Priority delivery slots : Hi everyone, I’ve been... - NRAS


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Priority delivery slots

Lizard28 profile image
86 Replies

Hi everyone, I’ve been getting my shopping delivered since March now. Didn’t think I would like someone picking my shopping but to be honest it’s been great, food has always been fresh and it gets delivered right into my kitchen. I noticed this week that from the end of the month the priority slots are back to the normal delivery charges so is this the end of priority slots? I live about ten miles from my supermarket so I’m now thinking of buying a six month delivery contract especially over the winter as I am still wary of going into shops and picking my shopping when I don’t really have to. What’s everyone else starting to do?

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Lizard28 profile image
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86 Replies
JEM95 profile image

I’m another one who has used home deliveries - although not the priority slots. I’m going to continue too, as I have been very happy with the service and the quality of the supplies plus I spend much less by avoiding shopping whilst hungry!!

I also am keen to avoid shops and any public places really until we have a vaccine.

As I am at home all day I go for the cheaper slots - usually mid week, early afternoon - and it costs £1.50. A bargain!

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to JEM95

Hi, yes I agree, I am at home all day and would go for the cheaper slots as well, it’s good to know I’m not the only one thinking like this, I used to love a wee day going to even Tesco but the thought of it now scares me, and it’s great when they carry all the heavy items right to your door.

JEM95 profile image
JEM95 in reply to Lizard28

I used to enjoy a browse round the shops but the thought of it makes me quake now!

It’s going to be online for me from now on - not just food!

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to JEM95

Me too, think I’m getting addicted to shopping online lol, there are such a lot of bargains out there if you watch closely. Will I order another top 🤔 lol. Take care xx

JEM95 profile image
JEM95 in reply to Lizard28

I’ve just started my retirement, so have had a big cut in income which lockdown has helped with too 😉 I am a reformed character going forward!

Have fun on the Internet and keep safe! xx

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to JEM95

Thank you, I officially retired last year and I think you save money as well buying only what you need, not getting tempted to buy extra.

Mmrr profile image

I've used home delivery sporadically over the years, and regularly over shielding with my priority slots. I am intending keeping a big supermarket delivery every fortnight, and going to the local smaller shops as needed for fresh fruit and veg and any wee top ups.

I have wondered about the delivery contract too, I think it might be worth it for the convenience and peace of mind.

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Mmrr

Good idea, I also use our local milkman, he comes round at some point every day, he brings milk eggs, cream and fruit juice and a lot cheaper than the shops. He must be about 80 and faithfully does his rounds from the farm 6 days a week.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Lizard28

I started having milk and eggs delivered during lockdown and found it really good. The milk is in glass bottles with foil caps too 😎

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Mmrr

I think it is good to buy local, we need our small shops, our milkman chats to all our elderly neighbours as well, we would certainly miss him if he didn’t come round. His eggs are smaller but you get a tray for £1 or whatever he charges on the day, if he doesn’t have change you can pay him whenever lol.

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Mmrr

I've heard on the news that people in some areas who relied on home deliveries by local sources have since ditched them in returning to the supermarket which I think is a bit sad. I would love to have my milk in a glass bottle again.

in reply to Mmrr

I do this too milk bottles again and bread,eggs and just loving it. Supports local people too.

Alone717 profile image
Alone717 in reply to Mmrr

Yes 'Milk & More' deliver quite a lot through your local milkman; prices are more but free delivery; check out their website

I think that's a great idea lizard thanks for the suggestion. I'm not ready to hit the shops whatever Boris says.

Lolabridge profile image

My weekly shopping deliveries have been a life saver and I will definitely keep having deliveries though maybe not so frequently.

I can’t say I’m keen to go back into a supermarket yet nor most other enclosed spaces.

Baby steps for me I think ...

Gnarli profile image

We have had deliveries during quarantine although never priority slots and two of the children did loads of food shopping for us. I was very grateful but, oh, the frustration. Control freak here hated it with a passion. So, being retired, I've been shopping in a small local supermarket, getting there for the doors opening all masked up and being very careful. I'm looking forward to not washing it all, though

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Gnarli

We don’t have family nearby so it was great getting a priority slot, it was manic at the beginning of pandemic, we could only get shopping every three weeks and nearly all our shops were closed, we live in a very small town, I had to ration our bread or make it till my flour ran out. Thank goodness for my freezer.

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Lizard28

I'm truly blessed. Even one of the children living over an hour away offered. There's a CoOp in the village, we grow lots and the freezer has been a boon.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Gnarli

Have I missed something? I too wash all the shopping- is there something happened whereby we can now stop


Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Eiram50

No, I don't think you've missed a thing. I was just dreaming of a time when we don't have to. I know it's to protect us but there's something so boring about it my spirits sink

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Gnarli

Ah, gotcha!

