful .. please stay safe

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

Where do you see these people?

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

What people?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

The people struggling to breathe

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone


allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

Ok you get a response but seriously????? 🥶🥵🤮🤧

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

You mean the people in hospital dying here .... come to the north east...I will give you a tour. You may need a mask and gloves and hand gel ,you can only ses my friends families though, you cant visit.

Seriously AC , this is bleeding reality, you are lucky if you havent seen it😪😪😪😪

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

I do know it is real....but what I am trying to get whether you like what the Gov are doing or nobody else seems to have any better ideas, isn’t it best to get behind what we are being asked to do rather than mocking BJ? As he has had Covid....don,t you think he has as much will as anybody to try ensure as many people as possible are protected from what he went through?

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

Seriously lol. We in this country can make fun of our politicians eg many mock the week programmes etc. I wasnt particularly mocking this government, any govefnment would do . But we need to get serious about this pandemic ie worldwide illness

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

Confused here .. who has said it is someone’s fault? I would never say it is Boris’ fault as he is taking advice (well, mostly) from his scientific advisers and his fellow politicians. Is someone saying the spread of the virus is down to Boris and his rules and regs not working? I heard Jeremy Vine on Radio Two on Monday saying that trying to get people in this country to comply with the recommendations to help stop the virus spread was like trying to herd cats. Totally agree.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to allanah

And would you like to ask America, plenty of friends who are paramedics in NY will tell you who they are, Switzerland, my family there , France, mates there, Italy, my mate is a priest there, brazil my friend there, usa, plenty of friends and family there are paramedics and docs working in the emergency units, , germany yep , I'll point you to my friend there whose also seen people struggling to breath .

Graham my mate a consultant in newcastle, andy in Middlesbrough , phil consultant in Middlesbrough, and my bff nicky in Middlesbrough oh and a specialist chest nurse Jill .

I'm sure thet can testify to the hell they have been through.

Daft comment AC I think unless you live away from anyone. Covid is real. Wd have it. It kills folks . Full stop.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

I really don’t think this is going anywhere Allanah...,I am in no way disputing the seriousness of Covid...just the the insinuation it is somebody’s fault here.

As you say...It is world wide ....& everybody who has caught covid has suffered...but in the UK...the figures are no worse than anywhere else....We shall see when the correct figures are published .

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

It's the viruses fault

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to allanah

I think my iPad has a screen has split in three & I am typing in a strip 3cm wide...I am going to bed beforeI go cross eyed.


Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

My heart goes out to all these truly dedicated and brilliant caring people. xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

Where is the insinuation its someones fault?

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

My sister in law’s husband had it very badly early on in March. He doesn’t have any underlying health conditions and he refused to go in hospital at first. His wife called an ambulance after a week when he hadn’t recovered and couldn’t stand up unaided and couldn’t get his breath easily. He was on assisted breathing and took longer than usual to respond to abx and then after a week made some improvement and was kept a second week in hospital under observation. He isn’t right still and takes him a long time to do anything. Can’t walk far. He was working in an office, close proximity to others in Lincoln and travelling up and down to London for work too. He is 57.

A good friend of mine and her husband in Birmingham both had it early on too. They hadn’t been anywhere risky at all. They didn’t know they’d had it as such as didn’t know what all the symptoms were as they got it end of February. She told me she had a flu she couldn’t shake and her hubby the same too. They decided to stay in as much as possible and she works from home as a transport policy writer. They both decided to stay home as much as possible to help everyone and only go to the supermarket and some woodland walks in a very quiet area they live close to. Responsible, sensible people. He’s a freelance photographer and didn’t accept any commissions whilst on lockdown or when he started to feel unwell. As he is an asthmatic he had to contact his GP by phone and he mentioned the flu thing and he got and was prescribed abx for his asthma wheeze. When he said how they’d felt .. both he and his normally very healthy wife, the GP said it sounded like the virus. When my friend’s hubby told the doc they’d both had a distinct loss of smell and taste and it hadn’t returned several weeks later he said he was pretty certain they’d had the virus. Friend’s hubby got tested for antibodies as they were more interested in him being an asthmatic and he tested antibody positive. He has since been helping a local hospital with a plasma trial programme. They are both 60 and from Birmingham. Both doing fine now. Still some loss of smell and taste six months after.

My brother’s wife in Guernsey has had the virus too. She’s extremely health and naturally fit .. a summer swimmer with all those fab beaches and sea! She’d hardly been anywhere but local shops or walks on quiet beaches as they live a bit remote. She felt flu like for a week but not much more, but her symptoms were the classic ones of the virus at first. Out of the four people I know in my family and friends circle she is the one who had it the least. She is 63 and has an under active thyroid which is under good control. All are doing fine now. None of these are local people to us though.

I do feel numbers of cases will escalate now as the Uni’s return. I think you feel more or less confident as to what you will want to do depending on the area where you live.

