Do your pets know when all’s not well with you? - NRAS


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Do your pets know when all’s not well with you?

Hessie5 profile image
29 Replies

Yesterday I had and still have the worse flare ever since taking this biologic. The last flare I had that was this intense would have been coming up to a year ago.

It's funny as I said only last week as I glanced over at my glitzy walking stick - I hope I don't need that anytime soon - well sure I spoke too soon.

I had the worst night sleep, felt as if someone was twisting my left foot, yep the road work was back as the pain radiated to the top of my left foot, it brought tears to my eyes. It was back to hobbling/crawling to the loo. I just could not walk. Now my beautiful cat stayed with me all night, and he jumped up right alongside me as if to say you got this 😌 He would pop down now and again but then came right back always right next to me as if checking in. I felt so very comforted; this is why I love having pets.

Woke this morning with a crushing headache, the pain still there but eased a little. I am going to spend the weekend fasting and relaxing. I can only pray that this episode was a one-off.

Hugs to all those fabulous pets that keep us comforted during times of discomfort. 🤗 - Great weekend all. - Hessie

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Hessie5 profile image
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29 Replies
Ruth12345 profile image

Sorry you are rough. Hope its very short lived. Our cat would come and snuggle up (especially to my daughter) when we were not too good and when our daughter was having a period from hell, instead of hot water bottle he used to stretch out over her tummy. Sadly he died earlier this year. She is now married and as much as I love cats I cant bear to have another one. Oh wont anyway. So I understand. Enjoy the company when you are able to do little else.


Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Ruth12345

Thank you Ruth12345 - What a sweet cat, now who needs a hot water bottle. My two are indoors and no issue as they sleep most of the time. I am feeling somewhat better this morning as I can walk, yeah! But still tender. Just made a cup of liquorice tea and took a paracetamol and back to bed. Enjoy your day ahead. 😌 Hessie

Ruth12345 profile image
Ruth12345 in reply to Hessie5

Rest well and hope this is very short lived for you. 🐈

rounder profile image

Sorry to hear you're suffering just now, I often get a flare in very hot humid weather too, so it's been a painful week here too.😓. Last night was rough with hip, knee and ankle pain,I tried a bit lack which normally helps but I was too hot for that.

We have a little dog who certainly knows when I'm struggling, when I had a nasty back injury last year she spent many hours lying on the end of my recliner chair with her head on my knee , somehow it's quite comforting having her there. She's currently curled up next to my chair keeping me company.

Here's hoping that today is a better one for you, I plan plenty of pain killers, copious amounts of tea, a good book and some musicals on dvd.

Take good care of yourself, he gentle with yourself until better days return.

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to rounder

Aww, Rounder - I can only empathise RA is such a wicked disease; it lulls you into a false sense of security then jumps out at you when you think all's well.

Your dog sounds terrific, and they do sense when things aren't right, I agree with the comfort factor too.

I hope all your pain and discomfort eases as you rest - I am going to indulge with tea and my iPad. Look after yourself too 😌

Oh Hessie this disease loves to creep up on us and knock the legs from under us. The weather is very oppressive at the moment. I know we are going to get thunder storms and my body is letting me know. I too have a whopping headache.

Pets definitely know how to read us . My own dog Darcy ( greyhound) knows if I’m struggling when she wants a walk generally she barks at me if I’m bad she will go to my sons bedroom and bark at him. If I do walk her and the body is on a go slow she will not leave my side even when off the lead.

My father has a very boisterous lab he jumps all over you but when my brother in law had cancer and had to have his stomach removed my father visited him when he came out of hospital and Jack his dog just ran in to the house put the brakes on and just sat beside him looking at him . How they know always surprises me. It’s so lovely.

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to

Thank you - the weather certainly is breezy and more cool today. I am grateful as I have been extremely hot lately. Now I do think I ate something or it was the long walk I endured yesterday, and perhaps my shoes that caused this debilitating flare 🤔

Darcy sounds tremendous and smart, hugs to her - I just need to train my cat to go to my daughter's room as I so needed paracetamol's last night but didn't want to wake her. Dogs are remarkably intelligent; that's a fact.

Hope your headache is feeling somewhat better - have a comfortable, relaxing weekend - Hessie 😌

Lolabridge profile image

I’m sorry to hear you’re suffering at the moment and hope you can get some help and relief soon. I’m so pleased you had your cat to comfort you and I’m sure our pets do know when we are suffering and want to be there for us.

My lovely tabby was wonderful company when I was suffering so much at the start of my R.A. journey. When I was almost immobile she was always on my lap or by my side. She was old and not well herself and sadly she died last Autumn. I miss her still. I’ve missed not having a cat during lockdown and as soon as the cat rescue centres near me open I will be looking for another. 🐈

Dspooky01 profile image
Dspooky01 in reply to Lolabridge

Get a pair! I don’t know why but we get strays coming, looking pathetic and saying how they’d heard it’s worthy of their presence 😺No need for us to go out!