Yep, get the delivery and then it takes a good hour to wash and out things away - like you, I dream of the day when we no longer need to!

Having said this, with the exception of one of my sisters and apart from people here, I know of no one else who does this. None of my colleagues do and even my nieces who are ICU nurses, don’t!!

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Eiram50

We can't be too careful! Even before all this I'd wipe any ring- pull cans

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Gnarli

Me too!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Gnarli

I’ve never actually drank out of a can. Just something my dad was against so as children, we weren’t allowed to and always had to use glasses - my kids are the same, just stuck, I guess


Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to Eiram50

I did learn to drink from a bottle recently but cans no. Just no

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Eiram50

Yes you would get the plague as rats wee on them in the cellars, according to my dad 😂

Gnarli profile image
Gnarli in reply to allanah

My Mum said the same

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Eiram50

I didn’t wash my groceries, I didnt buy loose stuff, but I took everything out the packaging, put tins in cupboard, then I washed my hands thoroughly. Was just too much effort doing that, I was careful and so far I’ve been ok.

Bionic1 profile image
Bionic1 in reply to Lizard28

I've never washed my shopping either. Like you I wash my hands after. Been doing this way since lockdown began

Bandittabby profile image
Bandittabby in reply to Bionic1

I've always used online shopping and found it very difficult only being able to get one slot every couple of weeks. However I finally managed to get priority booking and that has helped. However, I must confess I don't wash anything other than my hands!!

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Eiram50

I always wash everything and quarantine letters too , was told by my previous colleagues in itu !

Bookworm55 profile image
Bookworm55 in reply to allanah

I wash washable packaging - plastic etc and leave everything I don’t need immediately in the garage. My reckoning is that if it’s there for 2-3 days then it’s safe . With stuff for the fridge and freezer - I have one of each in the garage- I used to wipe it with anti bac wipes and then put in. Don’t bother with that now - too tedious! I also used to leave the post on the doormat for a few days but stopped that too. I’m not in the shielding group and the infection rate here is low too- it was very high here before and at the beginning of lockdown.

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to Bookworm55

Sounds good x

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Eiram50

I stopped washing delivery goods as of a few days ago. It did take a bit of control not too, but I was finding it so physically tiring and the infection rate is so low around my area that the effort was more than the risk. Strange old times we are living in.

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to Eiram50

I have never once washed my shopping. For me that’s a step too far and can’t do it forever. Knowing me anyway, I’m bound to miss something so it would be pointless

CagneysMum profile image
CagneysMum in reply to HappykindaGal

Me too.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to HappykindaGal

My neutrophils are rock bottom, I have new drugs which are having little effect and 20 mgs prednisolone a day for over 2 years I think I was playing safe. But enough is enough, some normality has to resume and I cant wash things for ever 🤣😂

HappykindaGal profile image
HappykindaGal in reply to Mmrr

Hahaha. You could, but half your life will disappear in front of you. It will seem like it anyway 🤣🤣

I’m using the click and collect service. My hubby or sister who drive past regularly just pull up outside Pop the boot and they put it in . Won’t be supermarket shopping for a while

Lizard28 profile image

If I Go out my daily walk, my hubby will go into the butchers and I wait outside, I think it’s going to take a while, if ever, getting back to normal.

Thingybob profile image

I have also been impressed with online grocery delivery. Its so much easier than the faf of driving, parking, weilding a trolley, queueing, packing and carrying !! And the time can be spent doing more interesting stuff 😉

I will continue to use the delivery shop.

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Thingybob

You said it thingybob, I totally agree.

Gigi71 profile image

I’m going to continue with my food delivery, very good service, such pleasant delivery men too, they deliver to the step as shielding. My slots at 11 to 12 is only a pound. I really don’t feel like going to a supermarket anytime soon, so much hassle. X

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Gigi71

Gosh that’s a brilliant price, mine have been £2 but still a bargain, it would cost me more in petrol to get to my supermarket. Mine drop everything at my kitchen door as it’s at side of house. My delivery men men have been so nice. One gave me a free ham joint last week as it wasn’t what I wanted, so he said he would refund me and told me just to keep it.

Gigi71 profile image
Gigi71 in reply to Lizard28

That’s great, I’ve had a few bargains too, mostly had all I ordered, but occasionally given me a better product or larger size and refunded the difference in vouchers for the next shop. They also have the 12 to 1pm at 50p but the gardener normally arrives about then, or a grandson pops by for a chat or lunch in the garden. It’s Sainsbury’s, the parking is a nightmare at our local store, so I’m more than happy x

Boxerlady profile image

I used to have a delivery every 2 weeks or so before lockdown but wasn't offered priority slots (and didn't think that I deserved one as I wasn't self-isolating) so we've been using local small supermarkets. I'm not keen on starting again as you can't get it without plastic carrier bags - or has that changed? It is was great when it used to come in crates we unpacked on the spot.