Agree re the mask wearing and social distancing. Needs to become second nature really. I’ve seen a terrible woman I know on FB saying she won’t wear a mask as she doesn’t have to protect others. She won’t distance and will meet anyone she wants and go to their houses and will ignore pub curfews. She is to put it bluntly an airhead. Her husband is very rich and will no doubt be paying her fines. She is the kind of person who should know better and doesn’t care she at all if is she is asymptotic as she’s not wearing a mask to protect the likes of me or you! She said it’s all a “scamdemic” so the government can control us. She’s sadly not as bright as she likes to think she is. Also she’s telling people to get hold of Hydroxy and talking about taking it like it like a vitamin. Crazy. After that I blocked her on every form of social media as I can’t read that BS.

I am still on post Rtx shielding from 8 September as strictly instructed by my rheumy biologics sister and I’ve no plans to do anything she says I must not. As time goes on and hopefully as the numbers dwindle down again. then those with R.A./comorbidities will feel more confident to venture out more. It’s a stop start situation and we will likely be doing all this two steps forward, two steps back for many months yet.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Neonkittie17

What you say just confirms what I am trying to get across ....much as we all want life to go back to where we were this time last year....mocking what BJ et al are saying will not make that happen & all we as individuals can do is take very good care....& not treat things lightly as a lot of people’s have been doing. ...& others have been paying the price.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

Whose mocking.? Boris does have ruffled hair and does say yes but no but. . Covid us real, a bit of teasing of our government is normal

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

The “I refuse to wear a mask“ airhead is typical of those who won’t wear masks thinking they will rebel against the government trying to control them. TBH she hasn’t a good grasp of much of what has happened anyhow. This woman is also recommending people should try get hold of Hydroxy to take with their vitamins as she fancies herself as a health expert. If it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

If you mean when I referred to Boris and me saying earlier I had been singing Hokey Cokey to my husband when he said what was the latest news, I was referring to .. in out, in out re pubs and not going in people’s houses then being allowed to. It’s actually quite an accurate reflection of how things have been U turning. I have no hatred of Boris.

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to Neonkittie17

excellent post NK, thanks x🙂

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Kags1068

💗😍Thank you.

Nuttyshirlz profile image
Nuttyshirlz in reply to AgedCrone

I do my sons father inlaw got it. He’s in his early 50s he got it in March in Manchester and one of my cousins hubby got it in Sunderland both have recovered from it. Luckily

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to Nuttyshirlz

Thank goodness 💗

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to AgedCrone

You're lucky . My family and friends are in Newcastle : suffering xx

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

I’m in the Kirklees area .. it’s not much better and this is our third round of restrictions.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Neonkittie17

My other boy is near there in wakefield

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

We are more or less equidistant to Leeds, Bradford and Wakefield.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

Has he been long down here?

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Neonkittie17

4 years

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah


KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to AgedCrone

You’re not alone AC, I don’t know anyone who has had Covid and only know two people who have been tested, one a nurse. I was discussing this with wider family recently and none of us apart from the nurse knew anyone who had had it. Maybe I’m lucky and live in a big bubble who are being very careful 🤷🏼‍♀️

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to KittyJ

You keep in that bubble & look after yourself. ....sadly there are many places where the bubble has burst......why nobody really knows.....but we see what happens when it does.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to AgedCrone

Thank you. I’m not in a Boris bubble as such .. I do go out but carefully as we all should. 💗

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to allanah

Don't forget the permanent smirk -I'm sure that will be in evidence too, along with the many ums and aahs and general incoherence! 😁😁

in reply to Kags1068

Oh and the ruffled hair just before he goes on air 😁

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Lol xxx

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to

Of course, how could I forget that?!😄

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Kags1068

Yes but no but !

Kags1068 profile image
Kags1068 in reply to allanah

Uncanny Alannah - it's as he was here!😄

allanah profile image

Scotland announcement about an hour from now..

Bake off delayed 🙄

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

Ha hax

in reply to allanah

It wasn’t worth watching BJ ..

Can’t quite work out the sentence that had deeply spiritually reluctant ?? New one on me x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

We will fight covid on the beaches, stick together .. ok I'll write a speech for tomorrow!! Or later if I have time!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to allanah

Ps...dont shoot the messenger lol !!

in reply to allanah

😂😂😂 just been howling at Matt Lucas and his impression of BJ

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to

It's funny!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to allanah

Done a post of a song 😂😂

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to allanah

Think he’s gone in another time zone back to WW2.

Ms-D profile image

Well what a lot of rubbish. I wasted time listening to him when he doesnt even give a hoot. I hope everyone keeps safe during this surreal time xx

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Ms-D

Will try .. xx you too xx

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to Ms-D

What really gets up my nose is, he/they don't give a hoot about vunerable shielding people who are still being made to work even if they feel it not safe to do so.

Neonkittie17 profile image
Neonkittie17 in reply to wishbone

I feel so sad for this too 😢

allanah profile image

So.... Post was pm speaking 8pm bbc 1 : that happened!

VeronicaF profile image

The trouble is this winter everyone has their heating on, family visit unkown to them they are carrying it, then you got everyone catching it.

ban all home visits ,see family outside, if its not raining but very cold, wrap up

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