Phoned Rheumy helpline and got a nurse who obviously was not interested...said she had read my letters and it was obviously 'too' soon for the MTX and Hydroxy to wasn't the propanonol beta blocker probably just a flare up !!!! take paracetamol and ice packs...well that has made me feel fabby :/... I only asked because it is a new symptom. Please give me some wise words xxxxx
Minding my own business and now have swollen hot knee... - NRAS
Minding my own business and now have swollen hot knees and feeling rubbish.

How long have you been taking mtx and hydroxy? If it is longer than six weeks i would ring your rheumy again. Ive will help with the swelling as does paracetamol. If your not happy with your rheumy you can complain to your hospital through PALS. Also you can see your dr and ask them what they think. Sending hugs. sylvi.xx
Hydroxy takes 12 weeks to work properly so try to be patient if you haven't given it this long yet. TTx

Hi Tilda..thankyou..feeling very worried as the knees being hot and swollen are new to me. Seems to have happened around the same time as being put on propranolol
for being anxious. Think to be honest the whole weird symptoms cause is scary.
After feeling not too feel I am put back weeks
Hope you are well Tilda xxx
Hi Syvi..thank you for answering. I have been taking MTX and hydroxy since June had to stop of 2 weeks after the scare with the sulphsalazine which I don't take anymore.
I am not due to see my consultant until end of September. I am just annoyed about the vagueness of what drugs do what between the GP and Rheumy nurse.
Thank you for answering and hope you are alright x
Sorry for my ignorance Rockpool but what is the propranolol for? Before the MTX and Hydroxy kicked in I had hot swollen and extremely painful knees a few times - it goes with RA - in fact was how mine started. Maybe you should go and see your GP rather than rheumy nurse and check as it's important they monitor your symptoms too. TTx
Hi Tilda...Propananol is for my supposed 'anxiety' attacks..had to phone the docs ..just before they closed..obviously a pain in the bum now at the surgery :/ be told these drugs wouldn't cause swellingof my GP took time to speak to me.relayed through the receptionist who told me to go to Rheumy..OMG. stopped the tablets..and guess what...swelling has gone..lost excess fluid and feel much better. I did look up out of interest some of the side effect of the Propananol and one says.swelling..see doc immediately..Good job I look after myself..this is one scary ride. Hope you are well xxxx

Hi Rockpool
So sorry to hear this. Doesn't sound like the nurse was very sympathetic. It probably is a flare, but maybe she wasn't thinking how scary that can be when you haven't experienced it before and it is all new to you!
As the nurse said, paracetamol and ice packs can help. Stiffness can worsen the pain, so you could try gently exercising the knees if they start to stiffen up. It is also good to rest and try to avoid stress (not easy with the pain I know, but it can worsen a flare).
A flare would basically be defined as joints becoming swollen and tender, and this swelling can make them very warm. The better controlled the RA, the less you should get flares, but sometimes they can come on as a result of stress or overdoing things (other times there's no obvious cause). If the swelling doesn't go down of its own accord let the nurse know again, as they might suggest a steroid injection.
There is no such thing as 'just' a flare, as although they are unfortunately part and parcel of the RA, they can still be very painful and difficult to deal with.
I hope you start to feel better soon.
Kind regards
(NRAS Helpline)