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Boxerlady

At the beginning they were delivering in the good carrier bags but the last few weeks it was in the thin cheaper ones, but I honestly think it will be back to the crates again as it costs more but must be easier for the drivers bringing them in bags. My cupboards can’t take anymore plastic bags so hopefully they will stop soon.

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to Lizard28

You can give the bags back to your driver.

ranne21 profile image
ranne21 in reply to Haz58

I leave boxes outside the door and Asda’s delivery driver puts my shopping in those. No carrier bags and lovely delivery drivers too!

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to ranne21

Same here, wipe down boxes outside the door and a little thank you note pinned on them.

Alone717 profile image
Alone717 in reply to Haz58

They will not accept bags at this time, maybe later.

Dobcross1 profile image

As I hate going food shopping I'm going to keep the online deliveries anyway! They've been brilliant during lockdown. I'm sure when I was first given a slot the email said it would continue till October and I haven't been told its ending - so fingers crossed! Can't say I feel the same about online shopping for clothes - have tried twice now to order clothes from two different stores and every single item went back. The sizing is ridiculous and things that are supposed to be a certain size either hang off me or won't fit an arm in🤣😂. I'll have to give up buying clothes until shop changing rooms open as trying each item on is all I can do (saving money but dressed in rags at the mo!!🤭).

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Dobcross1

Oh I didn’t see that it was on till October, it’s just that the pricing is going up from 1st August, I just assumed we weren’t getting it anymore.

Dobcross1 profile image
Dobcross1 in reply to Lizard28

I would check though as I bet each supermarket is doing different things 🙄

Alone717 profile image
Alone717 in reply to Dobcross1

Try Fteemans they are really good; free delivery and free courier returns fro your home; you gert25% off your first order and they are always sending me good offers.

Summerrain14 profile image

I love my online grocery shopping. I am registered Blind so this is the best way for me to always do my shopping and have the delivery passes set up which saves a lot of money over the year. Just had my Sainsburys shopping delivered this morning. Still feels like Christmas every time I get a delivery. Never taking anything for granted again. 😊 x

allanah profile image

Yes I'll pay and Boots also get you to pay for delivery now.

But our council have made a deal with Tesco and Sainsbury for after shielding so that if you cant get a delivery booked you call them and they get you a space .

I nearly always did online though since I got RA as I couldnt get around a supermarket unless I could use a buggy but then you could only buy a small amount as those clip on trollies are small.

Eiram50 profile image

I do the letters too. Everything!

JRL1965 profile image

I use Ocado. Find them more reliable than the others and good quality. I pay 2.99 per month for free delivery Tuesday to Thursday

I did try Sainsbury’s but they were very unreliable and there were several items they charged me for but did not deliver, and trying to get a refund was a lot of hassle! ASDA were more reliable but I found the quality was not as good as Ocado

Rubyroo1 profile image

Hi, we are keeping booking them in as far out as possible - you can stick in any old shopping, currently my hubbie sticks in a few bottles of gin so we can book the slot with the value needed for the delivery and then checks out - you don’t get charged for this but in order to get the slot you have to check out . We then amend the shopping to suit what we need nearer the delivery day and before the cutoff time . I think at the moment we have managed to book deliveries 3 weeks in advance and just set ourselves a reminder to change the shopping hopefully this might be of help?

in reply to Rubyroo1

I do that, reserve my delivery slot with gin!

Haz58 profile image
Haz58 in reply to Rubyroo1

I do that too. No worries of staying up late to get a slot then. X

Magnoliaflower profile image

Hi I’ve been doing the 6 month delivery contract with Tesco for years, I have a mid week saver plan it is very cheap and very reliable. You do have to spend over £40 but it is still good value if you miss a week occasionally. Why go shopping and lug everything from shop to car to door if you can get someone else to do it for you , you then have the energy to go out and buy things you really need to see. 😁.

HappykindaGal profile image

I love deliveries! I get a weekly veg box, bread delivery from an amazing baker, things like dishwasher capsules etc...all on Amazon subscription so I don’t even have to think about them and makes life much easier. Loo rolls on six month subscription from Who Gives A Crap. Once a month Ocado as they have some really interesting stuff.

Life’s too short for shopping 🛒

SEAgran3 profile image

We moved to an apartment about 6 years ago. Have had fortnightly shop delivered since we moved in. Really works well. Before lock down, staff carried it in and helped unpack. Can’t fault it most of the time.

Evie3 profile image

I hadnt heard priority slots were ending soon. I am with Asda. Its been excellent. When they first contacted me it said until October🤷‍♀️

Be happy to pay a delivery charge if necessary tho.

