Hi folks, has anybody tried intermittent fasting to reduce inflammation and weight? I’m considering it but just wondered if anyone had experience and if it was effective. I’m considering doing an 18:6 ratio where you fast 18 hrs (only liquids) and eat in the 6 hr window. Thanks M x
Intermittent fasting : Hi folks, has anybody tried... - NRAS
Intermittent fasting

I’ve tried but I didn’t have much success im really struggling to loose weight. I’ve gained 3 stone since diagnosis but a stone since I started entanercept in January. I’ve tried everything and I’m exercising more . Fed up. I eat clean and healthy small portions 🤷🏽♀️
Hi marie66 - I am on a keto diet for cluster headaches/migraines and it does work for me. It's not doing anything for RD though, which is rampant. I have also had success with intermittent fasting but find it hard to keep it up or stick to any kind of routine and it's not great for my head overall as being hungry often triggers a migraine. Fasting is proven for various things. It's just a much more natural way of eating, what we would have had to do hundreds of years ago and I'm all in favour. There are some very interesting articles written in the major newspapers - have a google!
Probably not a good idea if you are on medication...your blood sugars will be all to pot.....& will quite likely send the meds haywire.
If you think about it....if fasting had been clinically proved to be helpful- your rheumatologist might just have recommended it?
Most think sticking to a Mediterranean diet of plenty of fresh fruit/veg, lean meat & fish ......keeping well hydrated & leaving out processed foods & sticky buns is the way to help RA. The bonus being it tends to hep with weight loss...but at the beginning it does take discipline.
IF has been shown to clinically improve blood sugars, reduce hypertension and cholesterol and many other issues. The usual routine is 16:8.
Thanks for input folks. It's the 16:8 routine I'm considering. My son is a runner and during lockdown he's put on a couple of pounds, not much but he's using this method to shift it for his race meetings coming back on again so he's guinea pigging it at the moment! M x
I can never fast because of the need for food with all of my meds. I've heard different things about fasting but my own personal initial thoughts are that I'd feel unwell if I skip meals or don't eat something sensible and healthy 3 times a day.
As you say .....taking meds on an empty stomach isn’t a good idea.
Some like Riveroxaban can't work without food. In my view fasting is great if your healthy but not otherwise.
Not tried it but heard it can reset the immune system. My friend does it, she has
M. E.
I’ve been Officially diagnosed with RA Since 2016. In that time I’ve been on several different treatments and I was still feeling like crap and in pain and fatigued.....
I started intermittent fasting a year and a half ago. I read a book by Gin Stephens called Delay Don’t Deny and she has a FB support group as well where People are guided and supported through this lifestyle and you can see everyone’s honest testimonials and daily struggles as well.
I started with 16:8 and then once you get the hang of it it’s easy to progress to 18:6 or even 20:4 or 24 . I am in full remission now. I have no inflammation , I feel great , nothing hurts. I still get stiff sometimes - I still have arthritis but the inflammation is gone! I take plaquinil and leflunomide ( only 4 days a week now). I used to take methotrexate and prednisone and other pain meds. All that is done with now.
I I give credit for this to the fasting. Once you read more about it you will find out that through fasting a process called autophagy is activated and through this process the body starts to repair and heal itself more actively .
I wish you all the best !
I do a daily fast and keto/low carb and it's the only way I have been able to shift weight since RA. There is a really helpful site on here which is run by NHS
I do do intermittent fasting. When I really stick to it, it makes a massive difference to how I feel and my energy levels go through the roof. Has it made any difference to RD? Not really I don't think. I eat two meals a day between 8am - 4pm. Sometimes just one meal at around 3pm.
Hello Marie, I had great success pre-RA with the 5:2 diet, which is reducing calories quite a lot on two days a week and eating normally (not voraciously!) on the rest. I found it incredibly easy, lost the weigh I wanted and continued with it to stay healthy. When I became ill, I stopped, but now I am in remission I will probably return to it.
I don't know about reducing inflammation, but I stayed very healthy on it for a number of years. Best to ask your consultant about it, though.
I've been 5:2 fasting for about 5 years. It's helped me lose weight (4st) and now helps me maintain that weight even when on pred. I'm sure that losing the weight has helped my symptoms but I can't honestly say that my RA has improved because of it.
I prefer the 5:2 because it suits my medication routine an means I'm not taking drugs on an empty stomach.
I've spoken to my rheumy consultants and they didn't have any concerns.
Hi I think as long as you take your medication with food you should be ok if that is how your medication should be taken, Also if your over weight it may help losing some, to help your joints. As long as you are sensible while doing it.
But maybe 5:2 is a better fit for you and maybe separate the 2 fasting days apart. Good luck x
Hi marie66. I started the 16:8 in Jan. I have lost 30 pounds. Now to be honest I cut back also on carbs, sweets and water be. I find it is easy to follow. I recommend it I’m on humaira and on/off steroids. Good luck if you try it 🤞🤞
Sorry it should have said wine not water. I drink 2 liters of water a day.
It's very easy to do 16:8 and that is usually what I do most days. I also try to do 18:6 2 or 3 times a week. I have pretty much cut out all processed food and between IF and cutting out anything which has more than a couple of ingredients I am no longer on meds. My head is also far less 'foggy'! If you are someone who grazes all day you may find it more difficult, but not impossible and well worth a try.
I tried this. Unfortunately with the meds I am on it made me feel very sick. Be careful. 😊
Hiya. I was in remission for 5yrs from RA and after a "virus" in March I'm back to swelling, fatigue...joy!
What I found worked for me b4, after trying lots of ideas, was the Med diet and swimming alongside Medication. I've talked to other people with RA who've found other ways. I think the reality is finding something that works for you and feeling you have some control. It's your immune system that's struggling, it's part of you, so be kind to yourself if poss. Good luck x