I’m thinking of putting a sign up saying No vacancies as with four cats we are full! Watching our latest little lad (Macavity) playing with Robin (the three legged 7 year old) is a joy and so relaxing to see that Covid-19 doesn’t affect everything.

Lolabridge profile image
Lolabridge in reply to Dspooky01

How lovely to have such company through this lockdown.

My cousin and his wife who live in Menorca were adopted by five strays who walked in and made themselves at home.

I have had cats all my life and always got them from rescue centres. Both my daughters have a rescued cat each too.

I did have two tabby cats for many years. Now I have a small house and a tiny courtyard garden so I think one may be enough.

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Dspooky01

We have a pair (boy and girl not related) they are family and so blessed to have them. It's certainly true they can help de-stress your life. Take care.

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Lolabridge

Thank you Lolabridge - lovely to hear about your cat they are so beautiful, and I am sorry about the loss she certainly has a great place in your heart with such fond memories. I would always have cats - it must be exciting to know you are getting another!

Have a lovely weekend - Hessie 😌

Fruitandnutcase profile image

Definitely - we used to have a lovely old rescued cat. If I was ever ill he would come upstairs and sit quietly with his feet tucked under him what he considered to be a respectful distance from me and watch over me.

I was always amazed that he could tell the difference between me being in bed because I was ill and being in bed when I wanted a lie in because I was feeling lazy - then that happened he would stomp all over me howling until I gave in and got up. He was without a doubt the perfect sick visitor.

I hope your lovely cat’s magic works and you feel much better soon. 🐈

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Fruitandnutcase

Thanks for your kind note - your cat sounds like a real character they are smart - you just have to smile. Agree they are the perfect comforter 😌 Think the cat magic is working as able to walk around now. Enjoy your weekend - Hessie x

Fruitandnutcase profile image
Fruitandnutcase in reply to Hessie5

Well done that cat 😉

rab1874 profile image

Sorry your having a hard time off it rest up and hopefully it will pass,your spot on about our pets I’ve got a 8. Month puppy and I got him in January thank god he was a lifesaver in the lockdown and follows me everywhere and wished I got him 5 years ago when I retired medically as he’s my wee pal xxx

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to rab1874

Rab1874 - thanks for your kind message - My daughter keeps showing me posts of gorgeous puppies - I just melt. Their cuteness and gestures make me smile. Pets can make you feel better on those not so up days. Hope all’s well for you - sending a virtual hug to little pup 🤗

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to rab1874

I still want that dog! 😁

rab1874 profile image
rab1874 in reply to springcross

Your 1st on the list

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to rab1874

Yay! 😁😁

Gnarli profile image

I'm saddened to hear you're not well at the moment and hope it's just a brief thing. Yes, animals do know when we're poorly. Suki won't leave me if I'm unwell. She's like a furry ball and chain velcroed to my leg.

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to Gnarli

Thank you Gnarli - just a little blip oh the joys of RA! We can all relate. Love the term velcroe - 😁 - I wonder what it is they sense shall have to review. Have a wonderfully relaxing weekend both you and Suki. 😌

springcross profile image

Hi Hessie. I agree about pets and yes, they give so much comfort, particularly when we are unwell. I remember several years ago coming home from work early because I had the most atrocious migraine. I went upstairs and got into bed and my two dogs jumped up - one tucked into my curved front and the other hugging my curved back. I felt so secure and guarded and went sound asleep. When I woke, my headache was so much better and my two beauties were still in the same positions. They knew I was unwell and showed how much they cared. God bless 'em all I say, where would we be without them. Hope you're feeling better. xx

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to springcross

Hi Springcross - I love these stories, I feel better already just hearing them. Having pets takes your mind away from the discomfort. Such unconditional love that's why we love them back.

Enjoy your weekend - Hessie 😌x

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Hessie5

Couldn't agree more Hessie. There you go, just talking and hearing about them has made you feel better, that's really good. You enjoy your weekend too.

Ooh hessie that sounds tough. Can you put your feet in a washing up bowl of very cold water. Add ice if you can stand it. 20 mins. It's great at getting the fluid to get carried away from the joints.

My cat Tess is pretty aloof. It me who takes her to the vet, buts her food and medicines, cleans her tray but she's all for my hubbie. But if I'll in bed like when I had flu in Jan she sleeps on my bed with me. They know when you're not right don't they?

Hessie5 profile image
Hessie5 in reply to

Hi Kikideelili -it certainly was a rough night - good news though took paracetamol, and things have now eased - took a lovely shower 🚿 used cold water aimed at my feet - soothing. Hopefully, I shall get a better night sleep. Thanks for the tip shall give that a go tomorrow - take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend 😌

in reply to Hessie5

Awh good I'm glad. Night night 😘

Hessie5 profile image

Dear All - just an update - Besides a broken back tooth, my terrible flare and a sensitive tooth today - feeling fab 😁 Thanks for sharing your stories really helped towards feeling better - virtual hugs 🤗 Hessie

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