For Wishbone : Deformed right hand - NRAS


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11 Replies

Deformed right hand

11 Replies
wishbone profile image

That is one deformed mitt you have there Angel! :-O Seriously, it looks awful and is a lot different to mine, which is more claw like. Your fingers look swollen too where mine are not. How many years has it taken to reach that state?

I'll try and post mine after one of my children or granchildren come visit.

sylvi profile image

WOW my middle finger is going like that, but it isn't as bad as yours are yet, but it gets very hot and

Linda-C profile image

I got to look in the mirror of my right hand and got a shock, after seeing it for years looking down on it. Now I can see the old dears being accused of being a witch when, like us, they got deformed by this disease.

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Linda-C

I’m exactly the same Linda, I’m always shocked when I see my hands in a mirror, seeing what other people see. I’m a witch too 😊

LinaM profile image
LinaM in reply to Linda-C

Yes I feel really guilty now because I remember not wanting to hold my grans hand when I was little because the look of it freaked me out 🤦‍♀️Now I’m the gran with the witchy hands 😂

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to LinaM

Welcome to the coven Lina 😊

LinaM profile image
LinaM in reply to KittyJ

Wish I could cast a spell to heal us all 💕

Plumcrumble profile image

Yes, it's a real pain literally, your poor hand looks very swollen, I've got deviated hands, they swell up sometimes across the knuckles, but don't hurt unless someone shakes my hand then they're painful, one benefit of covid 😉. But I find I'm just very clumsy 😁 hope the swelling goes down soon

Best wishes Sarah

LinaM profile image

Oh no that looks so sore AngelMar 😨 my left hand is pretty bad and I definitely think the warm weather has made it worse . I find stretching the fingers and spreading them apart gives a bit of relief . Hope yours calm down a bit soon x

Neonkittie17 profile image

Sorry for your hand. Looks like my right hand with a middle finger Boutonnière deformity and my left hand middle finger has a swan neck deformity. The tendons have slackened allowing the bones to drop out of alignment. They don’t hurt, so I’ve been told don’t have surgery, but picking up small items up is mostly difficult. If I have surgery I could end up with a straight finger that doesn’t bend and as I’m an artist I don’t want to lose any dexterity or skill there. I do have the Oval8 little plastic finger splints like little flesh coloured rings to hold the affected fingers/joints in place which can help as they can ache but don’t hurt. Can’t upload a pic with a reply but my boutonnière is much the same as yours and the other fingers on that hand have drifted. Strangely that Boutonnière middle finger has more movement than any other and can touch the palm and can move it fine but it is most visibly deformed. I’ve had a lot of horrible insults about my hands from complete idiots, including “ugh how can you do anything with THOSE?!” (Guess they couldn’t do art degrees/artwork with their non rheumatoid perfect hands though .... I did point out I’d rather have deformed fingers than a wicked evil tongue ....) Hope your hands aren’t painful and hope Wish can get some relief from his. x

Dodo1943 profile image

Gosh! Have you had any referrals to orthopaedics for possible interventions?

60+ years keyboarding aided by my local orthopaedic team’s early intervention saved my left hand from deformities long before my RhA diagnosis. Initially I had a trigger finger released, followed some years later by simultaneous surgeries for De Quervain’s and Carpal Tunnel syndromes.

Into lockdown I’ve developed a painful trigger finger in my dominant right hand, which is programmed for surgery later this month, so I’m very relieved for early intervention once again.

My feet, with their congenital defects, are a totally different kettle of fish ....

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