I was taken off Methotrexate by my GP 12months ago as I kept sweating, vomiting and fainting while I was at work. I then saw my consultant who send she would send me for some tests before deciding what to do next. I have had all the tests that have all been fine but never received a follow up appointment. While I've been waiting for a follow up I have had numerous flares lasting a couple of months at a time so I have now left my job as I have been feeling dreadful most of the time. I keep ringing and trying to get an appointment but they say I'm on the waiting list. Finally I got appointment for April which they have now cancelled due to corona virus. I just don't no what to do now or if being of medication for all this time is doing me even more damage. The situation is really frustrating and getting me down but I don't no what I can do. Anyone else have problems getting seen by their Rheumatology Dept?
Do you have problems getting Help from your Rheumatol... - NRAS
Do you have problems getting Help from your Rheumatology Dept.?

Yes sadly this is familiar. They always promise the next appointment in 4 months or 6 months but won’t let you make one before you leave and then of course the letter never arrives. I have taken to ringing up to ask.
Do you have an advice line or way of speaking to a nurse? If not I think you should complain via PALS or even change hospitals xx
Hi Lyndy I can ring and get to talk to a nurse but they have said I need to see the consultant so she can discuss test results and see which medication I should be put on. I'm just worried what harm is being done with all these flares over more than 12months. All the hospitals in my area are under the same trust so not sure if changing would help and I don't like causing a fuss in case it makes things worse. I'm feeling really stressed with it.
Poor you it's most unfortunate and you've obviously been suffering. Have you been offered a telephone appointment instead of the one in April that has been cancelled?If not I would ring and ask for one so you can have some advice on how they want you to proceed.
Good luck
I have in the past. I found I needed to be proactive, phone calls emails with photos sent to the clinic nurse and consultants secretary. I’m afraid those you make the most noise get heard. Now in these difficult times with doctors being deployed it’s going to effect our treatment
When I had my first consultant appointment I had no swelling of joints or redness. She told me to come back in three months, which considering what she could see of me was understandable. However, I had various flares after that and after the first one was really down about it all so the next time I had one I went to the GP who ordered blood tests and then wrote to the the Rheumatologist so I got an appt much sooner. You really need to make sure they know what you're going through. Good luck
My RA dept were playing silly buggers and I went to my gp and she wrote a letter saying I needed seen urgently. .. I got an appointment in two weeks.
Hi ..l was in exactly same situation as you finally got my appointment..consultant said had to try another medication so got appointment with biological nurse for 15th April..just been told it's been cancelled cos of virus hence back on painkillers..annoying but out of our hands .take care x
Hi. I like Greek salad too. Lol. I think your situation is obviously made worse by the fact that hospital appointments are being cancelled right left and centre right now. I have had 4 appointments cancelled since this started and my husband 2. His were diagnostic appointments for potentially serious conditions. He actually said I might not catch Coronavirus but I might die of something totally unrelated. He was joking but it is also a possibility for a lot of people. If I were you I would try to speak to the rheumatology department and ask if they can recommend some interim pain medication that your GP could give a prescription for in the meantime because of the pain you are in. Take care. Xxx
Was on 8 week appointments then said wasn’t happy about pain still in and was told if I wanted to see the consultant and not the very helpful rheumatologist nurse it would be 6 months wait. I have rang the helpline and the nurse specialist rang back and have been very helpful above and beyond as always. Seeing a consultant is another thing.