Sheila_G profile image

I have been getting shopping delivered as well as having wonderful family and neighbours getting things for us. It will be a long time before I go in a supermarket again, if ever. I never liked them anyway. I will certainly continue to have shopping delivered. We also have great click and collects locally. You order, pay on line and are given a time slot. When you arrive you open your boot, get back in the car then ring them and they come and put the shopping in the boot then walk away. You then drive off. No need to be near anyone. It's brilliant. I am not sure how much longer that will last though. x

Haz58 profile image

We have Tesco deliveries and have had the priority slots since April. Just gone back to picking our own delivery time no we go for walks. We used them before that too for a year paying every 6 months, well not paying exactly, we used our point vouchers to pay.

I love it! Only thing is with fresh stuff make a note to them stating they give you goods with the longest use by date. Very rarely the dates are too short. But if it can be frozen I freeze it.

Saves money too as you only buy what you need, no picking up ‘ooh I’ll have this’ while going along the isles. :)

Nuttyshirlz profile image

Hi I’m also on priority delivery. I also thought it was too October. But if I have to pay I will keep it going. As weather gets worse it’s going to be a nightmare standing out in cold waiting in line. I get mine delivered every few weeks. I did read that bags have stopped.

MadBunny profile image

I haven't used delivery as my husband has been doing the shopping for us.I have started to venture into our small M&S food but only if it's not busy (I can see from the door!)It was very daunting at first but I take all the precautions I can. I only get small amounts eg bottle of mk and loaf.Unfortunately we don't have a small local shop I can go to.

Mumcon profile image

My daughter got mine and delivered as I couldn’t get a slot, but since the end of June I got a spot I would rather get it delivered as it means not having to stand in queues etc

Lizzie3 profile image

I have been getting my shopping using mainly Tesco's priority slots which were £2. From the 3rd of August all delivery slots including priority will be £4.50. Will be complaining to the company and looking elsewhere.

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Lizzie3

This is what I thought just wasn’t sure if we were still getting priority slot, it’s Tesco I use.

Mileydog profile image

I stopped mine a few weeks ago because there was always a few things missing , which often meant I could not have my planned meal and I still had to go into the shop .

mrawnsley profile image

Go for it - I prefer online grocery shopping - enjoy!

samjam profile image

My husband has been doing the shopping but I have registered in case of need. I still wipe my shopping and ensure I wash hands when finished and when I touch post. I would rather be safe then sorry. Personally think we will need it if a second wave happens but also at the end of the year for Brexit,

embroy profile image

I think it is a great idea, I have started to go out nowadays, didn't go for 3 months, and I can get whatever I want, but with the Guidelines, all shops have been marked all over the country, so you need not worry, Don't forgot your mask...

suwinter profile image

I’m sure that at least some of the supermarkets are carrying on free deliveries for vulnerable people. Asda‘s free delivery pass lasts until October ( At least according to my account). I also think that I read in one of the letters that we would carry on getting free deliveries, will check where that was written and update :)

suwinter profile image

Update - the website says that if you already registered for priority shopping, then you’ll keep it.

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to suwinter

That’s good to know, shame they are more than doubling the delivery charge for us.

rokia profile image

Same not going out as I’m very wary but still feel sad at not bieng able to check the shoot before I buy 🤦‍♀️

mhlmom profile image

I’ve enjoyed having the priority slots. Have used Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Morrison’s during shielding but have settled on Tesco as I can always get a slot within a few days and the food is the freshest of the three (but that’s just my local service rather than a generalisation). I find that if I log in the night before and check my shopping basket, it tells me if anything has gone out of stock so I can order an alternative rather than just leaving it to the picker. I won’t be returning to going into supermarkets until we have a vaccine. It’s been one of the bonuses of shielding and the Scottish government have said it would continue even though shielding was being paused from 1 August. I hope it does.

Sallysuk profile image

I too was very nervous of visiting the shops again and have been getting a weekly food delivery but the number of short dated items and strange substitutions has driven me back to Lidl /Aldi. I go quite early midweek and the shop is fairly quiet with most people observing social distancing. The joy of selecting my own longer dated items at a fraction of the supermarket products was worth the initial trepidation. I will still have the odd delivery to keep my name on the supermarket loyalty list and they did help a lot during lockdown but I do prefer to do my own shopping.

Bizzie profile image

Asda have given me my priority slot until October so thankfully I don’t have to worry yet.

Lizard28 profile image
Lizard28 in reply to Bizzie

I received my letter from Gov.Scotland the other day, it did say I will still get priority slots from 1st August but I can now go into shops if I wanted to, which I don’t. The difference is we no longer get the £2.00 delivery charge, it now goes up to their normal charges which is £4.50. I have decided to pay £47.94 for a 6 month contract.

Bizzie profile image

Oh I see. I didn’t realise delivery costs had changed as I’ve only done online shopping since this all started.

Like many people though, I may carry on with some deliveries but I’ll be glad when I can choose my own stuff too.

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