Hi everyone, I’m the new kid on the block 😊. - NRAS


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Hi everyone, I’m the new kid on the block 😊.

GeorgiaBulldawg profile image
9 Replies

Even though, I’m not a kid at the age of 51, but am a kid at heart😊

I have been in every medicine known to man for RA, before introduced to biological meds.

I now take Enbrel injections once a week.

Before the Enbrel, I was in excruciating pain, debilitated,depend of others to help me, to do the simplest of things. I slept a lot b/c I had to take powerful pain meds before I got in Enbrel. Within three injections, pain and swelling began to subside. A few more weeks past by, no more pain or swelling, other than when I do too much and cause myself to go into a flare up.

The down side to taking the Enbrel is that it makes me soooooooovery anxious, anxiety attacks and I pour sweat, face/neck flushing.... sooooo embarrassing ! No, it’s not menopause symptoms, as I had a complete hysterectomy in 2005. So, now I’m taking anti anxiety meds. Helped some, but not a whole lot. Spoke with Rheumy, May need to increase my anxiety med dosage very soon, as the anxiety and all the other symptoms are really getting the best of me.

And having to deal with our state Governor opening our state to full operation, IS NOT HELPING !!!

My immune system is very compromised b/c Enbrel is a very powerful immunosuppressant, I have asthma, and my meds for my asthma has steroids in them and they too, take your immune system down.

So, until last Sunday, I have been in my home for 52 days.

Rheumy told me not to even go outside with a face mask on. B/c the germs are airborne and deposit in your skin,clothes,hair.... and when you go back into your home, you take all those germs,viruses,bacteria with you, and when you take your face mask off inside your home, you put yourself in the position to get covid-19 or any other illness, that with such a weakened immune system, could result in a serious illness with no immune system to fight for me... NOT AN OPTION !!! IM STAYING IN, we have groceries delivered with no contact to our home.

Sure will be glad when all this chaos that this virus has caused the world is gone and I pray that we never see it again !!

Bye for now😊

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GeorgiaBulldawg profile image
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9 Replies
springcross profile image

Hi Georgia. Welcome to the forum. I hope you manage to get your anxiety under control, RA is such a bitch of a disease isn't it and can really mess up lives. This virus is one very scary virus and we should all pay heed to sensible instructions. Our instructions here in the UK are a little bit confusing but all being well, we'll get there. Stay safe and take care. xx

Summerrain14 profile image

Hi Georgia, welcome to this great forum. I really hope that your anxiety meds help. Such a complex condition for us to live with and all it brings with it.

I am a big kid at heart too so you are going to be in good company with us. 😊

rab1874 profile image

Hi Georgia welcome,anxiety’s a big part off this illness and also depression, I started going to a mans group on a Monday night and it’s helped me no end,it’s so popular that they started a Women’s group as well on a Tuesday night,I wasn’t one for telling people my problems but after a couple off weeks I just let go and haven’t looked back,I’m on Toximilunumb a biological drug and it’s really changed my life ,we’re all here for each other on here so welcome again xxx

dawkin_S profile image

Hi Georgia, great to meet you! Sounds like staying in is definitely the best thing you can do for now. Stay in and stay safe!

I hope your anxiety is getting a little better - this situation is so stressful, I know. You'll find us a friendly bunch - and don't worry about being a big kid, who isn't! :)

helixhelix profile image

I’m on Enbrel too (and methotrexate), bit it took three months to work for me - I was just about to give up! But now it’s good, and I don’t have your side effects thankfully.

I’m in a different country, and my doctors aren’t too bothered about me being on these drugs with the virus as long as I’m sensible. I still have a functioning immune system, as otherwise I would get constantly sick and I don’t. Haven't had so much as a cold since I started the drug. So I can go out, and take exercise every day, plus get food shopping every 10 days or so, which is important to me as otherwise I would go nuts. I avoid anywhere crowded, and public transport for the moment, wear a mask in shops and wash or clean my hands a lot. But I live in a quiet rural area where people are being careful and respectful of the rules.

But I’m not on steroids and those are much more of a risk, so you really must take care to stay safe. Perhaps try meditation?

Are you sure it is the Enbrel making you anxious, not the steroids? I refuse to take oral steroids now as they really messed with my head.

Stay well

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to helixhelix

Good point hh....Steroids caused me great problems ....no anxiety....just massive confusion....,now I am really grateful, because I have not had the difficult task of being weaned off them.

janmary profile image

Welcome - as various countries ease lockdown in different ways we’re all looking at each other to see how it goes.

It’s all a muddle here!

stbernhard profile image

Hi Georgia. Welcome to the forum. I hope you find a way of getting on top of your anxieties. Have you ever thought about mindfulness/meditation to help you alongside with the medication? It might be worth it to look into this. Take good care.

Douglas78 profile image

Hello! The current situation is such that we do not know clearly how the virus comes and do not even know how to treat it. Everything is very individual. But I myself am very much afraid of complications. I follow the usual precautions, but I am looking for additional options for myself. So I read recently that standard air purifiers can kill germs and virus. This is very similar to the truth. I want to try this for myself because I have a predisposition for neuralgic asthma.

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